- Passing custom data to your ViewHolder #180
- Added Proguard rules to Readme and sample project. #122
- Fixed #174
- Added Typing Listener to MessageInput. Thanks to toanpv;
- Fixed artifacts with bubble background in message list;
- Added separate method MessagesListAdapter.clear(notifyDataSetChanged). Method MessagesListAdapter.clear() does notifyDataSetChanged by default. #89;
- Fixed "The totalItemsCount parameter in OnLoadMore callback contains date header." #86;
- Merged pull requests:
- Avoid Crash on empty list in addToEnd #146;
- Fix link typo in docs #134;
- Add nullable for getImageUrl() #119;
- Made correction to DialogList documentation #112;
- Allow moving Dialog item and get Dialog by id #70;
- Allow the user to get the current position of a DIALOG #32;
- Added upsert(Message) method to add or update message to adapter as appropriate #61;
- Create LICENSE #167;
- NPE check in DialofsListAdapter.java when there is no last message (is null) #75;
- Sample: Fixed artifacts on some devices in ShapeImageView. Changed fixture message image.
- Default image type;
- Support for custom content types;
- Links highlighting;
- Dates formatter for dialogs and messages;
- Messages copying with formatting;
- IDialogs typification improvement;
- Text styling improvement for MessagesList;
- More styling possibilities for MessagesInput;
- Views null safety for custom layouts;
- Sample refactoring for better readability;
- Fixed minify problem. Thanks to 6bangs
- DateUtils.
Some classes and methods from previous versions become deprecated. See migration log for more details.
- Access to inner views of MessageInput;
input type in MessageInput by default;- Fixed potential crash in MessagesList.update(...).
- Release.