MHLocalizable support all RTL and LTR languages , it's a simple and easy framework to improves localization your iOS App quickly, allow you to change language of project in-app without quiting the app by swizzling. it's working on Storyboard itself not string file or any other files.
- iOS 9+
- Swift 4+
- Full supported Swizzling so will change on the fly.
- Working on Storyboard directly.
- Did't use string file or any other files.
- Support all RTL and LTR languages, auto detecte and change the layout according to Language.
- Support reload any specific view after localization.
- Support iOS 9.0+
- Full documentation.
- Support full example.
Simply add the following to your project Podfile.
pod 'MHLocalizable'
Simply add the this file MHLocalizable
to your project project and it will do every thing.
First in AppDelegate
import MHLocalizable
Add in "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions"
//TODO:- DoTheSwizzling
Add in your ViewController
import MHLocalizable
And in the action of button that will change the Language Add this
if MHLocalizable.currentAppleLanguage() != "fr" {
MHLocalizable.setAppleLanguageTo(lang: "fr")
//optional to reload any specific view don't forget change the "Identifier"
MHLocalizable.reloadRootViewController(ViewControllerIdentifier: "your ViewController Identifier")
Thank you Appsinnovate for Support. Thank you moath othman for Inspiration.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.