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An implementation of the Minimax algorithm on Tic-tac-toe game.



This program creates a board where the player is able to play the game Tic-tac-toe (Noughts and crosses) against an AI.
The game consists of two players who take turns marking the spaces in the grid with X or O. The first to place their marks in a horitzontal, vertical or diagonal line is the winner.
The AI uses an algorithm called "Minimax" to find the best move to force a win or, if it's not possible, a draw.

What is the Minimax algorithm?

Minimax is an artificial intelligence algorithm used in two-player games, such as Tic-tac-toe, Chess or Checkers, that are also zero-sum games. This means that the result is either a win (+1) for one of the players and a loss (-1) for the other, or a draw (0).

The algorithm works by analyzing all the possible moves that can be made in the current state of the board, considering each player would choose the best move (min for the oponent and max for the AI), and mark the cell that will lead the AI to the best situation, that, if possible, will be a win.

The program

There are three main functions used for the AI to make its move: possible_boards(), minimax() and move_AI().


def possible_boards(arg_tree, arg_turn):
	if board_status(arg_tree.val) == None:
		boards = []
		for (row,lst) in enumerate(arg_tree.val):
			for (col,val) in enumerate(lst):
				if val == "":
					temp_board = np.copy(arg_tree.val)
					temp_board[row][col] = arg_turn
		for i,sub_board in enumerate(boards):
			if arg_turn == "x": temp_turn = "o"
			else: temp_turn = "x"
			arg_tree.childs[i] = possible_boards(arg_tree.childs[i], temp_turn)
	return arg_tree

This function takes 2 arguments: a Tree object and the current turn. It returns the same Tree object but grown, with all possible child boards starting from the original one.

possible boards

It uses recursion to build the tree, and stops when the state of the child board is a win, a lose or a draw.


def minimax(arg_tree, arg_turn, arg_depth=0):
	points = []
	depths = []
	if arg_turn == "x": arg_turn = "o"
	else: arg_turn = "x"
	for i,tmp_child in enumerate(arg_tree.childs):
		point = board_status(tmp_child.val)
		depth = arg_depth
		if point == None:
			if arg_turn == "x":
				point_lst,depth_lst = minimax(tmp_child,arg_turn,arg_depth+1)
				point,depth,_ = choose(point_lst,depth_lst,min)
				point_lst,depth_lst = minimax(tmp_child,arg_turn,arg_depth+1)
				point,depth,_ = choose(point_lst,depth_lst,max)
	return (points,depths)

This function also uses recursion and takes 2 arguments: A Tree object and the current turn. There is also an extra argument used to determine the depth of a branch in the recursion process. It returns both a list of points and a list of depths from each child of the parent board of the given Tree.
The algorithm works by giving to the terminal boards a point (-1: lose, 0: draw, +1: win) and a depth. Then, the parent board of each one will choose a child board from all its children, acording to their points, using the alternating function min() or max(), and inherit its values point and depth. If two children have the same points, the parent will choose the one with less depth (that will result in the optimal move to end the game fast).

possible boards


def move_AI():
	global turn, board
	if np.array_equal(board,empty_board):
		best_moves = [(0,0),(0,2),(2,0),(2,2)]
		pos = best_moves[randint(0,len(best_moves)-1)]
	elif sum(list(row).count("") for row in board) == 8:
		if board[1][1] == "x":
			best_moves = [(0,0),(0,2),(2,0),(2,2)]
			pos = best_moves[randint(0,len(best_moves)-1)]
			pos = (1,1)
		boards = possible_boards(Tree(board),turn)
		points,depths = minimax(boards,turn)
		best_move = boards.childs[choose(points,depths,max)[2]].val
		pos = move_pos(board,best_move)
	board[pos[0],pos[1]] = turn
	if turn == "x":
		turn = "o"
		turn = "x"

The function that the AI uses to make its move. It will generally use the minimax algorithm, except in two cases: when the board is empty, the AI will move to a random corner (which is the best starting move in this game); and when there is only one mark in the board, it will move to the center if possible, otherwise to the corners. In these cases it's not optimal to use minimax() as it would take too long to check all the possibilities.
