The purpuse of this page is to share the current collective stratetic identity and direction for The Qubes Community Collaboration Project. Remember organization statements in general are not static and may change as the dynamic world changes around and within ourselves, especially for a dynamic collaborative community. This too is also why a strategic statement is important.
As a small fully independent volunteer community, we're only just starting out growing. The focus on everyday tasks is to build and generate new content, creating value, and gathering new community members to help us archive our goals, leading towards our collective vision. Right now we're building a collective community identity, and we hope others would like to join us in order to do that. A lot work right now is being put into shaping the community, as well as deciding what we, as members of the community, can offer in value back to the community, and how we're going to archive it. It is also important that we start doing collective work on Qubes doc drafts, which may be published, and if accepted become official Qubes doc's. Our daily activity is split between help improving the official Qubes doc's, as well as hosting our own content more suitable to be found in the community.
These goals must be archived before we can accomplish our vision.
- Finding more people interested in creating Qubes content for the independent and unofficial Community, as well as to The Qubes OS Project.
- Ongoing improving work-flows and helping the community to easier help contribute back to the community.
- Improving our quality, we need people who can keep critical eyes and add reviews.
- Staying true to open source where possible, human rights, freedom, and democratic values.
- While we are unofficial and independent, we also strive to stay true to The Qubes OS Project's vision, this being one of our fundamental pillars.
- Our content must strive to maintain the highest possible security and privacy, as it is possible. It is important that we don't undermine Qubes OS's purpose, but instead help enhance it with more capabilities.
- Providing support and promotion for smaller Qubes projects, which can either anywhere between independent relations to fully integrated into the community. Support may be non-commercial, help finding others to work on the project, or help sharing the projects finished work to the community.
We strive to one day reach a large crowd of Qubes users, allowing optional choices for quality content to improve how everyone uses Qubes OS, made by the community for the community. This may not necessarily be possible within a year from starting out, however this is what we're striving towards to. Having options allowing users to use Qubes OS in ways that better suited and tailored for individual and personal needs, the freedom to use secure software everywhere from unique and rare use-cases, to common and everyday practices. We hope to become a channel, a community, where everyone can gather and work together, for these common goals and vision.