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This is the official Pytorch implementation of the CVPR 2024 paper "Scene Adaptive Sparse Transformer for Event-based Object Detection"

Probably the first sparse transformer to implement window-token co-sparsification. Feel free to use its principle to sparse whatever you want.

  author  = {Yansong Peng and Hebei Li and Yueyi Zhang and Xiaoyan Sun and Feng Wu},
  title   = {Scene Adaptive Sparse Transformer for Event-based Object Detection},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  year    = {2024},

Conda Installation (same as RVT)

conda create -y -n rvt python=3.9 pip
conda activate sast
conda config --set channel_priority flexible


conda install -y h5py=3.8.0 blosc-hdf5-plugin=1.0.0
hydra-core=1.3.2 einops=0.6.0 torchdata=0.6.0 tqdm numba
pytorch=2.0.0 torchvision=0.15.0 pytorch-cuda=$CUDA_VERSION
-c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge

python -m pip install pytorch-lightning==1.8.6 wandb==0.14.0
pandas==1.5.3 plotly==5.13.1 opencv-python== tabulate==0.9.0
pycocotools==2.0.6 bbox-visualizer==0.1.0 StrEnum=0.4.10
python -m pip install 'git+'

Detectron2 is not strictly required but speeds up the evaluation.

Required Data (same as RVT)

To evaluate or train SAST you will need to download the required preprocessed datasets:

1 Mpx Gen1
pre-processed dataset download download
crc32 c5ec7c38 5acab6f3

You may also pre-process the dataset yourself by following the instructions.

Pre-trained Checkpoints


1 Mpx Gen1
pre-trained checkpoint download download


  • Set DATA_DIR as the path to either the 1 Mpx or Gen1 dataset directory
  • The training code uses W&B for logging during the training. Hence, we assume that you have a W&B account.
    • The training script below will create a new project called SAST. Adapt the project name and group name if necessary.
GPU_NUMBER=$(nvidia-smi --list-gpus | wc -l) 
GPUS=$(seq -s "," 0 $((GPU_NUMBER - 1))) 
lr=$(python -c "import math; print(2e-4*math.sqrt(${BATCH_SIZE_PER_GPU}*${GPU_NUMBER}/8))") 

1 Mpx

python model=rnndet dataset=gen4 dataset.path=${DATA_DIR} wandb.project_name=SAST 
wandb.group_name=1mpx hardware.num_workers.train=2 batch_size.train=${BATCH_SIZE_PER_GPU} 
hardware.num_workers.eval=2 batch_size.eval=${BATCH_SIZE_PER_GPU} 
hardware.gpus=[${GPUS}] +experiment/gen4="base.yaml" 
training.learning_rate=${lr} validation.val_check_interval=10000


python model=rnndet dataset=gen1 dataset.path=${DATA_DIR} wandb.project_name=SAST 
wandb.group_name=gen1 hardware.num_workers.train=2 batch_size.train=${BATCH_SIZE_PER_GPU} 
hardware.num_workers.eval=2 batch_size.eval=${BATCH_SIZE_PER_GPU} 
hardware.gpus=[${GPUS}] +experiment/gen1="base.yaml" 
training.learning_rate=${lr} validation.val_check_interval=10000


  • Set DATA_DIR as the path to either the 1 Mpx or Gen1 dataset directory
  • Set CKPT_PATH to the path of the correct checkpoint matching the choice of the model and dataset.
  • Set
    • USE_TEST=1 to evaluate on the test set, or
    • USE_TEST=0 to evaluate on the validation set
  • Set GPU_ID to the PCI BUS ID of the GPU that you want to use. e.g. GPU_ID=0. Only a single GPU is supported for evaluation

1 Mpx

python dataset=gen4 dataset.path=${DATA_DIR} checkpoint=${CKPT_PATH} 
use_test_set=${USE_TEST} hardware.gpus=${GPU_ID} batch_size.eval=4 +experiment/gen4="base.yaml"


python dataset=gen1 dataset.path=${DATA_DIR} checkpoint=${CKPT_PATH} 
use_test_set=${USE_TEST} hardware.gpus=${GPU_ID} batch_size.eval=4 +experiment/gen1="base.yaml"

Code Acknowledgments

This project has used code from the following projects:

  • RVT for the RVT architecture implementation in Pytorch
  • timm for the original MaxViT layer implementation in Pytorch
  • YOLOX for the detection PAFPN/head