- Make sure that you have Docker and Docker Compose installed
- Windows or macOS: Install Docker Desktop
- Linux: Install Docker and then Docker Compose
- Download some or all of the samples from this repository.
docker-compose up
To stop and remove all containers of the sample application run:
docker-compose down
To stop and remove all containers with Volume of the sample application run:
docker-compose down -v
- username - sa
- password - Passw0rd.
- port - 1433
- Run the following command to open the mssql client terminal and enter the password (Passw0rd.) when prompted.
docker exec -it mssql_container /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa
- To See list of database:
select name from sys.databases;
- Create database command
create database lks;
- Change database context command
use lks;
- Create database command
drop database lks;