This repositories contains files and folders which were used to create this chat application using React JS and Google Firebase
![login](C:\Users\rattl\OneDrive\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot 2024-07-25 123114.png)
![home](C:\Users\rattl\OneDrive\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot 2024-07-25 123415.png)
![adduser] (C:\Users\rattl\OneDrive\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot 2024-07-25 123500.png)
![emoji] (C:\Users\rattl\OneDrive\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot 2024-07-25 123220.png)
Login Page available where users could either login or signup using their email id. Moreover, this data would be stored in firebase for auth.
After signin, the user would be taken to a page where they could search for a friend or user and add them to begin conversation!
After that, the user can easily chat with their friends or other users and could also use emojis.
All the data is stored in database using Google Firebase with the help of which fetching is done at different places in code.