+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on 21.04.2020
+@author: Christoph Hoeges, Fabian Wuellhorst, Jona Brach
+To test:
+- Transport properties are not fully tested (Status: 11.06.2020)
+- Error raising is not implemented at all refprop calls
+ - Additional change might be that not all errors and warning are excluded when 'use_error_check' is set to false but
+ only warnings or errors?
+import logging
+import os
+import warnings
+import shutil
+import atexit
+from ctREFPROP.ctREFPROP import REFPROPFunctionLibrary
+from vclibpy.media import ThermodynamicState, TransportProperties, MedProp
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+[docs]class RefProp(MedProp):
Class to connect to refProp package.
:param string fluid_name:
Fluid name for RefProp use
:param list or None z:
Fluid composition. Should only be used, when a self-design mixture shall be used. Further information
see notes.
When you want to use a self-design mixture to as follows:
- Fluid-name needs to contain all component names within mixture: "R32.FLD|R125.FLD"
- z needs to be a list with molar fractions: [0.697, 0.303]
- Used example would be similar to R410A
:param string dll_path:
Specifier for the dll path used for RefProp,
e.g. dll_path='C:\\path_to_dll\\RefProp64.dll'.
If None, the `ref_prop_path` and function `get_dll_path` are
used to determine the dll path
:param boolean use_error_check:
Specifier whether errors and warnings shall be checked when calling RefProp or not
:param boolean use_warnings:
Specifier whether warnings shall be used
:param str ref_prop_path:
Path to RefProp package. Default is the ENV variable `RPPREFIX`.
:param bool copy_dll:
If True (not the default), a copy of the dll is created to enable simultaneous use of
multiple fluids in multiprocessing.
:param str copy_dll_directory:
If `copy_dll` is True, the DLL is copied to this directory.
If None (default), the current working directory is used.
- You need to install package ctREFPROP Package
- In case you use a self-defined mixture: Entropy reference state might deviate from GUI!!
- It does not work to have multiple instances simultaneously. When calculating values the last fluid name
somehow will be used even though instance includes "new" name. Need to be fixed at some point.
How to use RefProp-Wrapper:
1.) Create RefProp instance: rp = RefProp("R32")
2.) In case you want to calculate fluid properties (state variables) for a specific state: Use calc_state() function
Multiple inputs can be given (but you need to now two in order to define the values). For further
information see function header.
3.) Further get-Functions implemented
- get_gwp(): Global warming potential
- get_odp(): Ozone depletion potential
- get_safety(): Safety class
- get_mass_fraction(): Mass fractions of pure substances in fluid
- get_molar_mass(): Molar mass of fluid
- get_mol_fraction(): Mol fractions of pure substances in fluid
- get_comp_names(): Pure substances names in fluid
- get_longname(): Long name of fluid within RefProp
- get_critical_point(): Crit. Temperature and Pressure
- get_version(): Version of wrapper and of RefProp dll
Version notes:
0.1.0 (21.04.2020, Christoph Hoeges):
First implementation
- Contains multiple functions to call RefProp instance
- Can calculate state, crit, GWP, ODP, Safety class, molar mass etc. of fluid
- Mixtures might work but it wasn't fully testet - R455A e.g. still deviates slightly
0.1.1 (25.04.2020, Christoph Hoeges):
Multiple changes, added functionality. Commands are still the same though
- Self designed mixtures are possible now as well (see instructions in init
- Added composition input to __init__ function
- Added modes in calc_state function and removed bug in PH calculation
- Additional protected functions due to different input
- Adjusted _call_refprop function (z is not mass frac but mol fraction)
- Added documentation / instruction
0.1.2 (08.05.2020, Christoph Hoeges):
Multiple adjustments
- Added function to call ABFLSHdll function in refprop (high level function)
- Changed function calls in calc_state function to ABFLSH and adjusted conversion
- Change init-function so user can choose which dll shall be used
- Add function to get version of this current wrapper as well as RefProp-dll version
0.1.3 (12.05.2020, Christoph Hoeges):
Multiple changes
- Added function to get all files in MIXTURE and FLUIDS directory to check available fluids
- Added error function in order to return errors when RefProp-Functions are called.
