- /timelapse added to download timelapse files from timelpase plugin by selection
- rework progress
- add new variables for messages ($total_current, $total_remaining, $calculate_remaining)
- Checked all files with shellcheck
- Various spellchecks
- Added missing commands to help output in messenger
- integrate Pull request Support notification based on cooldown of heater bed from @nknotts
- add multicam support
- add Ability to switch photo per action
- switch start script to bash (no reinstall required)
- no message for timelapse pause
- move log file to path from moonraker.conf
- rename telegram_conf.sh to telegram_conf.conf
- add firmware restart and restart to /host command
- add /set:xxx:xx comand
- add support for force login
- add comand for reboot and shutdown for the host system
- message added at z height
- message added at Process in %
- add gif="0" to config for additional Gif at printig state
- add first stepps for .log
- custom comands has been changed so that the klipper shell plugin is no longer needed
- camera and jpeg monitoring added when error present comes an image with error message
- actions improved
- add /gif for 5 second gif
- update /help
- add gcode upload
- add automatic led for picture
- add funktions for groupchat
- add uninstallation.md
- new variables are no longer automatically added to telegram_config after an update
- add Telegram_config.md
- add standby message, complete message, paused message and error message as variable
- add command /power
- add command /gcode_macro
- switch python to to virtualenv
- add /print command
- add placeholders for extruder temperature
- add placeholders for bed temperature
- Spelling error corrected
- support for offical update manager
- Confirmations for cancel and pause commands
- Delays for start, end and pause messages
- bugfixing in install.sh
- fixing bugs
- rework the telegram*config location
- add function to send pictures over the custom command
- move installation from readme to docs
- switch from crontab to systemd service (now you can restart moontaker*telegram without a reboot)
- switch from http request to websocket connection at read state
- New install script
- Add option to disable all commands in config (you will see this after you have execute the new install script)