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- file: api/taxcalcio
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+- part: Tax-Calculator use cases
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+Recorded use cases
+\[1\] Kyle Pomerleau and Peter Metz. How would your taxes change under
+Joe Biden\'s tax plan? November 2020. URL:
+\[2\] Kyle Pomerleau and Peter Metz. How would Joe Biden's tax proposals
+impact your tax liability? October 2020. Section: Economics. URL:
+\[3\] Timothy Fitzgerald, Kevin Hassett, Cody Kallen, and Casey
+Mulligan. An Analysis of Vice President Biden's Economic Agenda: The
+Long Run Impacts of Its Regulation, Taxes, and Spending\*. October 2020.
+\[4\] Kyle Pomerleau. An analysis of Joe Biden's tax proposals, October
+2020 update. October 2020. Section: Economics. URL:
+\[5\] Richard Rubin. How Biden's Tax Plan Would Affect Five American
+Households. Wall Street Journal, September 2020. URL:
+\[6\] Kyle Pomerleau. The tax burden on business investment under Joe
+Biden's tax proposals. September 2020. Section: Economics. URL:
+\[7\] Matt Jensen and Peter Metz. Effective tax rates on capital under
+current law and Joe Biden\'s tax proposal. September 2020. URL:
+\[8\] Max Ghenis and Nate Silver. Poverty and inequality effects of new
+unemployment benefits, payroll tax cuts, and universal payments. July
+2020. URL: .
+\[9\] Kyle Pomerleau. An analysis of Joe Biden\'s tax proposals. June
+2020. Section: Economics. URL:
+\[10\] Kyle Pomerleau. Eligible dependents in the CARES Act and HEROES
+Act economic relief payments. May 2020. Section: Economics. URL:
+\[11\] Kyle Pomerleau. Kyle Pomerleau on Twitter. May 2020. URL:
+\[12\] Don Boyd. A New Synthetic Data Set for Tax Policy Analysis.
+Quantitative Notes, 2:7, May 2020. URL:
+\[13\] Kyle Pomerleau. The CARES Act: Who will get a rebate and how
+much? March 2020. Section: Economics. URL:
+\[14\] Ernie Tedeschi. The Distribution of Household Rebate Ideas So
+Far. March 2020. URL:
+\[15\] Ernie Tedeschi. Updated Distribution of Household Rebate Ideas So
+Far. March 2020. URL:
+\[16\] Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. Choices for Financing
+Medicare for All. Technical Report, Committee for a Responsible Federal
+Budget, March 2020. URL:
+\[17\] Kyle Pomerleau. Kyle Pomerleau on Twitter. March 2020. URL:
+\[18\] Matt Jensen, Peter Metz, and Jason DeBacker. A static simulation
+of several personal income and payroll tax provisions from the Biden
+2020 reform. by Peter-Metz. 2020. URL:
+\[19\] Matt Jensen. Transparency for Congress\'s Scorekeepers. National
+Affairs, 2020. URL:
+\[20\] Jaeger Nelson and Kerk Phillips. Macroeconomic Effects of
+Reducing OASI Benefits: A Comparison of Seven Overlapping-Generations
+Models. National Tax Journal, 70(4):671--692, December 2019. URL:
+\[21\] Aparna Mathur. Rethinking the Green New Deal: Using Climate
+Policy to Address Inequality. National Tax Journal, 70(4):693--722,
+December 2019. URL:
+\[22\] Alan D. Viard and Sita Nataraj Slavov. The Wrong Way to Make
+Social Security and Medicare More Progressive. Tax Notes, September
+2019. URL:
+\[23\] Lily L. Batchelder and David Kamin. Taxing the Rich: Issues and
+Options. SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 3452274, Social Science Research
+Network, Rochester, NY, September 2019.
+\[24\] Max Ghenis. Distributional analysis of Andrew Yang's Freedom
+Dividend. June 2019. URL:
+\[25\] Alan D. Viard. An Economic Analysis of the TCJA's Larger Standard
+Deduction. Tax Notes, April 2019. URL:
+\[26\] Aparna Mathur. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Anything but a simple
+tax reform \\textbar AEI. Bloomberg Tax, March 2019. URL:
+\[27\] Ernie Tedeschi. An Analysis of the Earned Basic Income Tax
+Credit. March 2019. URL:
+\[28\] Council of Economic Advisors. Economic Report of the President.
+Technical Report PR 45.9, Council of Economic Advisors, March 2019. URL:
+\[29\] Aparna Mathur and Cody Kallen. Estimating the distributional
+implications of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Technical Report, AEI,
+February 2019. URL:
+\[30\] Jason DeBacker, Richard W. Evans, and Kerk L. Phillips.
