docker-compose up
To stop and remove all containers of the sample application run:
docker-compose down
To stop and remove all containers with Volume of the sample application run:
docker-compose down -v
Note : In Oracle there are two types of database CDB and PDB. We can create at max 3 database.
- database (sid) - xe
- username - system
- password - rajawat
- port - 1521
- database (service) - xepdb1
- username - rajawat
- password - rajawat
- port - 1521
- database (service) - rajawat
- username - rajawat
- password - rajawat
- port - 1521
- Run the following command to open the mssql client terminal
Enter the password (Passw0rd.) when prompted.
docker exec -it oradb sqlplus sys/rajawat as sysdba
docker exec -it oradb sqlplus rajawat/rajawat@localhost:1521/rajawat
docker exec -it oradb sqlplus rajawat/rajawat@localhost:1521/xepdb1
- Run the following command to list all the tables in the connected database
SELECT table_name FROM user_tables;
- To quit the database;