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Mallard Staging Environment

Mallard is the RTI-internal staging environment for SMART. This project lives at /projects/SMART, and can be updated by using git. It is easiest to edit code on mallard using VS Code Remote SSH. To have permission to edit the files, you must be added to the cds group on mallard.

The mallard branch of this repository contains a few changes necessary to run SMART on mallard, mainly port mappings.

Upgrading Postgres and Migrating Data

These instructions are based on upgrading Postgres from 9 to 15 in the SMART staging environment, maintaining the existing data. Postgres changed its default password hashing method, but we kept the old one (md5) for compatibility in this environment.

  1. docker compose down
  2. Edit the docker-compose.yml file to add a volume to the postgres service:
      - ./smartapp:/smartapp
  1. docker compose up -d postgres
  2. docker exec prod_postgres_1 bash -c "pg_dumpall -d smart -U smart -h localhost > /smartapp/data.sql"
  3. docker compose down
  4. Edit the docker-common.yml file and replace - smart_pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data with - smart_pgdata_15_2:/var/lib/postgresql/data
  5. Edit the docker-common.yml file and replace image: postgres:9.6.2 with image: postgres:15.2
  6. Edit the docker-common.yml and add the environment variable - POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=md5
  7. docker container ls | grep postgres then docker rm any matching containers
  8. docker rmi postgres:9.6.2
  9. docker compose up -d postgres
  10. docker exec prod_postgres_1 bash -c "pg_dumpall -d smart -U smart -h localhost < /smartapp/data.sql"
  11. docker compose down
  12. docker compose up


After verifying that the new Postgres version is working, you can remove the old volume by editing the docker-compose.yml file and removing the ./smartapp:/smartapp line from the postgres service. Then rm -fr ./smartapp and docker volume rm smart_pgdata.