+Integrating Microsimulation Models of Tax Policy into a DGE
+Macroeconomic Model. Public Finance Review, 47(2):207--275, February
+2019. URL: ,
+\[31\] Aparna Mathur. A 70 percent tax rate on the rich may be smart
+politics, but is not smart economics \\textbar AEI. Bloomberg Tax,
+January 2019. URL:
+\[32\] Jason DeBacker and Anderson Frailey. Revenue and Macroeconomic
+Effects of a 70% Marginal Tax Rate. Quantitative Notes, 1:5, 2019.
+\[33\] Alan D. Viard and Sita Nataraj Slavov. Taxes, transfers,
+progressivity, and redistribution: Part III \\textbar AEI. Tax Notes,
+November 2018. URL:
+\[34\] AEI. Charitable giving and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Technical
+Report, AEI, June 2018. URL:
+\[35\] Alex Brill and Benedict Ippolito. The effects of tax reform on
+the medical deduction \\textbar AEI. Tax Notes, May 2018. URL:
+\[36\] Reuben Fischer-Baum. Analysis \\textbar Will your taxes go up or
+down in 2018 under the new tax bill? Washington Post, January 2018. URL:
+\[37\] Jason Furman. Some Preliminary Macroeconomics of the Tax Cuts and
+Jobs Act. January 2018. URL:
+\[38\] Richard W Evans. Dynamic Analysis of EITC Expansion. Quantitative
+Notes, 2:14, 2018. URL:
+\[39\] Jason DeBacker and Richard W Evans. Dynamic Analysis of Tax Cuts
+and Jobs Act. Quantitative Notes, 1:6, 2018. URL:
+\[40\] Tal Yellin and Sam Petulla. See how the tax bill affects your
+paycheck. CNN, December 2017. URL:
+\[41\] Ben Casselman. How to Build a Tax Calculator That's Actually
+Useful. The New York Times, December 2017. URL:
+\[42\] Adam Pearce, Quoctrung Bui, Ben Casselman, and Blacki Migliozzi.
+Tax Bill Calculator: Will Your Taxes Go Up or Down? The New York Times,
+December 2017. URL:
+\[43\] Quoctrung Bui and Ben Casselman. What the Tax Bill Would Look
+Like for 25,000 Middle-Class Families. The New York Times, November
+2017. URL:
+\[44\] Council of Economic Advisors. Evaluating the Anticipated Effects
+of Changes to the Mortgage Interest Deduction. Technical Report, Council
+of Economic Advisors, November 2017. URL:
+\[45\] Ernie Tedeschi. For the Non-Rich, the Child Tax Credit Is the Key
+to Tax Reform. The New York Times, October 2017. URL:
+\[46\] Alex Brill. Testimony: The opportunities for individual tax
+reform. September 2017.
+\[47\] Alex Brill. AEI Tax Brief: Repealing the personal exemption.
+September 2017. URL:
+\[48\] Alex Brill. AEI Tax Brief: Increasing the Standard Deduction.
+September 2017. URL:
+\[49\] Alex Brill. AEI Tax Brief: Child Tax Credit Options. September
+2017. URL:
+\[50\] Jason DeBacker. Impacts of Business Tax Reform on Investment
+Incentives for the Retail Industry. Quantitative Notes, 1:2, 2017. URL:
+\[51\] Richard W Evans and Haylee Ham. Government Revenue and
+Distributional Effects of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Quantitative Notes,
+3:4, 2017. URL: .
+\[52\] Jason DeBacker. Estimating the Effects of Business Tax Reform on
+Output. Quantitative Notes, 2:4, 2017. URL:
+\[53\] Richard W Evans. Dynamic Analysis of Corporate Income Tax Rate
+Cut. Quantitative Notes, 4:6, 2017. URL:
+\[54\] Richard Rubin. Republicans' Radical New Business-Tax Proposal,
+Simplified (Sort Of). December 2016. URL:
+\[55\] Dylan Matthews. House Republicans are proposing a big corporate
+tax cut that Walmart hates. Vox, December 2016. URL:
+\[56\] Alex Brill. Tax reform: Ryan-Brady plan is a better way.
+Technical Report, AEI, October 2016. URL:
+\[57\] Richard Rubin. Why It's So Hard to Get Rid of Tax 'Loopholes'.
+August 2016. URL:
+\[58\] Aparna Mathur and Adele Hunter. Leaving Childless Taxpayers
+Behind in the Tax Code \\textbar AEI. Tax Notes, July 2016. Library
+Catalog: [www.aei.org](http://www.aei.org) Section: Public Economics.
+\[59\] Jim Tankersley. The search for the best middle-class tax cut.
+Washington Post, April 2016. URL:
+\[60\] Alex Brill. Understanding middle-class tax cuts. Technical
+Report, AEI, April 2016. URL:
+\[61\] Kevin Hassett. Reaching America\'s potential: Delivering growth
+and opportunity for all Americans. February 2016. URL:
+\[62\] Kevin Hassett. On the Dynamic Scoring of Fiscal Policy. July
+2015. URL: