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Bluetooth Adapter State

Łukasz Rejman edited this page Feb 1, 2018 · 2 revisions

Interacting with BLE devices needs specific conditions under which it will possible. To find out what is the current state of the Bluetooth Adapter two functions are available:

bleManager.state(): Promise<$Keys<typeof State>>

The above function returns a Promise which will resolve with current, global State of a BleManager. All APIs are working only when active state is PoweredOn.

  listener: (newState: $Keys<typeof State>) => void,
  emitCurrentState: boolean = false,
): Subscription

The listener registered will be notified about State changes of a BleManager. When observing is no longer needed one must call subscription.remove() to unsubscribe.

Possible states:

 * Device Bluetooth Low Energy state. It's keys are used to check {@link #blemanagerstate} values
 * received by {@link BleManager}
export const State = {
   * The current state of the manager is unknown; an update is imminent.
  Unknown: 'Unknown',
   * The connection with the system service was momentarily lost; an update is imminent.
  Resetting: 'Resetting',
   * The platform does not support Bluetooth low energy.
  Unsupported: 'Unsupported',
   * The app is not authorized to use Bluetooth low energy.
  Unauthorized: 'Unauthorized',
   * Bluetooth is currently powered off.
  PoweredOff: 'PoweredOff',
   * Bluetooth is currently powered on and available to use.
  PoweredOn: 'PoweredOn'
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