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Phat Rollup Anchor for Ink smart contract

Library for Ink! smart contract to help you build Phat Rollup Anchor deployed on the Substrate pallet Contracts. This library uses the OpenBrush library with the features ownable and access_control It provides the following features for:

  • KvStore: key-value store that allows offchain Phat Contracts to perform read/write operations.
  • MessageQueue: Message Queue, enabling a request-response programming model for the smart-contract while ensuring that each request received exactly one response. It uses the KV Store to save the messages.
  • RollupAnchor: Use the kv-store and the message queue to allow offchain's rollup transactions.
  • MetaTransaction: Allow the offchain Phat Contract to do transactions without paying the gas fee. The fee will be paid by a third party (the relayer).

Build the crate

To build the crate:

cargo build

Run the integration tests

To run the integration tests:

cargo test

Use this crate in your library

Add the dependencies

The default toml of your project

ink = { version = "4.2.0", default-features = false }

scale = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "3", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] }
scale-info = { version = "2", default-features = false, features = ["derive"], optional = true }

# OpenBrush dependency
openbrush = { git = "", version = "4.0.0-beta", features = ["ownable", "access_control"], default-features = false }

# Phat Rollup Anchor dependency
phat_rollup_anchor_ink = { path = "phat-rollup-anchor-ink", default-features = false}

default = ["std"]
std = [

Add imports

Use openbrush::contract macro instead of ink::contract. Import everything from openbrush::contracts::access_control, openbrush::contracts::ownable, phat_rollup_anchor_ink::traits::meta_transaction, phat_rollup_anchor_ink::traits::rollup_anchor.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std, no_main)]

#[openbrush::implementation(Ownable, AccessControl)]
pub mod test_oracle {
    use openbrush::contracts::access_control::*;
    use openbrush::contracts::ownable::*;
    use openbrush::traits::Storage;
    use scale::{Decode, Encode};

    use phat_rollup_anchor_ink::traits::{
        meta_transaction, meta_transaction::*,
        rollup_anchor, rollup_anchor::*

Define storage

Declare storage struct and declare the fields related to the modules.

#[derive(Default, Storage)]
pub struct TestOracle {
    ownable: ownable::Data,
    access: access_control::Data,
    rollup_anchor: rollup_anchor::Data,
    meta_transaction: meta_transaction::Data,

Inherit logic

Inherit implementation of the traits. You can customize (override) methods in this impl block.

impl RollupAnchor for TestOracle {}
impl MetaTransaction for TestOracle {}

Define constructor

impl TestOracle {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let mut instance = Self::default();
        let caller = instance.env().caller();
        // set the owner of this contract
        ownable::Internal::_init_with_owner(&mut instance, caller);
        // set the admin of this contract
        access_control::Internal::_init_with_admin(&mut instance, Some(caller));

Traits to implement

Trait for the rollup anchor

Implement the rollup_anchor::EventBroadcaster trait to emit the events when a message is pushed in the queue and when a message is proceeded. If you don't want to emit the events, you can put an empty block in the methods emit_event_message_queued and emit_event_message_processed_to.

/// Events emitted when a message is pushed in the queue
pub struct MessageQueued {
    pub id: u32,
    pub data: Vec<u8>,

/// Events emitted when a message is proceed
pub struct MessageProcessedTo {
    pub id: u32,

impl rollup_anchor::EventBroadcaster for TestOracle {

    fn emit_event_message_queued(&self, id: u32, data: Vec<u8>){
        self.env().emit_event(MessageQueued { id, data });

    fn emit_event_message_processed_to(&self, id: u32){
        self.env().emit_event(MessageProcessedTo { id });


Implement the rollup_anchor::MessageHandler trait to put your business logic when a message is received. Here an example when the Oracle receives a message with the price feed.

impl rollup_anchor::MessageHandler for TestOracle {
    fn on_message_received(&mut self, action: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), RollupAnchorError> {

        // parse the response
        let message: PriceResponseMessage = Decode::decode(&mut &action[..])

