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Table of contents
{: .text-delta } - TOC {:toc}- [Here]({{ "/races/secondary/subrosian#overview" | absolute_url }}): Fixed a minor typographical error in the Subrosian Race’s Knack featurette.
- [Here]({{ "/races/secondary/talking_animal#talking-animal-racial-bonuses" | absolute_url }}): Talking Animal’s Armored featurette now uses your base Fortitude, as intended. Ever-Ready now explicitly references Belt Slots.
- [Here]({{ "/races/secondary/twili#overview" | absolute_url }}): The Twili bonus that grants two additional items on the hips now explicitly references Belt Slots. This change includes a preemptive clarification that items in those Slots are not hidden when In-Hand.
- [Here]({{ "/playing_the_game/arming_yourself" | absolute_url }}): Removed Hand Slots and replaced them with two additional Belt Slots, as well as the In-Hand condition. This is intended to allow a Hero to hold up to 4 items, regardless of whether they are 1H or 2H items, without otherwise changing how sheathing and holding items work.
- [Here]({{ "/combat_basics/basic_attacks" | absolute_url }}) & [Here]({{ "/combat_basics/maneuvers" | absolute_url }}): Clarified that Maneuvers are Standard Actions unless otherwise stated.
- [Here]({{ "//combat_basics/maneuvers#pickpocket" | absolute_url }}): Clarified that Pickpocket takes an entire stack of items on a success.
- [Here]({{ "/hazards_recovery/status_effects#halted" | absolute_url }}): Clarified that, while Halted, you can’t do other things that would move you (such as Maneuvers or Techniques).
- [Here]({{ "/feats_spells_techniques/feats#fairy-friend" | absolute_url }}): Fairy Friend: an enemy can now be Marked by multiple fairies, but the To-Hit bonus cannot stack if you do so. This will allow everyone to benefit from Fairy Friend Focus in a battle with only one enemy.
- [Here]({{ "/feats_spells_techniques/techniques#doppelgangers-movement" | absolute_url }}): Doppelganger’s Movement now costs 8 Stamina, not 10.
- [Here]({{ "/feats_spells_techniques/techniques#perfect-deflection" | absolute_url }}): Perfect Deflection no longer references “your Shield” in its Effect text; it instead refers to your Defensive Weapon. In addition, it now references the attacker’s Concentration instead of “the target’s”.
- [Here]({{ "/feats_spells_techniques/spells#daruks-protection" | absolute_url }}): Daruk’s Protection has been reworked: it now guarantees a 50% reduction against all types of attacks, but on a successful To-Hit it will completely negate the attack’s damage and other negative effects.
- [Here]({{ "/equipment_crafting/enchantments#silvered" | absolute_url }}) & [Here]({{ "/equipment_crafting/ammunition#silver-arrows" | absolute_url }}): For the Silvered enchantment and Silver Arrows, linked the “Ancient & Irredeemable Evil” section to help point people toward an idea of a “great evil”. Also made minor grammatical fixes.
- [Here]({{ "/equipment_crafting/foods_elixirs" | absolute_url }}): Capitalized an instance of “Ingredient”.
- [Here]({{ "/equipment_crafting/foods_elixirs#buying--selling-dishes-and-elixirs" | absolute_url }}): Added a section detailing the Point Value of bought Dishes/Elixirs in the top table, as well as a reminder to check the appropriate section to determine what benefits the Dishes/Elixirs provide.
- [Here]({{ "/equipment_crafting/tools#bedroll" | absolute_url }}): Bedrolls no longer contradict the Rest & Relaxation rules on page 75, as their entry now points to that section for their main benefit.
- [Here]({{ "/equipment_crafting/tools#master-cycle-key" | absolute_url }}): The Master Cycle now gains (Rank +1) Durability from most Materials, with Ancient Materials restoring ((Rank+1) x 4) Durability. This will allow rank 0 Materials to be useful.
- [Here]({{ "/equipment_crafting/natural_weapons_weapon_spirits#weapon-spirit-benefitsw" | absolute_url }}): Added text to the Weapon Spirit that clarifies that it can have two of the same Weapon Enchantment. Much like with Armor and Food Enchantments, their Ranks stack up to their regular maximum of 5.
- [Here]({{ "/equipment_crafting/natural_weapons_weapon_spirits#repairing--upgrading-weapons" | absolute_url }}): Upgrading a Natural Weapon now uses your base Traits, as intended.
- [Here]({{ "/mounts_companions#companions-and-growth" | absolute_url }}): Added in text reminding people to keep track of partial Tokens for their Companions. Also some mild wording changes elsewhere.
- [Here]({{ "/assist_mode/repairing_upgrading_mundane_weapons" | absolute_url }}): The wording of the Repair Anything Assist Mode has been slightly changed to match its intended tone.
- [Here]({{ "/master_mode/alternate_companion_growth" | absolute_url }}): Added in a new Master Mode that allows Companions to gain Tokens when Heroes do, instead of when Heroes spend their Tokens.