Authors: [DeepMind] Volodymyr Mnih, Koray Kavukcuoglu, David Silver, Alex Graves, Ioannis Antonoglou, Daan Wierstra, Martin Riedmiller
Year: 2013
Algorithm: DQN
Link: [arxiv]
- Neural network Q-function approximator
- Experience replay mechanism
- Learning to control agents from high-dimensional sensory inputs like vision and speech is hard.
- RL algorithms have to learn from a scalar reward that is frequently sparse, noisy and delayed.
- Deep Learning algorithms assume the data samples to be independent. But RL algorithms typically encounter sequences of highly correlated states. Also, the data distribution is non-stationary for RL. It changes as the agent learns new behaviors.
- Neural network function approximator: For atari games, the state space is large and the action space is small, it's infeasible to use Q table to solve the games. A neural network function approximator with weight as the action-value function approximator can do the work, namely Deep Q Network.
- Use CNN to extract the high-level features of the high-dimensional sensory input data of the game interface. The parameters can be updated with a variant of Q-Learning, with SGD to update the weights.
- Experience replay mechanism
- At each time step, the agent stores its experience as state transitions pooled over many episodes into a replay memory.
- When updating the Deep Q Network, the agent randomly samples a minibatch of state transitions from the replay memory. And the agent performs minibatch gradient descent on the mean square error between (state-action value) and (TD-target).
- Algorithm
- Tricks
- Reward clipping: Since the scale of scores varies greatly from game to game, positive rewards were set to 1 and all negative rewards set to be −1, leaving 0 rewards unchanged. Clipping the rewards in this manner limits the scale of the error derivatives and makes it easier to use the same learning rate across multiple games.
- Frame-skipping: The agent sees and selects actions on every frame instead of every frame, and its last action is repeated on skipped frames. -> play more games without increasing too much runtime.
Advantages of the algorithm
- Each step of the experience is potentially used for updates -> data efficiency
- Learning directly from consecutive samples is inefficient, due to the strong correlations between the samples; randomizing the samples breaks these correlations and therefore reduces the variance of the updates.
- By using experience replay, the agent learns off-policy.
- The behavior distribution is averaged over many of its previous states, smoothinßg out learning and avoiding oscillations or divergence in the parameters. If the agent learns on-policy, the training samples will be dominated by samples generated by a biased policy, which leads to unwanted feedback loops, poor local minimum, or even divergence.
- For example, if the maximizing action is to move left then the training samples will be dominated by samples from the left-hand side; if the maximizing action then switches to the right then the training distribution will also switch.
Further Modification
In 2015, DeepMind published Human Level Control Through Deep Reinforcement Learning, an updated version of DQN, by using an additional target action-value network to approximate the TD-target value for optimization.
Advantage: Generating the targets using an older set of parameters adds a delay between the time an update to is made and the time the update affects the targets , making divergence or oscillations much more unlikely.