        // handle the response
        if message.resp_type == TYPE_RESPONSE || message.resp_type == TYPE_FEED {  // we received the price
            // register the info
            let mut trading_pair = self.trading_pairs.get(&message.trading_pair_id).unwrap_or_default();
            trading_pair.value = message.price.unwrap_or_default();
            trading_pair.nb_updates += 1;
            trading_pair.last_update = self.env().block_timestamp();
            self.trading_pairs.insert(&message.trading_pair_id, &trading_pair);

            // emmit te event
                PriceReceived {
                    trading_pair_id: message.trading_pair_id,
                    price: message.price.unwrap_or_default(),

        } else if message.resp_type == TYPE_ERROR { // we received an error
                ErrorReceived {
                    trading_pair_id: message.trading_pair_id,
                    err_no: message.err_no.unwrap_or_default()
        } else {
            // response type unknown
            return Err(RollupAnchorError::UnsupportedAction);


Trait for the meta transaction

Implement the meta_transaction::EventBroadcaster trait to emit the events when a meta transaction is decoded. If you don't want to emit the event, you can put an empty block in the methods emit_event_meta_tx_decoded.

    impl meta_transaction::EventBroadcaster for TestOracle {
        fn emit_event_meta_tx_decoded(&self) {
            self.env().emit_event(MetaTxDecoded {});

    /// Events emitted when a meta transaction is decoded
    pub struct MetaTxDecoded {}    

Final code

Here the final code of the Feed Price Oracle.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std, no_main)]

#[openbrush::implementation(Ownable, AccessControl)]
pub mod test_oracle {
    use ink::codegen::{EmitEvent, Env};
    use ink::prelude::string::String;
    use ink::prelude::vec::Vec;
    use ink::storage::Mapping;
    use openbrush::contracts::access_control::*;
    use openbrush::contracts::ownable::*;
    use openbrush::traits::Storage;
    use scale::{Decode, Encode};

    use phat_rollup_anchor_ink::traits::{
        meta_transaction, meta_transaction::*, rollup_anchor, rollup_anchor::*,

    pub type TradingPairId = u32;

    /// Events emitted when a price is received
    pub struct PriceReceived {
        trading_pair_id: TradingPairId,
        price: u128,

    /// Events emitted when a error is received
    pub struct ErrorReceived {
        trading_pair_id: TradingPairId,
        err_no: u128,

    /// Errors occurred in the contract
    #[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug)]
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(scale_info::TypeInfo))]
    pub enum ContractError {

    /// convertor from MessageQueueError to ContractError
    impl From<AccessControlError> for ContractError {
        fn from(error: AccessControlError) -> Self {

    /// convertor from RollupAnchorError to ContractError
    impl From<RollupAnchorError> for ContractError {
        fn from(error: RollupAnchorError) -> Self {

    /// convertor from MetaTxError to ContractError
    impl From<MetaTransactionError> for ContractError {
        fn from(error: MetaTransactionError) -> Self {

    /// Message to request the price of the trading pair
    /// message pushed in the queue by this contract and read by the offchain rollup
    #[derive(Encode, Decode)]
    struct PriceRequestMessage {
        /// id of the pair (use as key in the Mapping)
        trading_pair_id: TradingPairId,
        /// trading pair like 'polkdatot/usd'
        /// Note: it will be better to not save this data in the storage
        token0: String,
        token1: String,

    /// Message sent to provide the price of the trading pair
    /// response pushed in the queue by the offchain rollup and read by this contract
    #[derive(Encode, Decode)]
    struct PriceResponseMessage {
        /// Type of response
        resp_type: u8,
        /// id of the pair
        trading_pair_id: TradingPairId,
        /// price of the trading pair
        price: Option<u128>,
        /// error when the price is read
        err_no: Option<u128>,

    /// Type of response when the offchain rollup communicates with this contract
    const TYPE_ERROR: u8 = 0;
    const TYPE_RESPONSE: u8 = 10;
    const TYPE_FEED: u8 = 11;

    /// Data storage
    #[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
    feature = "std",
    derive(scale_info::TypeInfo, ink::storage::traits::StorageLayout)
    pub struct TradingPair {
        /// trading pair like 'polkdatot/usd'
        /// Note: it will be better to not save this data outside of the storage
        token0: String,
        token1: String,
        /// value of the trading pair
        value: u128,
        /// number of updates of the value
        nb_updates: u16,
        /// when the last value has been updated
        last_update: u64,

