diff --git a/app/helpers/concerns/decidim/scopes_helper_extend.rb b/app/helpers/concerns/decidim/scopes_helper_extend.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47ea7f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/helpers/concerns/decidim/scopes_helper_extend.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Decidim
+ module ScopesHelperExtend
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ included do
+ private
+ def ancestors(organization = current_organization)
+ @ancestors ||= Decidim::Scope.where(parent_id: nil, organization: organization).sort_by do |scope|
+ translated_attribute(scope.name)
+ end
+ end
+ def children_after_parent(ancestor, array, prefix)
+ array << ["#{prefix} #{translated_attribute(ancestor.name)}", ancestor.id]
+ children = ancestor.children.sort_by do |scope|
+ translated_attribute(scope.name)
+ end
+ children.each do |child|
+ children_after_parent(child, array, "#{prefix}-")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/config/application.rb b/config/application.rb
index 12fe1ffe..b726117c 100644
--- a/config/application.rb
+++ b/config/application.rb
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ class Application < Rails::Application
config.after_initialize do
+ Decidim::ScopesHelper.include Decidim::ScopesHelperExtend
Decidim::GraphiQL::Rails.config.tap do |config|
config.initial_query = "{\n deployment {\n version\n branch\n remote\n upToDate\n currentCommit\n latestCommit\n locallyModified\n }\n}".html_safe
diff --git a/spec/helpers/decidim/scopes_helper_spec.rb b/spec/helpers/decidim/scopes_helper_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67f058cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/helpers/decidim/scopes_helper_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+module Decidim
+ describe ScopesHelper, type: :helper do
+ describe "scopes_picker_tag" do
+ let(:scope) { create(:scope) }
+ it "works wrong" do
+ actual = helper.scopes_picker_tag("my_scope_input", scope.id)
+ expected = <<~HTML
+ expect(actual).to have_equivalent_markup_to(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#ancestors" do
+ let!(:organization) { create(:organization) }
+ let!(:last_scope) { create(:scope, name: { en: "ZZZ scope" }, organization: organization) }
+ let!(:first_scope) { create(:scope, name: { en: "AAA scope" }, organization: organization) }
+ let!(:first_subscope) { create(:scope, name: { en: "AAA subscope" }, parent: first_scope, organization: organization) }
+ let!(:last_subscope) { create(:scope, name: { en: "ZZZ subscope" }, parent: first_scope, organization: organization) }
+ let!(:middle_subscope) { create(:scope, name: { en: "DDD subscope" }, parent: first_scope, organization: organization) }
+ let(:expected) { [first_scope, last_scope] }
+ let!(:not_in_organization) { create(:scope) }
+ it "returns the scopes with no parent" do
+ actual = helper.send(:ancestors, organization)
+ expect(actual.count).to eq(2)
+ expect(actual).to eq(expected)
+ expect(actual).not_to include(not_in_organization)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#children_after_parent" do
+ let!(:organization) { create(:organization) }
+ let!(:last_scope) { create(:scope, name: { en: "ZZZ scope" }, organization: organization) }
+ let!(:first_scope) { create(:scope, name: { en: "AAA scope" }, organization: organization) }
+ let!(:first_subscope) { create(:scope, name: { en: "AAA subscope" }, parent: first_scope, organization: organization) }
+ let!(:last_subscope) { create(:scope, name: { en: "ZZZ subscope" }, parent: first_scope, organization: organization) }
+ let!(:middle_subscope) { create(:scope, name: { en: "DDD subscope" }, parent: first_scope, organization: organization) }
+ let(:expected) { [[" AAA scope", first_scope.id], ["- AAA subscope", first_subscope.id], ["- DDD subscope", middle_subscope.id], ["- ZZZ subscope", last_subscope.id]] }
+ it "returns the scopes with children" do
+ array = []
+ helper.send(:children_after_parent, first_scope, array, "")
+ expect(array).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ end