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Kubernetes Datastore (aka Etcd) upgrade procedure

IMPORTANT First, you need to perform a backup of your Etcd cluster, this would help you easily rollback in case of disaster. Once your backup is made and stored in a safe location, you can proceed with the next steps.

  1. Build the new Etcd template:
  • move to the packer directory
  • run packer: packer build -var-file vars.hcl exoscale-etcd.pkr.hcl
  • grab the template ID from the output: --> exoscale.base: Etcd 3.5.4 @ de-fra-1 (23dc1f3e-e381-4a4f-bd4a-ed976bbb59bc)
  1. Update the Etcd instance-pool:
  • Update the value for platform_components.kubernetes.templates.etcd in your file with the template ID from step 1. Keep the older value for the cleanup step
  • move to the terraform-kubernetes directory
  • run terraform apply, this should update the instance-pool template ID
  1. With exo CLI, or by other means, get the list of current Etcd instances. These instances are using the old template:
    exo compute instance list |grep etcd
    # 【output】
    # | 87aae3e3-bb76-4b47-afcd-3e5d23035420 | paas-staging-etcd-326fe-cvuje             | de-fra-1 | standard.micro | | running |
    # | 4cf2e809-d5e8-4815-ac7c-9ce4dc23e7f7 | paas-staging-etcd-326fe-ypwwc             | de-fra-1 | standard.micro | | running |
    # | d4ec20e2-11e2-4e69-96a3-7cccae28b6a0 | paas-staging-etcd-326fe-qezxh             | de-fra-1 | standard.micro | | running |
  2. Connect to one of the instances to monitor cluster state
    • Move to the artifacts directory
    • Connect to the instance (ssh -i id_ed25519 [email protected])
    • Sudo to the etcd user (sudo -iu etcd)
    • Then watch etcdctl member list
    • Keep this terminal open
  3. With exo CLI, or by other means, delete an instance belonging to the list found in step 3.
    exo compute instance delete paas-staging-etcd-326fe-ypwwc
    # 【output】
    # [+] Are you sure you want to delete instance "paas-staging-etcd-326fe-ypwwc"? [yN]: y
    #  ✔ Deleting instance "paas-staging-etcd-326fe-ypwwc"... 1m42s
  4. A new instance will be automatically created to replace the one you just deleted:
    • Wait for the new instance to be running
    • Check the cluster status from the termnal you opened in step 4; you need to ensure that (this usually takes ~2mn):
      • The instance you have deleted is not anymore in the cluster
      • A new instance joined the cluster
    • Check the new cluster member's raft data are up to date.
  5. Repeat operations from step 5 (or 4) for other cluster members found in step 3.
  6. Delete the older template (value before the step 2 update) as it's not used anymore:
    exo compute template delete -z de-fra-1 bb0d1a71-0601-4f0c-9dc5-51bfde57a890
    # 【output】
    # [+] Are you sure you want to delete template bb0d1a71-0601-4f0c-9dc5-51bfde57a890 ("Etcd 3.5.4")? [yN]: y
    #  ✔ Deleting template bb0d1a71-0601-4f0c-9dc5-51bfde57a890... 3s