NOTE: Not all instances where refprop is called are checked for errors. Currently, it is only used in
init and calc_state
0.1.4 (19.05.2020, Christoph Hoeges):
Multiple changes:
- Debugged fluid properties calculation for predefined mixtures
- Fixed option of self-defined mixtures
0.1.5 (22.05.2020, Christoph Hoeges):
Include transport properties calculation into wrapper
0.1.6 (10.06.2020, Fabian Wuellhorst):
Add option to use a custom dll path. This necessary to use multiple instances with possible
different fluids at the same time.
# General information
__version__ = "0.1.6"
__author__ = "Christoph Hoeges"
_fluid_mapper = {'air': 'air.ppf'}
def __init__(self,
dll_path: str = None,
use_error_check: bool = True,
use_warnings: bool = True,
ref_prop_path: str = None,
copy_dll: bool = True,
copy_dll_directory: str = None
if ref_prop_path is None:
# Get environment variable for path to dll
ref_prop_path = os.environ["RPPREFIX"]
if dll_path is None:
path_to_dll = self.get_dll_path(ref_prop_path)
path_to_dll = dll_path
if copy_dll:
if copy_dll_directory is None:
copy_dll_directory = os.getcwd()
self._delete_dll_path = os.path.join(
shutil.copyfile(path_to_dll, self._delete_dll_path)
path_to_dll = self._delete_dll_path
except (PermissionError, FileExistsError) as err:
logger.error("Can't copy file to new path: %s", err)
self._delete_dll_path = None
logger.info("Using dll: %s", path_to_dll)
self._flag_check_errors = use_error_check
self._flag_warnings = use_warnings
# Set path to RefProp package
self._ref_prop_path = ref_prop_path
self.rp = REFPROPFunctionLibrary(path_to_dll)
self.molar_base_si = self.rp.GETENUMdll(0, "MOLAR BASE SI").iEnum
# Set fluid name
self.fluid_name = fluid_name
# Get mass and mol fraction and number of components
# Get component names
self._comp_names = self._get_comp_names()
# Mixture flag
if self._n_comp > 1:
self._mix_flag = True
self._mix_flag = False
# Setup
# Calculate molar mass in kg/mol
# self.M = self._call_refprop_allprop("M").Output[0]
self.M = self._call_refprop(inp_name="", out_name="M").Output[0] # kg/mol
self._nbp = None
[docs] def terminate(self):
if self._delete_dll_path is not None:
def _delete_dll(self):
# Taken from here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21770419/free-the-opened-ctypes-library-in-python
import _ctypes
import sys
_handle = self.rp.dll._handle
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
self._delete_dll_path = None
except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError) as err:
"Could not automatically delete the copied RefProp dll at %s. "
"Delete it yourself! Error message: %s", self._delete_dll_path, err
def _call_refprop_abflsh(self,
""" Call RefProp via ABFLSHdll method
You can define multiple inputs but only "specific ones" where no input values are needed for
e.g. M, Tcrit, pcrit
:param string inp_name:
Input commands: "PQ"
:param float value_a:
Value of parameter b defined in inp_name. In case of None 0 will be used.
:param float value_b:
Value of parameter b defined in inp_name. In case of None 0 will be used.
:param int i_flag:
:return ABFLSHdlloutput tmp:
Returns ABFLSH output
tmp = self.rp.ABFLSHdll(inp_name, value_a, value_b, self._mol_frac, i_flag)
return tmp
def _call_refprop_allprop(self,
""" Call RefProp via ALLPROPSdll-method
:param string out_name:
Variables you want to calculate. Multiple outputs are possible:
- Single: "M"
- Multiple: "M,TC,PC"
:param float T_val:
Temperature in current state in K.
Note: In case you want to get general fluid parameters such as M, Tcrit, .. Stick to default value!
:param float d_val:
Density in current state (unit depending on i_mass flag - either mol/m^3 or kg/m^3)
Note: In case you want to get general fluid parameters such as M, Tcrit, .. Stick to default value!
:param int i_mass:
Specifies which units the inputs are given in.
