Releases: Phoenix616/ResourcepacksPlugins
Releases · Phoenix616/ResourcepacksPlugins
1.6.0 - Pack formats, permissions and AuthMe
- Added an option to set the format of the pack as 1.9 introduced a new one with the version 2. Players with 1.8 will get packs with version 1/no version and players that connect with 1.9 get version 2 if available. The defined pack and then the secondary list is used to resolve which pack a player gets from the top to bottom. To resolve the player's version under Bukkit with WorldResourcepacks you need to have ViaVersion installed!
- Added option to restrict a pack so that only players with the permission to use it will get it send. You can also set your own permission if you want.
Example on how the new config options could be integrated:
hash: abcdef012345678abcdef012345678abcdef0123
format: 2
restricted: true
permission: worldresourcepacks.pack.lobbypack
- /usepack without any arguments now lists all the packs a player has access to via the /usepack command. You should add the new message config entries "packlisthead" and "nopacks" for that to not display an error on Bungee.
- Experimental AuthMe Reloaded support. (If you want support for more authentication plugins contact me!) It tries to send the pack after a player logged in. You have to run WorldResourcepacks on the Bukkit server and set "authme" to true in the config.yml if you want for that to work with BungeeResourcepacks
1.5.6 - Plugin Message fix for 1.8 protocol hack servers
- This update changes the plugin message channel from the plugin name to "Resourcepack" to resolve some issues with 1.8 protocol hack servers because plugin channel name was longer than 16.
Version 1.5.4 - 1.9 Update
- Made compatible with 1.9
- Fix first secondary pack being send if the user already has the empty pack
- Fix a possible NPE
- Added Javadocs
Version 1.5.0
- Bukkit version with per world packs: WorldResourcepacks
- Reworked project structure due to Bukkit version: proper maven module usage
- Server secondary packs fixed
- Fixed hashes on BungeeCord not working (WorldResourcepacks only uses the Bukkit API currently and therefor can't send the hashes)
Bungee Resourcepacks 1.4.4
- Fix NPE when running usepack command from console
- Added ability to change usepack message in config
Bungee Resourcepacks 1.4.2
- Fix a a bug where uppercase servernames do not work
- Fix server secondary packs not working
Bungee Resourcepacks 1.4.1
- Fix an issue with older client versions (older then 1.8) which aren't compatible with the resourcepack send packet.
Please note that this update does not make this plugin compatible with pre-1.8 clients!
Bungee Resourcepacks 1.4
- Add command to set a user's pack/your own pack (/usepack [])
- Allow reloading of config without resending packs (/brp reload [resend])
- Separate permission for /brp version and /brp reload (bungeeresourcepacks.command.reload/resend)
Bungee Resourcepacks 1.3
- Fix users not able to confirm server pack while switching servers
- Attempt on fixing the "Unknown z_stream return code : -3" bug some people experienced on join
- Rewrote backend server pack handling
Bungee Resourcepacks 1.2
Added the ability to set an empty resourcepack which will get applied if the player had a pack from the previous server but the new one does not have one and there is no global pack set. It will then send the empty pack resetting the server resource pack. (The player will only have his own ones)
Please take a look at the new config options!
debug: true
# The url the client should download the resourcepack from.
# Has to be a direct download link! No medifaire/mega/other oneclick-hoster!
# The sha1 hash of the resourcepack's zip file,
# if not correct the client will waste bandwidth but it will still work!
# At least that's what the Minecraft wiki says... (Site:
hash: abcdef012345678abcdef012345678abcdef0123
hash: 012345678abcdef012345678abcdef012345678a
# Empty pack to reset the pack to the default one
hash: 3934d29cc6f7c271afdc477f6dd6b2ea90493825
# Name of the pack to use for resetting of the pack for servers which don't have one assigned
empty: emptypack
pack: lobbypack
pack: lobbypack
pack: gamepack