Some notes on running and extending the recursor tests
The recursor regression suite requires a series of available IPs to bind to.
Debian/Ubuntu example:
$ grep -w lo /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
up /sbin/ip addr add dev lo
The suite also requires bind()
access to port 53. The example config
relies on authbind for this:
$ ls -al /etc/authbind/byport/53
-rwxr-xr-x 1 you you 0 May 31 2012 /etc/authbind/byport/53
Note that this file needs to be executable by the user you run as for authbind to work!
Other dependencies: daemontools, lua-posix
Copy vars.sample
to vars
$ cp vars.sample vars
Edit vars
The /24 to bind the various daemons in:
How to run the auth server (usually no need to change this):
AUTHRUN="exec authbind ../../../pdns/pdns_server --config-dir=. > logfile 2>&1"
How to run the recursor (usually, again, no need to change this):
RECRUN="exec authbind ../../../pdns/recursordist/pdns_recursor --config-dir=. --socket-dir=. --daemon=no --trace=yes --dont-query= --local-address=$PREFIX.9 --hint-file=hintfile --packetcache-ttl=0 --max-cache-ttl=15 --threads=1 > logfile 2>&1"
Write out the various configuration files, create the service dirs (this uses
$ ./
Start all daemons:
$ ./
Check that they are all up:
$ svstat configs/*
configs/ up (pid 1145) 13 seconds
configs/ up (pid 1141) 13 seconds
configs/ up (pid 1137) 13 seconds
configs/ up (pid 1138) 13 seconds
configs/recursor-service: up (pid 1140) 13 seconds
(They all need to be up more than a few seconds, otherwise they might be
crashing on startup. Check the per-service logfile
if something is wrong).
Run the tests:
$ ./runtests
Various things might go wrong the first time you run the tests. Correct them
and try again. If you think you have fixed everything and you still have some
tests failing (most importantly the ghost-* tests), run svc -t configs/*
try again.
12 out of 12 (100.00%) tests passed, 0 were skipped
Stop all daemons:
$ ./
Remove config dirs:
$ ./
The testing setup consists of one recursor (at .9), one auth for our fake root zone (at .8) and another bunch of auths for deeper zones (at .10 and up).
creates all the daemon configs, zonefiles, and, where necessary,
Lua prequery scripts to emulate behaviour that pdns_server
cannot produce
Figure out whether your new test needs another zone, and edit accordingly.
Create a new directory for your test. It should at least have command
(don't forget
chmod +x), description
, and an expected_result
file (often empty at this stage).
When you have that set up, run ./runtests
again. Your test will fail; check the
file. If it looks alright, copy it to expected_result
Congratulations, you have just written a test!