This is an offline tool for evaluating DetZero detection results. You can use the detection results of the DetZero pipeline to conduct the evaluation.
You must have the detection result and the ground-truth annotations as the input and the evaluator will invoke the
tool to assess the performance. -
You can make the prediction without considering the order, to do so, you must include the name of sequence (
) and the index of the frame in the sequence (frame_id
) in the generated detection result. -
In order to excute the evaluation, you will also need a ground-truth annotations. We have provided the scripts to generate these files, which can be stoted in the default path:
a. generate ground truth pickle files
b. evaluate the performance
python -u detzero_eval.py [-h]
[--det_result_path DET_RESULT_PATH]
[--gt_info_path GT_INFO_PATH]
[--evaluate_metrics EVALUATE_METRICS [EVALUATE_METRICS ...]]
[--class_name CLASS_NAME [CLASS_NAME ...]]
[--iou_type IOU_TYPE]
[--distance_thresh DISTANCE_THRESH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--det_result_path DET_RESULT_PATH
path to the prediction result pickle file
--gt_info_path GT_INFO_PATH
path to the generated ground-truth info pickle file
metrics that used in evaluation, support multiple (object, range)
--class_name CLASS_NAME [CLASS_NAME ...]
the class names of the detection, default=["Vehicle", "Pedestrian", "Cyclist"]
--iou_type IOU_TYPE
the box matching type, support '3d' or 'bev'
--distance_thresh DISTANCE_THRESH
the perception range for evaluation
--tracking store True to evaluate the tracking performance (currently only support L2 difficulty)
--human_study store True to evalute the selected sequences for human study
An example:
cd DetZero/evaluator &&
python -u detzero_eval.py \
--det_result_path ../detection/output/centerpoint_1sweep/default/eval/epoch_30/val/result.pkl \
--gt_info_path ../data/waymo/waymo_processed_val.pkl
--evaluate_metrics object range
indicates the desired evaluation that you want to conduct. Support object
(by default), range
, or, object range
. More metrics means much elapsed time, object
is fastest and adequate for most circumstance, range
will output the performance splited by different ranges.
- You can use
to generate a bin file for Waymo leaderboard submission. - You can find more details about Waymo leaderboard sumbission with fowllowing link.
For example:
cd DetZero/evaluator &&
python -u waymo_submit.py --pred_path <PRED_DATA_PATH> --gt_path <GT_INFO_PATH> --output_path <OUTPUT_DIR_PATH>
The prediction pickle file includes a list of dicts. Each dict indicates a frame. Here is an layout example of a dict which contains N detected objects:
'sequence_name': a string like 'segment-10203656353524179475_7625_000_7645_000',
'frame_id': an int that indicates the index of the frame in the sequence,
'name': an numpy string array in [N],
'score': an numpy float32 array in [N],
'boxes_lidar': an numpy float32 array in [N, 7],
'pose': an numpy float32 array in [4, 4]