- 0: Molar based
- 1: Mass based
Note: In current version ( Ian Bell says in multiple Git-Issues that you should stick to molar
:param int i_flag:
In current version ( i_flag is used to define whether a string containing the units is written in
- 0: Deactivated (increases the calculation speed)
- 1: activated
:return ALLPROPSdlloutput result:
List with values for parameters
# Check values of T and d
if T_val is None:
T_val = 0
if d_val is None:
d_val = 0
# Define fraction used depending on i_mass flag
if i_mass == 0:
frac = self._mol_frac
elif i_mass == 1:
frac = self._mass_frac
raise ValueError("Chosen i_mass flag '{}' is not possible in ALLPROPSdll function!".format(i_mass))
# Call RefProp
res = self.rp.ALLPROPSdll(out_name, self.molar_base_si, i_mass, i_flag, T_val, d_val, frac)
return res
def _call_refprop(self,
""" Call general refProp function and calculate values
:param string fluid:
Fluid name - in case default value None is used, stored fluid name will be used for command
:param string inp_name:
Input parameter specification
:param string out_name:
Output string name
:param float value_a:
Value of parameter b defined in inp_name. In case of None 0 will be used.
:param float value_b:
Value of parameter b defined in inp_name. In case of None 0 will be used.
:param integer i_flag:
Defines further settings (see documentation)
:param int i_mass:
Specifies which units the inputs are given in. # TODO: WRONG! iMass determines composition, iUnits determines properties (except q)
- 0: Molar based
- 1: Mass based
Note: In current version ( Ian Bell says in multiple Git-Issues that you should stick to molar
:param list frac:
List with either mol or mass fraction of pure substances in current fluid
(in case of single pure substance: [1]).
:return REFPROPdlloutput output:
Command of refprop
# Check inputs
if value_a is None:
value_a = 0
if value_b is None:
value_b = 0
if fluid is None:
if self._predefined:
fluid = self.fluid_name # TODO: in general not necessary, decreases performance
fluid = ""
if frac is None:
if self._predefined:
frac = ""
if i_mass == 0:
frac = self._mol_frac
elif i_mass == 1:
frac = self._mass_frac
raise ValueError("Variable i_mass has invalid input '{}'".format(i_mass))
# Call refprop function
tmp = self.rp.REFPROPdll(fluid,
return tmp
def _check_error(self,
""" Check error code and raise error in case it is critical
:param integer err_num:
Error return code
:param string err_msg:
Error message given in RefProp call
:param string func_name:
Name of function error needs to be checked in
# All fine in case error number is 0
# Throw warning in case error number different than 0 and smaller than 100 is given
# Throw error in case error number higher than 100 is given
if err_num:
if err_num < 100:
if self._flag_warnings:
warnings.warn("[WARNING] Error number {} was given in function '{}'. No critical error but "
"something went wrong maybe. \n Error message is: '{}'".format(str(err_num),
func_name, err_msg))
if self._flag_check_errors:
raise TypeError("[ERROR] When calling RefProp in function '{}' error number {} was "
"returned. \n Error message is: '{}'".format(func_name, str(err_num), err_msg))
def _get_comp_names(self):
""" Get component names. In case current fluid is mixture, only component names will be returned.
In case fluid is a pure substance, substance name is returned.
:return list comp_names:
List with pure substances in current refrigerant
comp_names = []
if self._predefined:
