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Introduction to Functional Programming, with Examples in Haskell

Author: Ose Pedro

This repository contains a basic implementation of the messaging system that I used as a running example in my "Introduction to Functional Programming" presentation.


Option 1 (easiest): Run it Online

The easiest way to start playing around with the messaging system is to use this installation. If you want to save your changes, you should probably sign up for a free account (I don't know how long they'll keep your changes for if you don't).

Option 2: Run it Locally

If you'd rather play with a local copy of the code, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Install Haskell: follow these instructions. I don't think you need to follow the step about installing Stack.

    • I've only done this in Ubuntu, where it's as simple as launching a terminal and running

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install haskell-platform
    • The Mac OS X installation procedure looks straightforward too. I don't have a Mac though, so I can't confirm this.

    • The Windows installation procedure looks horrible - I don't know why it's like this. If you want to give it a try, this video might help.

      • It might be easier to install Ubuntu 20.04 (e.g. in Windows Subsystem for Linux or in a VM), and then install the haskell-platform package as described above.
  2. Download this repository:

    1. Option A (easiest): download the zip file from here and extract its contents.
    2. Option B: clone the Git repository:
      1. If you don't already have Git, use these instructions to get it.

      2. Launch a terminal and run

         git clone [email protected]:OsePedro/HaskellIntro.git
  3. Text editor: You'll need a text editor to edit the code. If you want syntax highlighting, try one of the following:

Things to Try

  1. Load the Demo module in ghci:

    • If you are running it online, press "Run". This will launch ghci and load the Demo module.
    • If you are running it locally, launch a terminal, navigate to the HaskellIntro directory that you downloaded/cloned, and run ghci . Type :l Demo to load Demo.
      • To quit ghci, type :q .
    • ghci is a REPL — an interactive environment in which you can execute arbitrary Haskell expressions. It allows us to play around with the messaging system without having to write a user interface.
      • Note that it also gives you direct access to parts of the system that it would be unwise to allow users to directly manipulate. E.g. it allows you to put MsgSys into invalid states that would not otherwise be reachable through the functions exported by the MsgSys module.
    • The loaded Demo module gives you access to:
      • Two instances of the type MsgSysmsgSys0 and msgSys1 ;
      • Three LoggedInUsers — alerter, ose and pedro ;
      • All of the functions and types described in the presentation.
  2. Type :t <value/function name> to view the type of any value or function. E.g. typing :t ose prints:

     ose :: LoggedInUser

    and typing :t alert prints:

     alert :: Message -> User -> MsgSys -> MsgSys
  3. There are two ways to view values like msgSys1 and ose:

    1. Type its name into ghci and press enter. This will print a Haskell expression that represents the full state of the value. E.g. if you type ose, it will print:

       Just (RawCredentials {credsUser = RawUser (StringWrapper "Ose"), credsPassword = StringWrapper "Ose's unguessable password"})
    2. Use the display function to print a more readable representation of the value. This is especially useful for MsgSys, as their Haskell expressions are long and poorly formatted. Try executing display msgSys1 and compare it to what you get when you type msgSys1 to see what I mean.

      • You can use display to view instances of pretty much all types defined in the MsgSys module, and lists of these types. E.g. if you type display ose, it will print:

        User: Ose
        Password: Ose's unguessable password
      • The few types that display does not support are simple enough to be viewed as described in the previous point.

  4. Open MsgSys.hs in a text editor. You will see a line near the top that says module MsgSys. The list of names in parentheses after that are the values, functions and types that MsgSys exports (type names begin with capital letters), which can be used by the Demo module.

    • These types are returned by the exported functions.
    • display can print instances of all of these exported types, and lists of these types.
  5. Open Demo.hs in a text editor.

  6. Add code that registers two new Users to msgSys1 .

    • The initialise function at the bottom of the file demonstrates how to do this.
    • You can either:
      • modify initialise, and the call to initialise at the top of the file;
      • or write a new function with type signature MsgSys -> MsgSys that takes msgSys1 and returns the result of registering the two new Users.
    • Remember: you can type :t register in ghci to view register's type signature (or you can just search for the implementation of register in MsgSys.hs).
  7. Reload Demo.hs in ghci (i.e. run :l Demo again), to make sure it compiles.

    • Feel free to ask me for help if you have any issues.
  8. Type display (allUsers <new MsgSys>) in ghci to check that your new Users exist, where <new MsgSys> is the result of your new calls to register.

  9. In Demo.hs:

    1. Use the findUser function to search for one of these new Users by their Name (its type signature shows you how to use it) and name the resulting User (e.g. myUser = findUser ...).
    2. Use the login function to log in as the other new User, and name the resulting LoggedInUser.
    3. Use the send function to send a Message from your new LoggedInUser to your new User, and name the resulting MsgSys.
      • Note: if you want to send a Message to a LoggedInUser, you have to use the asUser function to extract the User that it contains.
  10. Reload Demo.hs in ghci and display the new MsgSys that you have created.

  11. Try out some of the functions that we wrote in the presentation, e.g.: alertOutOfSpace, usedSpace and alertMultiOutOfSpace .

  12. Have a go at writing the sendMulti function suggested on the final slide. I'll share the solution later.

I'm Hooked! Where Can I learn More About Haskell?

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I created this image for the presentation, then changed my mind about using it. But I like it so much that I thought it would be a shame not to share it with the world. I'll send £10 to the first person who correctly guesses how I was going to relate it to the presentation.