This repository contains the InfoMapper implementation for the Poudre Basin Information website. The OWF InfoMapper web application provides access to maps, graphs, and other information products. See also:
- owf-app-infomapper-ng repository for the general InfoMapper web application code.
- Deployed prototype application
The following sections are included in this documentation:
- Repository Contents
- Application Menus and Corresponding Workflow
- Development Environment
- Maintainers
The following folder structure is recommended for development.
Top-level folders should be created as necessary.
The following folder structure clearly separates user files (as per operating system),
development area (owf-dev
), product (InfoMapper-Poudre
), repositories for product (git-repos
and specific repositories for the product.
Repository folder names should agree with GitHub repository names.
Scripts in repository folders that process data should detect their starting location
and then locate other folders based on the following convention.
C:\Users\user\ User's home folder for Windows.
/c/Users/user/ User's home folder for Git Bash.
/cygdrive/C/Users/user/ User's home folder for Cygwin.
/home/user/ User's home folder for Linux.
owf-dev/ Work done on Open Water Foundation projects.
InfoMapper-Poudre/ Poudre Basin Information website, using InfoMapper
(name of this folder is recommended).
---- below here folder names should match exactly ----
git-repos/ Git repositories for the Angular portal web application software.
owf-app-infomapper-ng/ InfoMapper web application.
owf-infomapper-poudre/ Workflow files to process input for web application.
This repository contains the following:
owf-infomapper-poudre/ Workflow files to process input for web application.
.git/ Standard Git software folder for repository (DO NOT TOUCH).
.gitattributes/ Standard Git configuration file for repository (for portability).
.gitignore/ Standard Git configuration file to ignore dynamic working files.
build-util/ Scripts to manage repository, as needed. Check whether need to push/pull any product repositories.
qgis/ Files that QGIS can use.
latest/ Latest files from "process" steps (data files are in gitgnore).
*.qgs QGIS project file, saved in repo to preserve configuration.
snapshots/ Periodic saved snapshots of QGIS files, useful to freeze test data
in the repository so web application developers don't need to regenerate.
This is being evaluated.
web/ Location of assembled website files created by workflow steps.
Will be copied to InfoMapper 'assets/app' folder.
content-pages/ Content pages displayed in the website.
dashboards/ Dashboard configurations.
img/ Shared image files.
system/ Shared system files such as data units.
workflow/ Command files and scripts to download and process data into maps
and other information products. Folders match menu organization.
The web application provides menus, which display context-specific maps, as follows. The README for each product provides information about data sources and workflow processing.
Menu | README | Description |
Basin Entities / | =========== | =============================== |
Physical - Counties | README | Counties that provide or consume Poudre Basin water. |
Physical - Hydrologic Unit Codes | ||
Physical - Stream Reaches | README | Stream reaches in the Poudre Basin. |
Administrative - Division 1 Water Districts | README | Colorado Division of Water Resources administrative basins. |
Agricultural - Dairies | README | Statewide dairies layer. |
Agricultural - Ditches | README | Ditch service areas. |
Environmental - Instream Flow Reaches | README | Instream flow reaches with water rights for environmental flows. |
Environmental - Organizations | ||
Industry - Breweries | README | Breweries in the Poudre Basin. |
Municipal - Municipalities | ||
Recreation - Boating Companies | ||
Recreation - Trails | ||
Water Supply - Water Providers | ||
Water Supply - Transbasin | ||
Historical Data / | =========== | =============================== |
Agriculture - Ditch Company Ownership | ||
Agriculture - Diversions | ||
Agriculture - Irrigated Lands | README | Irrigated lands, indicating parcels, crop, and irrigation method, used to estimate agricultural water demand and use. |
Agriculture - Water Rentals | ||
Environment - Climate Change | ||
Environment - Floods | ||
Environment - Flows | ||
Municipal - Population | ||
Municipal - Water Demand | ||
Recreation - Boating Days | ||
Water Supply - CBT Quota and Water Supplies | ||
Water Supply - Snow | ||
Water Supply - Streamflow | ||
Current Conditions / | =========== | =============================== |
System - Point Flow | ||
Administration - Calls | ||
Environment - Wildfire Burn Areas | ||
Recreation - Boating | ||
Recreation - Fishing | ||
Water Supply - Drought | ||
Water Supply - Operations | ||
Water Supply - Reservoirs (Storage) | ||
Water Supply - Snowpack (SNODAS) | ||
Water Supply - Snowpack (NRCS) | ||
Water Supply - Streamflow | README | Flow measurement points. |
Weather - Evapotranspiration | ||
Weather - Soil Moisture | ||
Weather - Wind | ||
Seasonal Outlook / | =========== | =============================== |
System | ||
Agriculture - Diversions | ||
Water Supply - CBT Quota | ||
Water Supply - Drought | ||
Water Supply - Operations | ||
Water Supply - Reservoirs (Storage) | ||
Water Supply - Snow | ||
Future Planning / | =========== | =============================== |
Agriculture - Land Transfer | ||
Environment - Climate Change | ||
Environment - Open Space | ||
Environment - Watershed Plans | ||
Municipal - Growth | ||
Municipal - Major Projects | ||
Municipal - Stormwater/Floodplain Plans |
This section provides an overview of the development environment.
Do the following to set up a new development environment, assuming that development tools are installed.
Skip software installation steps if tools have been previously installed.
See the next section for more information about installing necessary tools.
The following approach copies website content from owf-infomapper-poudre
into the the owf-app-infomapper-ng/infomapper/src/assets/app
(it should be possible to use a symbolic link rather than copy, but this has not worked on Windows).