# Note: While trying it was possible to get fluid name as well, therefore n_comp+1 is used.
if self._n_comp > 1:
for i in range(1, self._n_comp + 3):
test = self.rp.NAMEdll(i)
tmp = test.hn80.replace(".FLD", "")
if not tmp == "":
for i in range(self._n_comp + 3):
tmp = self.rp.NAMEdll(i).hnam
if not tmp == "":
# Self-defined
tmp_str = self.fluid_name.split("|")
for i in tmp_str:
i = i.replace(".FLD", "")
i = i.replace(".MIX", "")
if len(i) < 2:
# Replace Carbon Dioxide for CO2
for i, tmp in enumerate(comp_names):
if "Carbon dio" in tmp:
comp_names[i] = "CO2"
return comp_names
def _get_comp_frac(self, z):
""" Get mass/mol fraction and number of components of current fluid
:param list z:
Contains predefined molar fractions in case one is given. Otherwise, z will be None
# Check if predefined or not
# Predefined
if z is None:
self._predefined = True
# Pure substance
elif len(z) == 1:
self._predefined = True
# Self-designed mixture
self._predefined = False
# In case predefined mixture or pure substance is used
if self._predefined:
# Dummy function to get values for z in order to specify number of components
tmp_mol = self.rp.REFPROPdll(self.fluid_name, "PQ", "H", self.molar_base_si, 0, 0, 101325, 0, [1])
tmp_mass = self.rp.REFPROPdll(self.fluid_name, "PQ", "H", self.molar_base_si, 1, 0, 101325, 0, [])
# Check for errors
self._check_error(tmp_mol.ierr, tmp_mol.herr, self._get_comp_frac.__name__)
self._check_error(tmp_mass.ierr, tmp_mass.herr, self._get_comp_frac.__name__)
# Mass and molar fractions of components
self._mol_frac = [zi for zi in tmp_mol.z if zi > 0]
self._mass_frac = [zi for zi in tmp_mass.z if zi > 0]
# Get number of components
self._n_comp = len(self._mol_frac)
# Check, whether error occurred
if self._n_comp < 1:
# It might be possible that z value bugs when calling RefProp. In case of a pure substance this does not
# matter so an additional filter is included
if len(self._mass_frac) == 1:
self._n_comp = 1
self._mol_frac = [1]
raise ValueError("Number of components for current fluid '{}' is less than "
# Get mol fraction
# self._mol_frac = self._transform_to_molfraction(self._mass_frac)
# Mol fraction
self._mol_frac = z
self._mass_frac = []
# Get number of components
self._n_comp = len(self._mol_frac)
def _setup_rp(self):
""" Setup for RefProp """
# Errors can occur in case REFPROP is initalizated multiple time with same fluid - thus a pre setup is used here
self.rp.SETUPdll(1, "N2", "HMX.BNC", "DEF")
# In case of pure substance
if self._n_comp == 1:
self.rp.SETUPdll(self._n_comp, self.fluid_name, "HMX.BNC", "DEF")
# In case of mixtures
# Check if mixture is predefined
if self._predefined:
# Pre defined mixture - different baseline operating point is used
mode = 2
mixture = "|".join([f+".FLD" for f in self._comp_names])
n_comp = self._n_comp
# Self defined mixture
mode = 1
n_comp = self._n_comp
# Define mixtures name
# TODO: Ending is not necessary to create mixtures....
mixture = "|".join([f+".FLD" for f in self._comp_names])
# Setup for mixture
setup = self.rp.SETUPdll(n_comp, mixture, 'HMX.BNC', 'DEF')
setref = self.rp.SETREFdll("DEF", mode, self._mol_frac, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# z = self._mol_frac
# Get mass fraction
self._mass_frac = self._transform_to_massfraction(self._mol_frac)
# Check whether mixing rules are available
if setup.ierr == 117:
if self._flag_check_errors:
raise ValueError(
"[MIXING ERROR] Mixing rules for mixture '{}' do not exist!".format(self._comp_names))
"[MIXING ERROR] Mixing rules for mixture '{}' do not exist!".format(self._comp_names))
elif setup.ierr == -117:
if self._flag_warnings:
"[MIXING ERROR] Mixing rules for mixture '{}' are estimated!".format(self._comp_names))
"[MIXING WARNING] Mixing rules for mixture '{}' are estimated!".format(self._comp_names))
def _transform_to_massfraction(self,
""" Transforms mol fraction to mass fraction
:param list mol_frac:
List containing floats for mol fraction
:return list mass_frac:
List containing floats for mass fraction
tmp = self.rp.XMASSdll(mol_frac)
mass_frac = [yi for yi in tmp.xkg if yi > 0]
return mass_frac
def _transform_to_molfraction(self,
""" Transforms mass fraction to mol fraction
:param list mass_frac:
List containing floats for mass fraction
:return list frac:
List containing floats for mol fraction
tmp = self.rp.XMOLEdll(mass_frac)
mol_frac = [xi for xi in tmp.xmol if xi > 0]
return mol_frac
[docs] def calc_state(self, mode: str, var1: float, var2: float, kr=1):
""" Calculate state. Depending on mode, different function will be chosen. Input state variables need to be in
SI units!
