✗ This script does not produce reproducible output (yet!).
This guide explains how to build binaries for macOS systems. We build our binaries on Big Sur (11.7.2). The generated binaries may be incompatible with older versions.
The script is only tested on Intel-based Macs, and the binary built
targets x86_64
This assumes that the Xcode Command Line tools (and thus git) are already installed. You can install older (and newer!) versions of Xcode from Apple provided you have a developer account from the Apple developer downloads site.
brew update
brew install coreutils gettext pyenv
Alternatively, with macports installed, run
sudo port install coreutils
Or, if you wish to sign the app when building, provide an Apple developer identity installed on the system for signing:
./make_osx "Developer ID Application: MY NAME (123456789)"
To find the identity string, use the following command:
security find-identity -v -p codesigning
You should see ElectrumABC.app and ElectrumABC-x.y.z.dmg in ../dist/. If you provided an identity for signing, these files can even be distributed to other Macs and they will run there without warnings from GateKeeper.