Update OmniSharp settings available within Visual Studio Code:
- omnisharp.path: The full path to the OmniSharp server to use
- omnisharp.useMono: Launch OmniSharp with Mono
- omnisharp.loggingLevel: Set to "verbose" to tell OmniSharp to provide debug-level output
- omnisharp.autoStart: Set to false to keep OmniSharp from loading automatically when opening a solution
In addition, OmniSharp logging is improved somewhat and a timestamp is printed during launch: #720
Several bug fixes:
- Opening a solution or csproj results in '0 projects' displayed in the status bar: #723
- Improve syntax highlighting for field and local variable type names: #717, #719
- Fix platform sniffing code to not incorrectly attempt to install a CoreCLR flavor of OmniSharp on Ubuntu versions other than 14 and 16.