1.) PT does not work when state might be within the two-phase region!
2.) Only functions for density are implemented. In case you know the specific volume instead use density
functions with inverse value!
3.) Quality can have values outside of 'physical' scope:
q = -998: Subcooled liquid
q = 998: Superheated vapor
q = 999: Supercritical state
Possible modes are currently:
- "PD": Pressure, Density
- "PH": Pressure, Enthalpy
- "PQ": Pressure, Quality
- "PS": Pressure, Entropy
- "PT": Pressure, Temperature
- "PU": Pressure, Internal Energy
- "TD": Temperature, Density
- "TH": Temperature, Enthalpy
- "TQ": Temperature, Quality
- "TS": Temperature, Entropy
- "TU": Temperature, Internal Energy
- "DH": Density, Enthalpy
- "DS": Density, Entropy
- "DU": Density, Internal Energy
- "HS": Enthalpy, Entropy
:param string mode:
Defines which input state variables are given (see possible modes above)
:param float var1:
Value of state variable 1 (first one in name) - use SI units!
:param float var2:
Value of state variable 2 (second one in name) - use SI units!
:param int kr:
phase flag (kr=1: lower density, kr=2: higher density)
relevant for "TH", "TS", "TU"
:return ThermodynamicState state:
Thermodynamic state with state variables
# Multiplier for pressure since kPa is used in RefProp
p_multi = 1e-3
# Multiplier for energy
e_multi = self.M
# Multiplier for density
d_multi = 1 / self.M / 1000
# Init all parameters
p = None
d = None
T = None
u = None
h = None
s = None
q = None
# Check modi
# Pressure and density
if mode == "PD":
p = var1
d = var2
var1 = var1 * p_multi
var2 = var2 * d_multi
tmp = self.rp.PDFLSHdll(var1, var2, self._mol_frac)
# Pressure and enthalpy
elif mode == "PH":
p = var1
var1 = var1 * p_multi
h = var2
var2 = var2 * e_multi
tmp = self.rp.PHFLSHdll(var1, var2, self._mol_frac)
# Pressure and quality
elif mode == "PQ":
p = var1
var1 = var1 * p_multi
q = var2
# In case current fluid is mixture you need to transform Q to molar base for RefProp-function
if self._mix_flag:
var2 = self._call_refprop("PQMASS", "QMOLE", p, q, i_mass=1).Output[0]
tmp = self.rp.PQFLSHdll(var1, var2, self._mol_frac, 0)
# Pressure and entropy
elif mode == "PS":
p = var1
var1 = var1 * p_multi
s = var2
var2 = var2 * e_multi
tmp = self.rp.PSFLSHdll(var1, var2, self._mol_frac)
# Pressure and Temperature
elif mode == "PT":
p = var1
var1 = var1 * p_multi
T = var2
tmp = self.rp.TPFLSHdll(var2, var1, self._mol_frac)
# Pressure and internal energy
elif mode == "PU":
p = var1
var1 = var1 * p_multi
u = var2
var2 = var2 * e_multi
# mode = "PE"
tmp = self.rp.PEFLSHdll(var1, var2, self._mol_frac)
# Temperature and density
elif mode == "TD":
T = var1
d = var2
var2 = var2 * d_multi
tmp = self.rp.TDFLSHdll(var1, var2, self._mol_frac)
# Temperature and enthalpy
elif mode == "TH":
T = var1
h = var2
var2 = var2 * e_multi
tmp = self.rp.THFLSHdll(T, var2, self._mol_frac, kr)
# Temperature and quality
elif mode == "TQ":
T = var1
q = var2
# In case current fluid is mixture you need to transform Q to molar base for RefProp-function
if self._mix_flag:
var2 = self._call_refprop("TQMASS", "QMOLE", T, q, i_mass=1).Output[0]
tmp = self.rp.TQFLSHdll(T, var2, self._mol_frac, 1)
# Temperature and entropy
elif mode == "TS":
T = var1
s = var2
var2 = var2 * e_multi
tmp = self.rp.TSFLSHdll(T, var2, self._mol_frac, kr)
# Temperature and internal energy
elif mode == "TU":
T = var1
u = var2
var2 = var2 * e_multi
# mode = "TE"
tmp = self.rp.TEFLSHdll(T, var2, self._mol_frac, kr)
# Density and enthalpy
elif mode == "DH":
