Nebula natively supports Umee.
The Umee network has a range of testnets and endpoints available here. Support for each testnet might vary.
A list of mainnet Umee archival nodes.
$ export RPC=
$ export NETWORK=umee
$ nebula --rpc=$RPC --network=$NETWORK bestblockheight
Request account information:
$ nebula --rpc=$RPC --network=$NETWORK account_info --address=umee1vp7yuww2lenznk6tjv80gr4258mzmk56gf9xtm
Create a new account:
$ nebula --network=$NETWORK account
In order to craft a transaction that sends uumee to recipient we need to (1) create the Bank module's MsgSend message, (2) combine the message into a transaction, (3) sign the transaction, and (4) broadcast the transaction.
$ nebula --network=$NETWORK bank_send --recipient=umee14vcvlugaag99uac496acpdxuwapjysa2wrrcnd --amount=1 --sender=umee1vp7yuww2lenznk6tjv80gr4258mzmk56gf9xtm
$ nebula --network=$NETWORK new_tx --messages=$MSG --acc_pubkey=02452611abd6595aefec1889a0244c28ebeb78e1fa490e1d61f6af1f3d7722899d --fee=0 --gas_limit=80000 --timeout_height=0 --memo=""
$ nebula --network=$NETWORK sign_tx --tx=$TX --private_key=$SK --chain_id="umee-1" --acc_number=93245 --acc_sequence=0
$ nebula --rpc=$RPC --network=$NETWORK broadcast_tx --tx_hex=$TX_HEX
Check for the transaction status
$ nebula --rpc=$RPC --network=$NETWORK transaction --txid=1FF455ED2974F0E6B6A954166706F506704CA4610890E53C1FD3CA5E8945D614 | jq
"hash": "1FF455ED2974F0E6B6A954166706F506704CA4610890E53C1FD3CA5E8945D614",
"height": 134218,
"index": 7,