This repository refers to the following manuscript:
- Title: Probabilistic Models with Deep Neural Networks
- Authors: Andrés R. Masegosa, Rafael Cabañas, Helge Langseth, Thomas D. Nielsen, Antonio Salmerón
- PDF:
Here we provide the code for running the examples in the aforementioned manuscript using TensorFlow Probability. These are provided in Jupyter notebook format and can be executed in cloud services:
Another two well known probabilistic models including artificial neural newtorks, not detailed in the manuscript, can be found here:
The same notebooks are also coded using InferPy, which is a high-level API for probabilistic modeling with deep neural networks. InferPy has a strong focus on ease of use.
- Example 1 - PCA
- Example 6 - Non-linear PCA
- Example 10 - VAE
- Bayesian Neural Networks
- Mixture Density Networks
A comparison of the evolution of the ELBO (i.e., objective function) is shown in the following notebook:
author = {Masegosa, A.R. and Caba\~{n}as, R. and Langseth, H. and Nielsen, T.D. and Salmer\'{o}n, A. },
title = {Probabilistic Models with Deep Neural Networks},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.03442},
year = {2019}