d = var1
var1 = var1 * d_multi
h = var2
var2 = var2 * e_multi
tmp = self.rp.DHFLSHdll(var1, var2, self._mol_frac)
# Density and entropy
elif mode == "DS":
d = var1
var1 = var1 * d_multi
s = var2
var2 = var2 * e_multi
tmp = self.rp.DSFLSHdll(var1, var2, self._mol_frac)
# Density and inner energy
elif mode == "DU":
d = var1
var1 = var1 * d_multi
u = var2
var2 = var2 * e_multi
# mode = "DE"
tmp = self.rp.DEFLSHdll(var1, var2, self._mol_frac)
elif mode == "HS":
h = var1
var1 = var1 * e_multi
s = var2
var2 = var2 * e_multi
tmp = self.rp.HSFLSHdll(var1, var2, self._mol_frac)
raise ValueError("Chosen mode is not available in refprop calc_state function!")
# Check for errors
self._check_error(tmp.ierr, tmp.herr, self.calc_state.__name__)
# Get all state variables
if p is None:
p = tmp.P / p_multi
if T is None:
T = tmp.T
if u is None:
u = tmp.e / e_multi
if h is None:
h = tmp.h / e_multi
if s is None:
s = tmp.s / e_multi
if d is None:
d = tmp.D / d_multi
if q is None:
if self._mix_flag:
# Transform current q (molar) to mass based quality
tmp2 = self._call_refprop("PH", "QMASS", p, h * e_multi, i_mass=1)
if tmp2.Output[0] < 0:
q_mass = tmp2.ierr
q_mass = tmp2.Output[0]
q = q_mass
q = tmp.q
# # In case not in two phase region reset q to -1
# if q > 1 or q < 0:
# q = -1
# Define state
state = ThermodynamicState(p=p, T=T, u=u, h=h, s=s, d=d, q=q)
return state
[docs] def calc_satliq_state(self, s):
"""s in kJ/kgK"""
s = s * self.M * 1000 # kJ/kgK -> J/molK
tmp = self.rp.SATSdll(s=s, z="", kph=1)
self._check_error(tmp.ierr, tmp.herr, self.calc_satliq_state.__name__)
if tmp.k1 != 1:
raise TypeError
p = tmp.P1 * 1000 # kPa -> Pa
d = tmp.D1 * self.M * 1000 # mol/l -> kg/mol
return self.calc_state("PD", p, d)
[docs] def calc_transport_properties(self, state: ThermodynamicState):
""" Calculate transport properties of RefProp fluid at given state
:param ThermodynamicState state:
Current thermodynamic state
:return TransportProperties props:
Instance of TransportProperties
# Get properties
tmp = self._call_refprop_allprop("PRANDTL,VIS,TCX,KV,CV,CP,BETA,STN,ACF", state.T, state.d / self.M, i_mass=0)
# Create transport properties instance
props = TransportProperties(lam=tmp.Output[2],
cp=tmp.Output[5] / self.M,
cv=tmp.Output[4] / self.M,
# Return props
return props
[docs] def get_available_substances(self,
""" Get all available RefProp fluids (mixtures and / or pure substances depending on mode)
:param string mode:
Mode defining which kind of fluids you want to have: 'pure': pure substances, 'mix': mixtures, 'all': all
:param boolean include_ending:
Defines, whether file ending shall be returned as well or not
:param boolean save_txt:
Defines, whether a text file with names shall be created in current working directory
:return list names:
String list containing names of available fluids (depending on defined mode)
# Possible endings
_endings = ["MIX", "FLD", "PPF"]
# Folders where fluid data is located
folders = [r"FLUIDS", r"MIXTURES"]
# Define paths by mode
if mode == "pure":
paths = [os.path.join(self._ref_prop_path, folders[0])]
elif mode == "mix":
paths = [os.path.join(self._ref_prop_path, folders[1])]
elif mode == "all":
paths = [os.path.join(self._ref_prop_path, folders[0]),
os.path.join(self._ref_prop_path, folders[1])]
raise ValueError("Chosen mode '{}' is not possible!".format(mode))
# Get files in folders, remove ending and append to names
names = []
for p in paths:
# Get all files in directory
files = [f for f in os.listdir(p) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p, f))]
