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Releases: PalEON-Project/ReFAB

Fagus marching in v2.1

20 Apr 15:59
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Adding a small commit to the gam_spatial_uncertainty.R to match the manuscript.

Fagus among us v2.0

11 Apr 18:55
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We have added post hoc Bayesian spatial smoothing code and modified units in major manuscript figures.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6449790

Tsuga saga v1.0.1

16 Dec 16:57
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Adding Zenodo DOI

Tsuga Strikes Back (v1.0)

15 Jul 23:31
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This is the first release of the ReFAB codebase. This version contains all code for reproducing current analyses in Doubling of Holocene forest AGWB was driven by changes at population and biome-scales and also contains legacy code for various analyses developments.