Status | Testing | Coverage | Docs | Codebase |
Survival analysis interface in Julia, still very experimental. Tries to build on my R experience with mlr3proba and distr6.
- JuliaStats/Survival.jl implements right-censored time-to-event types, Cox PH, Kaplan-Meier and Nelson-Aalen estimators. Last commit 2022.
- Testispuncher/Survival.jl implements non-parametric estimators and some plots. Last commit 2017.
- kkholst/EventHistory.jl implements different censoring and truncation types and Cox PH. Last commit 2018.
- Kaplan Meier estimator (+plotting)
- Nelson Aalen estimator (+plotting)
- Parametric PH models (Exponential and Weibull)
- Parametric AFT models (Exponential and Weibull)
- Discrete and continuous survival prediction objects, including distribution, linear predictor and general risk return types
- Plotting for non parametric estimators
- Surv object for unified censoring indicator (functionality for left, right, interval)
- Extended formula interface for survival objects
- Log-rank tests
- CoxPH
- Residuals (Schoenfeld etc.)
- Predict type transformations
- Generic plotting functionality
- Proportional odds functionality
- More parametric AFTS
- Analytical optimisation
- Discrimination measures
- Scoring rules
- Calibration measures
- Bayesian interface
- mlr3proba integration
- MLJ integration
- Documentation
Raphael Sonabend 🐛 💻 🖋 📖 🎨 💡 🤔 🚧 📆 💬 🔬 👀 |
Kerby Shedden 📖 💻 |
Moritz Schauer 👀 |