The implementation of
System overview. We use an attention-based objective to enhance training signals by assigning relatively larger weights to misclassified image patches.
- python == 3.6
- tensorflow == 1.2.1
- tensorpack == 0.6
- Tensorpack does not implement AVA2012. You need to put the in AVA_info in the folder of tensorpack.dataflow.dataset.
- For the information of training and test split of AVA benchmark, please refer to AVA_train.lst and AVA_test.lst in AVA_info.
python --gpu 2 --data $YOUR_DATA_DIR$/AVA2012
--aesthetic_level 2 --crop_method_TS RandomCrop --repeat_times 15
--load $YOUR_CHECKPOINT_DIR$/checkpoint --mode resnet -d 18 --eval
$YOUR_DATA_DIR$ : The directory you put images of the AVA benchmark. -
$YOUR_CHECKPOINT_DIR$ : The directory you save the checkpoint files of the models. - Result might not be reproduced due to several factors: different version of cv2, different CUDA version, different split of training/test.
Please cite the following paper if you use this repository in your reseach~ Thank you ^ . ^
title={Attention-based multi-patch aggregation for image aesthetic assessment},
author={Sheng, Kekai and Dong, Weiming and Ma, Chongyang and Mei, Xing and Huang, Feiyue and Hu, Bao-Gang},
booktitle={2018 ACM Multimedia Conference on Multimedia Conference},