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Triage Solution App

The Triage Solution App is the client side application of the Triage-Solution project. It's a typical Single Page Application with Angular-JS/bootstrap and works together with a Web REST Api (see, deployed to Azure

Package Manager

We use the tools angular js suggests: npm together with bower. What do you need to do to add a new dependency?

  1. Add the dependency to the bower.json-file (you find it in the root folder)
  2. Run npm install
  3. The module will be installed under /app/bower_components/. Here you find the js-scripts and css-files for this module.
  4. Add a link to the js-script/css-files in your index.html. Take care, the order is important! if your new dependency has for example a dependency to angular, it needs to be placed below the angular-include (in index.html).

Important commands

e.g. run the local http-server, run e2e-tests, run Karma Are the same as in the angular tutorial. Have a look at this:


While the API-part is hosted on Azure, we use the divshot-cloud to host the client-application. Simply because it's so simple to deploy (and pricing is free for a simple app). The login is connected with the [email protected] Github-Account.

All you need to re-deploy is:

  1. navigate to the /app-directory
  2. run divshot push

Installing divshot on a new machine is also very easy, see this:

Hosting on different platforms

Because we host the API on another platform than the client-application, we use CORS ( The CORS-calls/headers are configured in the API, see the Startup.cs-class.

Other tips

Browser-Caching is, as always, an issue when developing! Easiest way to solve it: always open the DevTools-Window in Chrome and activate the setting "Disable Cache while DevTools is open".