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Install the bot

Table of Contents


Requirements (click each one for install guide)

Easy installation

  1. Clone the git: git clone
  2. Go into the new directory: cd PokemonGo-Bot
  3. Run ./ -i
    This will install the bot and all stuff that is needed to run it (follow the steps in this process)
  4. Run ./
    After you are done following it this will start your bot.

To update the bot

  1. Stop the bot if it's running. (use control + c twice to stop it)
  2. Run ./ -r
    This will reset and makes sure you have no changes made to any code since it will overide it
  3. Rerun the bot ./

For manual installation please refer to here


We do recommend Windows users to use Docker this will work much easier and smoother (also safer)


  • hashing key - Hashing key now required for bot operation

Easy Installation

  1. Download PokemonGo-Bot-Install.bat
  2. Run PokemonGo-Bot-install.bat. After that has been done the bot will be installed.
  3. Run PokemonGo-Bot-Configurator to create auth.json, config.json and userdata.js.
  4. Run PokemonGo-Bot-Start.bat. This will start the bot and the web interface.

To update the bot

  1. Run PokemonGo-Bot-Start.bat This will check for an update and will start the bot afterwards.


Easy installation

Start by downloading for your platform:

  • Mac

  • Windows

  • Linux

  • Once you have Docker installed, simply create the various config files for your different accounts (e.g. configs/config.json, configs/userdata.js) and then create a Docker image for PokemonGo-Bot using the Dockerfile in this repo.

cd PokemonGo-Bot
docker build -t pokemongo-bot .
  • By default our Dockerfile ensures that the "master" branch will be used for building the docker container, if you want to use the "dev" branch then you should build the container with below build command:
docker build --build-arg BUILD_BRANCH=dev -t pokemongo-bot .
  • After build process you can verify that the image was created with:
docker images
  • To run the bot container with the PokemonGo-Bot Docker image you've created:
docker run --name=bot1-pokego --rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs/config.json:/usr/src/app/configs/config.json pokemongo-bot
docker run --name=bot1-pokego --rm -it -e TZ=Asia/Taipei -v $(pwd)/configs/config.json:/usr/src/app/configs/config.json pokemongo-bot
  • In the case you configured authentication to be handled by auth.json file make sure you mount that file as a volume also.
docker run --name=bot1-pokego --rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs/auth.json:/usr/src/app/configs/auth.json  -v $(pwd)/configs/config.json:/usr/src/app/configs/config.json -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot
  • For a simplified version mount your whole configs/ subdir to /usr/src/app/configs.
docker run --name=bot1-pokego --rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs:/usr/src/app/configs -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot
  • Run a second container provided with the OpenPoGoBotWeb view:
docker run --name=bot1-pokegoweb --rm -it --volumes-from bot1-pokego -p 8000:8000 -v $(pwd)/configs/userdata.js:/usr/src/app/web/config/userdata.js -w /usr/src/app/web python:2.7 python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • The OpenPoGoWeb will be served on http://<your host>:8000

Using proxy with docker:

  • https proxy
 docker run --name=bot1-pokego -e "https_proxy=https://PROXY_IP:PORT" --rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs:/usr/src/app/configs -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongocc-bot
  • http proxy
docker run --name=bot1-pokego -e "http_proxy=http://PROXY_IP:PORT" --rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs:/usr/src/app/configs -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot

Remarks for Windows

Even if the previous command are valid, you will not be able to visualize the web view under Windows. To visualize the web view, execute instead the following commands (make sure you are in the root folder and that your docker images is built):

  • Run the bot container:
docker run --name=bot1-pokego --rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs/config.json:/usr/src/app/configs/config.json -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot
  • Run the web container:
docker run --name=bot1-pokegoweb --rm -it --volumes-from bot1-pokego -p 8000:8000 -v $(pwd)/configs/userdata.js:/usr/src/app/web/config/userdata.js -w /usr/src/app/web python:2.7 python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • Retrieve your host address:
docker-machine ip default
  • Then, with your containers running and your host address, you can access the web view in your browser:

http://<your host address>:8000 (e.g.


  • An error occurred trying to connect:

Make sure your virtual machine is started, and your environment variables are set in your shell:

docker-machine start default
docker-machine env default
  • Unable to find image 'pokemongo-bot:latest' locally:

Make sure that the name of the image is correct.

Using Docker compose

  • If docker-compose installed you can alternatively run the PokemonGo-Bot ecosystem with one simple command:
    (by using the docker-compose.yml configuration in this repo)
docker-compose up
  • An example of routing the bot's traffic through a tor proxy can be found within the docker-compose_tor.yml file. To use a different file, supply the file name to docker-compose. The d flag is used to run this in detached mode as the tor logs overwhelm any bot logs you might wish to view. The bot logs can still be seen through docker logs command.
docker-compose -f docker-compose_tor.yml up -d 
  • Also run one single service from the compose configuration is possible:
docker-compose run --rm bot1-pokego
  • command to stop and remove all stopped containers: docker-compose down

TODO: Add infos / configuration for running multiple bot instances.

Do not push your image to a registry with your config.json and account details in it!

Bug reporting when using docker:

  • Please include output of below command:
docker inspect --format='{{.Created}} {{.ContainerConfig.Labels}}' container_tag_or_id

container_tag_or_id being the final tag_id of container or the id of the intermediary layer at which the docker build failed.

Chrome Driver

Chrome driver is needed for manual solving of captcha. For more information and download of Chrome Driver, please visit Chrome Driver

Chrome driver must be placed in root dir of the bot.