# Remove ending
if include_ending:
tmp = [path for path in files if path.split(".")[1] in _endings]
tmp = [path.split(".")[0] for path in files if path.split(".")[1] in _endings]
# Append names to names list
# In case names shall be stored
if save_txt:
with open("available_fluids.txt", "w") as output:
for i in names:
output.write("{} \n".format(i))
if not names:
raise ValueError("No fluids are in current RefProp directory. Check path '{}'!".format(self._ref_prop_path))
# Return names
return names
[docs] def get_comp_names(self):
""" Get name of components within current fluid"
:return list comp_names:
String names of components within current fluid
return self._comp_names
[docs] def get_nbp(self):
""" Get normal boiling point (T @ q=0 and 1 bar)
:return float nbp:
Normal boiling point of refrigerant in °C
if not self._nbp:
self._nbp = self.calc_state("PQ", 1e5, 0.0).T - 273.15
return self._nbp
[docs] def get_molar_composition(self, state: ThermodynamicState, z_molar=None):
""" Get composition on molar base. Liquid phase, vapor phase and total.
:param ThermodynamicState state: the state whose compositions will be returned
:param list z_molar: molar composition of fluid. In case of None, default value _mol_frac is used
- list x:
composition of liquid phase
- list y:
composition of vapor phase
- list z:
composition in total
if z_molar is None:
z = self._mol_frac
M = self.M
z = z_molar
M = self.rp.REFPROPdll(hFld="",
num_components = len(z)
tmp = self.rp.TDFLSHdll(T=state.T,
D=state.d / M / 1000,
# TDFLSHdll is deprecated, use the following in future:
# tmp = self.rp.ABFLSHdll(ab="TD",
# a=state.T,
# b=state.d / self.M / 1000,
# z=self._mol_frac,
# iFlag=0) # molar units
x = list(tmp.x[:num_components])
y = list(tmp.y[:num_components])
return x, y, z
[docs] def get_critical_point(self):
""" Get T and p of critical point
:return float Tc:
Temperature at critical point in K
:return float pc:
Pressure at critical point in Pa
:return float dc:
Density at critical point in kg/m^3
mode = 2
if mode == 1:
tmp = self._call_refprop("CRIT", "T,P,D", i_mass=1)
Tc = tmp.Output[0]
pc = tmp.Output[1]
dc = tmp.Output[2] * self.M
res = self._call_refprop_allprop("TC,PC,DC")
Tc = res.Output[0]
pc = res.Output[1]
dc = res.Output[2] * self.M
return Tc, pc, dc
[docs] def get_def_limits(self):
""" Get limits of current ref prop fluid
Limits contain Tmin, Tmax, Dmax and Pmax (Temperatures, density, pressure)
:return dict limits:
Dictionary with definition limits in RefProp. Contains min/max temperature, max density, max pressure.
tmp = self._call_refprop_allprop("TMIN,TMAX,DMAX,PMAX")
limits = {"Tmin": tmp.Output[0],
"Tmax": tmp.Output[1],
"Dmax": tmp.Output[2] * self.M,
"Pmax": tmp.Output[3]}
return limits
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_dll_path(ref_prop_path: str):
Return the location of the dll
:return: string path_to_dll:
Path of a valid dll
path_to_dll = os.path.join(ref_prop_path, r"REFPRP64.DLL")
# Check if dll actually exists:
if not os.path.exists(path_to_dll):
raise FileNotFoundError("Selected dll not found automatically. "
"Please alter the local attribute or search for yourself.")
return path_to_dll
[docs] def get_fluid_name(self):
""" Get fluid name.
:return string fluid_name:
Fluid name
return self.fluid_name
[docs] def get_gwp(self):
""" Get gwp of current fluid from refProp
:return float gwp:
Global warming potential of fluid. In case calculation failed, None will be returned.
