Perfect provides XML & HTML parsing support via the Perfect-XML module.
In addition to the PerfectLib, you will need the Perfect-XML dependency in the Package.swift file:
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 3)
In each Swift source file that references the XML classes, include the import directive:
import PerfectXML
If you receive a compile error that says the following, you need to install and link libxml2.
note: you may be able to install libxml-2.0 using your system-packager:
brew install libxml2
Compile Swift Module 'PerfectXML' (2 sources)
<module-includes>:1:9: note: in file included from <module-includes>:1:
#import "libxml2.h"
To install and link libxml2 with Homebrew, use the following two commands:
brew install libxml2
brew link --force libxml2
Ensure that you have installed libxml2-dev and pkg-config.
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev pkg-config
Instantiate an XDocument object with your XML string:
let xDoc = XDocument(fromSource: <XMLSource>)
Now you can get the root node of the XML structure by using the documentElement property.
Converting the XML node tree to a string, with optional pretty-print formatting:
let xDoc = XDocument(fromSource: rssXML)
let prettyString = xDoc?.string(pretty: true)
let plainString = xDoc?.string(pretty: false)
XML is a structured document standard consisting of nodes in the format <A>B</A>
. Each node has a tag name and either a value, or sub nodes we call "children". Each node has several important properties:
- nodeValue
- nodeName
- parentNode
- childNodes
Each node also has a getElementsByTagName
method that recursively searches through it and its children to return an array of all nodes that have that name. This method makes it easy to find a single value in the XML file.
To demonstrate, this recursive function iterates through all elements in the node:
func printChildrenName(_ xNode: XNode) {
// try treating the current node as a text node
guard let text = xNode as? XText else {
// print out the node info
// find out children of the node
for n in xNode.childNodes {
// call the function recursively and take the same produces
// it is a text node and print it out
printChildrenName( xDoc!)
The snippet below shows the method of getElementsByTagName
in a general manner:
func testTag(tagName: String) {
// use .getElementsByTagName to get this node.
// check if there is such a tag in the xml document
guard let node = xDoc?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagName(tagName) else {
print("There is no such a tag: `\(tagName)`\n")
// if is, get the first matched
guard let value = node.first?.nodeValue else {
print("Tag `\(tagName)` has no value\n")
// show the node value
print("Tag '\(tagName)' has a value of '\(value)'\n")
testTag(tagName: "link")
testTag(tagName: "description")
Alternatively querying a node by its id using .getElementById()
func testID(id: String) {
// Access node by its id, if available
guard let node = xDoc?.getElementById(id) else {
print("There is no such a id: `\(id)`\n")
guard let value = node.nodeValue else {
print("id `\(id)` has no value\n")
print("id '\(id)' has a value of '\(value)'\n")
testID(id: "rssID")
testID(id: "xmlID")
The method .getElementsByTagName()
returns an array of nodes of type XElement.
The following code demonstrates how to iterate all element in this array:
func showItems() {
// get all items with tag name of "item"
let feedItems = xDoc?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagName("item")
// checkout how many items indeed.
let itemsCount = feedItems?.count
print("There are totally \(itemsCount!) Items Found\n")
// iterate all items in the result set
for item in feedItems!
let title = item.getElementsByTagName("title").first?.nodeValue
let link = item.getElementsByTagName("link").first?.nodeValue
let description = item.getElementsByTagName("description").first?.nodeValue
print("Title: \(title!)\tLink: \(link!)\tDescription: \(description!)\n")
PerfectXML provides a convenient way to access all relationships of a specific XML node: Parent, Siblings & Children.