    #[derive(Default, Storage)]
    pub struct TestOracle {
        ownable: ownable::Data,
        access: access_control::Data,
        rollup_anchor: rollup_anchor::Data,
        meta_transaction: meta_transaction::Data,
        trading_pairs: Mapping<TradingPairId, TradingPair>,

    impl TestOracle {
        pub fn new() -> Self {
            let mut instance = Self::default();
            let caller = instance.env().caller();
            // set the owner of this contract
            ownable::Internal::_init_with_owner(&mut instance, caller);
            // set the admin of this contract
            access_control::Internal::_init_with_admin(&mut instance, Some(caller));
            // grant the role manager
            AccessControl::grant_role(&mut instance, MANAGER_ROLE, Some(caller))
                .expect("Should grant the role MANAGER_ROLE");

        pub fn create_trading_pair(
            &mut self,
            trading_pair_id: TradingPairId,
            token0: String,
            token1: String,
        ) -> Result<(), ContractError> {
            // we create a new trading pair or override an existing one
            let trading_pair = TradingPair {
                value: 0,
                nb_updates: 0,
                last_update: 0,
            self.trading_pairs.insert(trading_pair_id, &trading_pair);

        pub fn request_price(
            &mut self,
            trading_pair_id: TradingPairId,
        ) -> Result<QueueIndex, ContractError> {
            let index = match self.trading_pairs.get(trading_pair_id) {
                Some(t) => {
                    // push the message in the queue
                    let message = PriceRequestMessage {
                        token0: t.token0,
                        token1: t.token1,
                _ => return Err(ContractError::MissingTradingPair),


        pub fn get_trading_pair(&self, trading_pair_id: TradingPairId) -> Option<TradingPair> {

        pub fn register_attestor(
            &mut self,
            account_id: AccountId,
            ecdsa_public_key: [u8; 33],
        ) -> Result<(), ContractError> {
            AccessControl::grant_role(self, ATTESTOR_ROLE, Some(account_id))?;
            self.register_ecdsa_public_key(account_id, ecdsa_public_key)?;

        pub fn get_attestor_role(&self) -> RoleType {

        pub fn get_manager_role(&self) -> RoleType {

    impl RollupAnchor for TestOracle {}

    impl MetaTransaction for TestOracle {}

    impl rollup_anchor::MessageHandler for TestOracle {
        fn on_message_received(&mut self, action: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), RollupAnchorError> {
            // parse the response
            let message: PriceResponseMessage =
                Decode::decode(&mut &action[..]).or(Err(RollupAnchorError::FailedToDecode))?;

            // handle the response
            if message.resp_type == TYPE_RESPONSE || message.resp_type == TYPE_FEED {
                // we received the price
                // register the info
                let mut trading_pair = self
                trading_pair.value = message.price.unwrap_or_default();
                trading_pair.nb_updates += 1;
                trading_pair.last_update = self.env().block_timestamp();
                    .insert(message.trading_pair_id, &trading_pair);

                // emmit te event
                self.env().emit_event(PriceReceived {
                    trading_pair_id: message.trading_pair_id,
                    price: message.price.unwrap_or_default(),
            } else if message.resp_type == TYPE_ERROR {
                // we received an error
                self.env().emit_event(ErrorReceived {
                    trading_pair_id: message.trading_pair_id,
                    err_no: message.err_no.unwrap_or_default(),
            } else {
                // response type unknown
                return Err(RollupAnchorError::UnsupportedAction);


    /// Events emitted when a message is pushed in the queue
    pub struct MessageQueued {
        pub id: u32,
        pub data: Vec<u8>,

    /// Events emitted when a message is proceed
    pub struct MessageProcessedTo {
        pub id: u32,

    impl rollup_anchor::EventBroadcaster for TestOracle {
        fn emit_event_message_queued(&self, id: u32, data: Vec<u8>) {
            self.env().emit_event(MessageQueued { id, data });

        fn emit_event_message_processed_to(&self, id: u32) {
            self.env().emit_event(MessageProcessedTo { id });

    impl meta_transaction::EventBroadcaster for TestOracle {
        fn emit_event_meta_tx_decoded(&self) {
            self.env().emit_event(MetaTxDecoded {});

    /// Events emitted when a meta transaction is decoded
    pub struct MetaTxDecoded {}