# Call refProp
tmp = self._call_refprop("",
# Calculate gwp
gwp = round(sum(max(tmp.Output[i], 0) * self._mass_frac[i] for i in range(self._n_comp)), 2)
# In case GWP cannot be calculated
if gwp < 0:
gwp = 0
return gwp
[docs] def get_longname(self):
""" Get longname of fluid
:return string longname:
Name of current fluid in refprop - provides mass fractions and components as well (in case of mixture)
longname = self._call_refprop("", "LONGNAME(0)").hUnits
return longname
[docs] def get_mass_fraction(self, use_round=True):
""" Get mass fractions of pure substances in current fluid
:param boolean use_round:
Flag to define, whether the exact values or rounded values (by the fourth number) shall be used
:return list mass_frac:
List of component mass fractions
if use_round:
mass_frac = [round(i, 4) for i in self._mass_frac]
mass_frac = self._mass_frac
return mass_frac
[docs] def get_molar_mass(self):
""" Get molar mass of current fluid
:return float M:
Molar mass of current fluid in kg/mol
return self.M
[docs] def get_mol_fraction(self, use_round=True):
""" Get mol fractions of pure substances in current fluid
:param boolean use_round:
Flag to define, whether the exact values or rounded values (by the fourth number) shall be used
:return list frac:
List of component mol fractions
if use_round:
mol_frac = [round(i, 4) for i in self._mol_frac]
mol_frac = self._mol_frac
return mol_frac
[docs] def get_odp(self):
""" Calculate ozone depletion potential
In case of mixtures: Maximum value of pure substances will be used
:return float odp:
ODP of fluid. In case calculation failed, None will be returned.
# Call refProp
tmp = self._call_refprop("",
# Calculate odp
odp = max(max(tmp.Output), 0)
# In case some error occured
if odp < 0:
odp = 0
return odp
[docs] def get_safety(self):
""" Calculate safety class of refrigerant
:return string safety:
Safety class of fluid.
# Call refProp
tmp = self._call_refprop("",
# Get safety class
safety = tmp.hUnits
# Return safety
return safety
[docs] def get_sat_vap_pressure(self, T_sat):
""" Get pressure of saturated vapor for defined temperature
- works for vapor, liquid and solid
- returns equilibrium pressure at defined line (q=1)
:param float T_sat:
Temperature in K
:return float p_sat:
Vapor pressure in Pa
trip = self.get_triple_point()
if trip[0] <= T_sat:
p_sat = self.calc_state("TQ", T_sat, 1.0).p
tmp = self.rp.REFPROPdll("", "TSUBL", "P", self.molar_base_si, 0, 0, T_sat, 0.0, self._mol_frac)
p_sat = tmp.Output[0]
return p_sat
[docs] def get_triple_point(self):
""" Get temperature and pressure at triple point of current fluid
Note: Works fine for pure substances, mixtures might not work properly
:return float T_tpl:
Temperature at triple point in K
:return float p_tpl:
Pressure at triple point in Pa
# Call Refprop
tmp = self._call_refprop("TRIP", "T;P")
return tmp.Output[0], tmp.Output[1]
[docs] def get_version(self):
""" Get version of wrapper and used RefProp dll
:return string wrapper_version:
Refprop wrapper version
:return string refprop_version:
Version of used RefProp dll
return self.__version__, self.rp.RPVersion()
[docs] def is_mixture(self):
""" Find out if fluid is mixture or not.
In case current fluid is mixture, true is returned.
In case current fluid is pure substance, false is returned.
:return boolean _mix_flag:
Boolean for mixture (True), pure substance (False)
return self._mix_flag
[docs] def set_error_flag(self, flag):
""" Set error flag
:param boolean flag:
New error flag
:return int err:
Notifier for error code - in case everything went fine, 0 is returned
self._flag_check_errors = flag
return 0
[docs] def set_warning_flag(self, flag):
""" Set warning flag
:param boolean flag:
New warning flag
:return int err:
Notifier for error code - in case everything went fine, 0 is returned
self._flag_warnings = flag
return 0