- Add link to guide to setup and everyday use published on Medium.
- Update language of demo notebooks.
- Add printed confirmation when NOAA API key/token is set.
- Fix variable reference in 03_everyday_use notebook.
- Add geocoder to dependencies
- Fix Readme colab references
- Remove python version requirement from setup.cfg
- Create environment class for handling filepaths for handling running on Google Drive.
- Square importer implemented to allow user's to go through Oath flow to get access to
- their own accounts.
- Weather NOAA class created as weather agent.
- Point README and colab links to live pypi registry.
- Black on source code.
- Update README for pip install and run on Google Colab
- Change to planner folder structure
- Concha initial commit.
- Production prediction based on day of week, weather
- Models implemented: ProfitMaximizer, QuantileRegressor, Mean, MeanWeekPart