#Phidget Spatial The PhidgetSpatial library makes for intuitive and lightning fast development without any compromise. All sensors on the Phidget Spatial board should be primed for accurate use, here are the acceleration, gyroscopic, and magnetic field primer guides. For a quick start into your Spatial project see this basic PhidgetSpatial example.
Method call | Parameters | Description |
connect | phidget.params object | Connects the Phidget Spatial |
quit | N/A | This method requests a disconnect from the Phidget board. The disconnected event will be dispatched when the connection has been successfully disconnected. |
whenReady | function | This executes a function when the PhidgetSpatial is ready to be used. If you set intervals on this event, you MUST clear them on the detach event! Otherwise, you could set multiple instances of the same interval if a phidget is detached and re attached |
observeGyro | change handler function | Used for asynchronously observing the changes to the PhidgetSpatial board's gyroscopic sensors. |
unobserveGyro | change handler function | Stops observing from the specified observeGyro's change handler function. |
observeAcceleration | change handler function | Used for asynchronously observing the changes to the PhidgetSpatial board's acceleration axes. |
unobserveAcceleration | change handler function | Stops observing from the specified observeAcceleration's change handler function. |
observeMagneticField | change handler function | Used for asynchronously observing the changes to the PhidgetSpatial board's magnetic field sensors. |
unobserveMagneticField | change handler function | Stops observing from the specified observeMagneticField's change handler function. |
zeroGyro | N/A | Re-zeroes the gyroscope. |
setCompassCorrectionParameters | magfield, offset0, offset1, offset2, gain0, gain1, gain2, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 |
This function adjusts the parameters of the compass. |
resetCompassCorrectionParameters | N/A | Resets the Compass Correction Parameters to default values:(1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) |
Key | Data Type | Writable | Description |
type | string | no | 'PhidgetSpatial' |
dataRateMax | number | no | Maximum data rate in samples per second |
dataRateMin | number | no | Minimum data rate in samples per second |
dataRate | number | yes | The number of times data is acquired per second |
accelerationMin | number | no | Minimum acceleration in g |
accelerationMax | number | no | Maximum acceleration in g |
accelerationAxisCount | number | no | Number of acceleration sensors |
acceleration | array | no | three axes of acceleration in g |
angularRateMax | number | no | Minimum rotational speed in degrees per second |
angularRateMin | number | no | Maximum rotational speed in degrees per second |
gyroAxisCount | number | no | Number of gyroscopic sensors |
gyro | array | no | three axes of rotational speed in degrees per second |
magneticFieldMax | number | no | Maximum magnetic field in Gauss |
magneticFieldMin | number | no | Minimum magnetic field in Gauss |
compassAxisCount | number | no | Number of magnetic field sensors |
magneticField | array | no | three axes of magnetic field in Gauss |
##Getting Started
Initializing Phidgets Spatial Devices can be very easy, here is a basic example to help you get started.
var Phidget = require('phidgetapi').Spatial;
var spatial=new Phidget;
function gyro(changes){
for(var i in changes){
var change=changes[i];
//see specific info about each change
//see updated Spatial data after all changes
//Or just the info you care about
console.log('gyro : ',spatial.gyro);
function accel(changes){
for(var i in changes){
var change=changes[i];
//see specific info about each change
//see updated Spatial data after all changes
//Or just the info you care about
console.log('accel : ',spatial.acceleration);
function mag(changes){
for(var i in changes){
var change=changes[i];
//see specific info about each change
//see updated Spatial data after all changes
//Or just the info you care about
console.log('magnetic field : ',spatial.magneticField);