- On windows, create a folder
, as per the Repository Contents section above. - Typically, start a Git Bash or Cygwin terminal for development. Command line scripts are run to process and copy files.
- In the above folder, clone the repository:
git clone
- In the above repository, change to
. - Clone other related repositories, including InfoMapper:
- Update the InfoMapper working files:
- Change to the
folder. - Install needed modules:
npm install
- Do not run
npm audit fix
, which can unexpectedly change Angular packages and cause errors building the software. The development team will work to update packages as time allows. Options used withnpm audit
may be appropriate but have not been tested. - Test:
ng serve --open
. The application should display in a browser with menu bar title Info Mapper, which is the default when content is not available.
- Change to the
- Create and test the Poudre Basin Information application content:
- Run the command files in the
folder to create and assemble content in theweb/
folder. Automated execution of all steps together will be implemented at some point. - Run the
script, which copies files inweb/
folder to the InfoMapper appliction files. - In the
folder, runng serve --open
to start the application server. The application should display in a browser with menu bar title Poudre Basin Information.
- Run the command files in the
- Publish the application to the web:
- Run the
script to copy the InfoMapperassets/app/
folder to the cloud. A versioned andlatest
folder can be updated. See the deployed latest Poudre Basin Information website, which will redirect to the latest version.
- Run the
The development environment for this repository depends primarily on software tools used to process and view data, including the following. Install the software in normal default locations.
- Git client:
- For example Git for Windows or Cygwin git.
- InfoMapper - open source web application software to visualize data:
- See the owf-app-infomapper-ng repository for information.
- Currently must be cloned - will create an installer in the future.
- See InfoMapper Configuration section.
- GeoProcessor - open source software for spatial data processing:
- Automates download and processing of spatial data.
- Command files (
) inprocess
folders indicate how to process spatial data and are committed to the repository. - See the GeoProcessor download page.
- QGIS - open source geographic information system:
- Install the "Standalone Installation" (rather than OSGeo4W suite) corresponding to the GeoProcessor version.
- QGIS may be used to review data and create preliminary project files (
) for prototype maps. - See OWF / Learn QGIS for information on installing QGIS.
- TSTool - open source software for time series processing:
- Automates download and processing of time series data.
- Command files (
) inprocess
folders indicate how to process time series data and are committed to the repository.
- See the TSTool download page for installation information.
- R - open source statistics software:
- Need to fill out if used for product generation, currently not used.
- Python - open source scripting:
- Need to fill out if used for product generation, currently not used.
The InfoMapper is an Angular application, which expects run-time configuration and data files to be
located in owf-app-infomapper-ng/infomapper/src/assets/app
repository working files.
The app-default/
folder that is distributed with the InfoMapper software will be used if
the app/
folder is not found or there is a major error initializing the application,
and is used to confirm basic application configuration.
Because the InfoMapper is a general application, specific configuration and data for this Poudre information project cannot live in the InfoMapper repository. Three options have been tested on Windows to provide custom configuration and data to the InfoMapper, which applies to any implementation of the InfoMapper.
- Copy files from the implementation repository to the InfoMapper
folder:- This is typically be done with a script, either brute force to copy entire folder trees, or with options for selective copies.
- The downside is that files, perhaps many files, would need to be repeatedly copied, which can be slow and will require additional disk space. However, if the content is being updated incrementally, then it is not difficult to only copy the updated content.
- This option is currently recommended on Windows because it does not require special configuration for windows to enable symbolic links, and because symbolic links on Windows do not seem to work propertly with Angular. The previous section describes using this approach.
- Use symbolic link(s) in the InforMappper files to allow the InfoMapper to access data without doing a copy,
for example:
owf-app-infomapper-ng/infomapper/src/assets/app -> owf-infomapper-poudre/web
.- All files live with the implementation repository and the InfoMapper
folder is in.gitignore
. This approach is desirable because published data live in the repository that is publishing the data and should be immediately detected by Angular when updated; however, it does not seem to work and is documented in a Stack Overflow article. - Requires activating Windows 10 features to use symbolic links
(see Symlinks in Windows, MinGW, Git, and Cygwin).
- Add to
in Git Bash and Cygwin the following:export MSYS=winsymlinks:nativestrict
- Add to
in thecore
- Can also run:
git config --system core.symlinks true
(but need to do above to have an effect)
- Add to
- Requires confirming that symbolic links are working with all technologies involved, as indicated in the above article. It is recommended to create the symbolic links using Windows mklink command and confirming that other development environment tools work with links, in order to do the minimal amount of extra configuration.
- The
build-util/ --files-live-here
script automates the above and has been tested with Git Bash.
- All files live with the implementation repository and the InfoMapper
- Similar to the above option but the symbolic link points in the opposite direction, for example:
owf-infomapper-poudre/web -> owf-app-infomapper-ng/infomapper/src/assets/app
.- All files live with the InfoMapper and the
folder is in.gitignore
. - This works but is undesirable due to issues noted below. Hopefully the first option can be figured out and implemented.
- See above for enabling symbolic links.
- The
build-util/ --files-live-with-infomapper
script automates creating the symbolic link. - Because
folder is git-ignored in the InfoMapper and thedist/infomapper
symbolic link is git-ignored in this repository, any content that is static, such asapp-config.json
must be saved in in this repository and copied to theweb/
linked folder. This is not ideal but is a work-around. Use theweb/
script to do this - This approach has been abandoned as too complicated.
- All files live with the InfoMapper and the
This repository is maintained by Open Water Foundation staff.