librdkafka is the Apache Kafka C/C++ library by Magnus Edenhill. It is required to be installed before using language binding libraries like Python's confluent-kafka
. This buildpack will install a pre-compiled version of librdkafka that will immediately work with your Cloud Foundry application.
A new version of this buildpack will be automatically published for each new librdkafka release from our CI pipeline.
To build this buildpack, run the following command from the buildpack's directory:
Source the .envrc file in the buildpack directory.
source .envrc
To simplify the process in the future, install direnv which will automatically source .envrc when you change directories.
Install buildpack-packager
Build the buildpack
buildpack-packager build -stack cflinuxfs3 -cached
Use in Cloud Foundry
Upload the buildpack to your Cloud Foundry and optionally specify it by name
cf create-buildpack librdkafka_buildpack librdkafka_buildpack*.zip 100 cf push my_app -b librdkafka_buildpack -b python_buildpack
Buildpacks use the Cutlass framework for running integration tests.
To test this buildpack, run the following command from the buildpack's directory:
Source the .envrc file in the buildpack directory.
source .envrc
To simplify the process in the future, install direnv which will automatically source .envrc when you change directories.
Run integration tests
More information can be found on Github cutlass.
Open an issue on this project
This buildpack is experimental and not yet intended for production use.