This is a college assignment for software engineering subject. A web for manage royalty report. Authors will receive a royalty of 10% of the total printed books multiplied by the price per book ((Price book * printed books) * 10%). For manager royalty report mechanism, use a simple CRUD.
- Code Igniter 4 (Use v4 or above) official site
- Composer PHP Package Manager
- fakerphp/faker Package
- Xampp / Mamp
- Configure your database what you want in
file - If you use default configuration, create and run your database with name "ci4"
- Create a table with name "royalty" and with correct structure
- To make work easier, use Codeigniter migration feature
- Use RoyaltySeeder in
with run this code in your console
php spark migrate Royalty
- Seed your database
- To make work easier, use fakerphp package
- Use RoyaltySeeder in
with run this code in your console
php spark db:seed RoyaltySeeder
- Run your web and database server with XAMPP or locate your current directory to this project and run this code in your console
php spark serve
- Enjoy it
Validate input
Added Alert
Deleted Alert
Thanks to 🙏👋 :
- Youtube Channel WebProgrammingUNPAS in series Belajar Codeigniter 4