Parent node can be accessed using parentNode
func showParent(tag: String) {
guard let node = xDoc?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagName(tag).first else {
print("There is no such a tag '\(tag)'.\n")
// Accessing the parent node
guard let parent = node.parentNode else {
print("Tag '\(tag)' is the root node.\n")
let name = parent.nodeName
print("Parent of '\(tag)' is '\(name)'\n")
showParent(tag: "link")
Each XML node can have two siblings: previousSibling
and nextSibling
func showSiblings (tag: String) {
let node = xDoc?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagName(tag).first
// Check the previous sibling of current node
let previousNode = node?.previousSibling
var name = previousNode?.nodeName
var value = previousNode?.nodeValue
print("Previous Sibling of \(tag) is \(name!)\t\(value!)\n")
// Check the next sibling of current node
let nextNode = node?.nextSibling
name = nextNode?.nodeName
value = nextNode?.nodeValue
print("Next Sibling of \(tag) is \(name!)\t\(value!)\n")
showSiblings(tag: "link")
showSiblings(tag: "description")
If an XML node has a child, .firstChild
and .lastChild
can be used:
func firstLast() {
let node = xDoc?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagName("channel").first
/// retrieve the first child
let firstChild = node?.firstChild
var name = firstChild?.nodeName
var value = firstChild?.nodeValue
print("First Child of Channel is \(name!)\t\(value!)\n")
/// retrieve the last child
let lastChild = node?.lastChild
name = lastChild?.nodeName
value = lastChild?.nodeValue
print("Last Child of Channel is \(name!)\t\(value!)\n")
Any XML node or element can have attributes:
<node attribute1="value of attribute1" attribute2="value of attribute2">
Node method .getAttribute(name: String)
provides the functionality of accessing attributes:
func showAttributes() {
let node = xDoc?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagName("title").first
/// get some attributes of a node
let att1 = node?.getAttribute(name: "attribute1")
print("attribute1 of title is \(att1)\n")
let att2 = node?.getAttributeNode(name: "attribute2")
print("attribute2 of title is \(att2?.value)\n")
XML namespaces are used for providing uniquely named elements and attributes in an XML document. An XML instance may contain element or attribute names from more than one XML vocabulary. If each vocabulary is given a namespace, the ambiguity between identically named elements or attributes can be resolved.
Both .getElementsByTagName()
and .getAttributeNode()
have namespace versions: .getElementsByTagNameNS()
and .getAttributeNodeNS()
. In these cases namespaceURI
and localName
are required.
The following code demonstrates the usage of .getElementsByTagNameNS()
and .getNamedItemNS()
func showNamespaces(){
let deeper = xDoc?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagName("deeper").first
let atts = deeper?.firstChild?.attributes;
let item = atts?.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI: "foo:bar", localName: "atr2")
print("Namespace of deeper has an attribute of \(item?.nodeValue)\n")
let foos = xDoc?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: "foo:bar", localName: "fool")
var count = foos?.count
let node = foos?.first
let name = node?.nodeName
let localName = node?.localName
let prefix = node?.prefix
let nuri = node?.namespaceURI
print("Namespace of 'foo:bar' has \(count!) element:\n")
print("Node Name: \(name!)\n")
print("Local Name: \(localName!)\n")
print("Prefix: \(prefix!)\n")
print("Namespace URI: \(nuri!)\n")
let children = node?.childNodes
count = children?.count
let a = node?.firstChild
let b = node?.lastChild
let na = a?.nodeName
let nb = b?.nodeName
let va = a?.nodeValue
let vb = b?.nodeValue
print("This node also has \(count!) children.\n")
print("The first one is called '\(na!)' with value of '\(va!)'.\n")
print("And the last one is called '\(nb!)' with value of '\(vb!)'\n")
XPath (XML Path Language) is a query language for selecting nodes from an XML document. In addition, XPath may be used to compute values (e.g. strings, numbers, or Boolean values) from the content of an XML document.
The following code demonstrates extracting a specific path:
func showXPath(xpath: String) {
/// Use .extract() method to deal with the XPath request.
let pathResource = xDoc?.extract(path: xpath)
print("XPath '\(xpath)':\n\(pathResource!)\n")
showXPath(xpath: "/rss/channel/item")
showXPath(xpath: "/rss/channel/title/@attribute1")
showXPath(xpath: "/rss/channel/link/text()")
showXPath(xpath: "/rss/channel/item[2]/deeper/foo:bar")