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114 lines (82 loc) · 8.26 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (82 loc) · 8.26 KB



  • Added validation_rules option to query executors as well as ASGI and WSGI apps and Django view that allow developers to include custom query validation logic in their APIs.
  • Added validation.cost_validator query validator that allows developers to limit maximum allowed query cost/complexity.
  • ScalarType default literal parser now uses graphql.utilities.value_from_ast_untyped to parse the AST.

0.11.0 (2020-04-01)

  • Fixed convert_kwargs_to_snake_case utility so it also converts the case in lists items.
  • Removed support for sending queries and mutations via WebSocket.
  • Freezed graphql-core dependency at version 3.0.3.
  • Unified default info.context value for WSGI to be dict with single request key.

0.10.0 (2020-02-11)

  • Added support for Apollo Federation.
  • Added the ability to send queries to the same channel as the subscription via WebSocket.

0.9.0 (2019-12-11)

  • Updated graphql-core-next to graphql-core 3.

0.8.0 (2019-11-25)

  • Added recursive loading of GraphQL schema files from provided path.
  • Added support for passing multiple bindables as *args to make_executable_schema.
  • Updated Starlette dependency to 0.13.
  • Made python-multipart optional dependency for asgi-file-uploads.
  • Added Python 3.8 to officially supported versions.

0.7.0 (2019-10-03)

  • Added support for custom schema directives.
  • Added support for synchronous extensions and synchronous versions of ApolloTracing and OpenTracing extensions.
  • Added context argument to has_errors and format hooks.

0.6.0 (2019-08-12)

  • Updated graphql-core-next to 1.1.1 which has feature parity with GraphQL.js 14.4.0.
  • Added basic extensions system to the ariadne.graphql.graphql. Currently only available in the ariadne.asgi.GraphQL app.
  • Added convert_kwargs_to_snake_case utility decorator that recursively converts the case of arguments passed to resolver from camelCase to snake_case.
  • Removed default_resolver and replaced its uses in library with graphql.default_field_resolver.
  • Resolver returned by resolve_to util follows graphql.default_field_resolver behaviour and supports resolving to callables.
  • Added is_default_resolver utility for checking if resolver function is graphql.default_field_resolver, resolver created with resolve_to or alias.
  • Added ariadne.contrib.tracing package with ApolloTracingExtension and OpenTracingExtension GraphQL extensions for adding Apollo tracing and OpenTracing monitoring to the API (ASGI only).
  • Updated ASGI app disconnection handler to also check client connection state.
  • Fixed ASGI app context_value option support for async callables.
  • Updated middleware option implementation in ASGI and WSGI apps to accept list of middleware functions or callable returning those.
  • Moved error formatting utils (get_formatted_error_context, get_formatted_error_traceback, unwrap_graphql_error) to public API.

0.5.0 (2019-06-07)

  • Added support for file uploads.

0.4.0 (2019-05-23)

  • Updated graphql-core-next to 1.0.4 which has feature parity with GraphQL.js 14.3.1 and better type annotations.
  • ariadne.asgi.GraphQL is now an ASGI3 application. ASGI3 is now handled by all ASGI servers.
  • ObjectType.field and SubscriptionType.source decorators now raise ValueError when used without name argument (eg. @foo.field).
  • ScalarType will now use default literal parser that unpacks ast.value and calls value parser if scalar has value parser set.
  • Updated ariadne.asgi.GraphQL and ariadne.wsgi.GraphQL to support callables for context_value and root_value options.
  • Added logger option to ariadne.asgi.GraphQL, ariadne.wsgi.GraphQL and ariadne.graphql.* utils.
  • Added default logger that logs to ariadne.
  • Added support for extend type in schema definitions.
  • Removed unused format_errors utility function and renamed ariadne.format_errors module to ariadne.format_error.
  • Removed explicit typing dependency.
  • Added ariadne.contrib.django package that provides Django class-based view together with Date and Datetime scalars.
  • Fixed default ENUM values not being set.
  • Updated project setup so mypy ran in projects with Ariadne dependency run type checks against it's annotations.
  • Updated Starlette to 0.12.0.

0.3.0 (2019-04-08)

  • Added EnumType type for mapping enum variables to internal representation used in application.
  • Added support for subscriptions.
  • Updated Playground to 1.8.7.
  • Split GraphQLMiddleware into two classes and moved it to ariadne.wsgi.
  • Added an ASGI interface based on Starlette under ariadne.asgi.
  • Replaced the simple server utility with Uvicorn.
  • Made users responsible for calling make_executable_schema.
  • Added UnionType and InterfaceType types.
  • Updated library API to be more consistent between types, and work better with code analysis tools like PyLint. Added QueryType and MutationType convenience utils. Suffixed all types names with Type so they are less likely to clash with other libraries built-ins.
  • Improved error reporting to also include Python exception type, traceback and context in the error JSON. Added debug and error_formatter options to enable developer customization.
  • Introduced Ariadne wrappers for graphql, graphql_sync, and subscribe to ease integration into custom servers.

0.2.0 (2019-01-07)

  • Removed support for Python 3.5 and added support for 3.7.
  • Moved to GraphQL-core-next that supports async resolvers, query execution and implements a more recent version of GraphQL spec. If you are updating an existing project, you will need to uninstall graphql-core before installing graphql-core-next, as both libraries use graphql namespace.
  • Added gql() utility that provides GraphQL string validation on declaration time, and enables use of Apollo-GraphQL plugin in Python code.
  • Added load_schema_from_path() utility function that loads GraphQL types from a file or directory containing .graphql files, also performing syntax validation.
  • Added start_simple_server() shortcut function for quick dev server creation, abstracting away the GraphQLMiddleware.make_server() from first time users.
  • Boolean built-in scalar now checks the type of each serialized value. Returning values of type other than bool, int or float from a field resolver will result in a Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value error.
  • Redefining type in type_defs will now result in TypeError being raised. This is a breaking change from previous behavior where the old type was simply replaced with a new one.
  • Returning None from scalar parse_literal and parse_value function no longer results in GraphQL API producing default error message. Instead, None will be passed further down to resolver or produce a "value is required" error if its marked as such with ! For old behavior raise either ValueError or TypeError. See documentation for more details.
  • resolvers argument defined by GraphQLMiddleware.__init__(), GraphQLMiddleware.make_server() and start_simple_server() is now optional, allowing for quick experiments with schema definitions.
  • dict has been removed as primitive for mapping python function to fields. Instead, make_executable_schema() expects object or list of objects with a bind_to_schema method, that is called with a GraphQLSchema instance and are expected to add resolvers to schema.
  • Default resolvers are no longer set implicitly by make_executable_schema(). Instead you are expected to include either ariadne.fallback_resolvers or ariadne.snake_case_fallback_resolvers in the list of resolvers for your schema.
  • Added snake_case_fallback_resolvers that populates schema with default resolvers that map CamelCase and PascalCase field names from schema to snake_case names in Python.
  • Added ResolverMap object that enables assignment of resolver functions to schema types.
  • Added Scalar object that enables assignment of serialize, parse_value and parse_literal functions to custom scalars.
  • Both ResolverMap and Scalar are validating if schema defines specified types and/or fields at the moment of creation of executable schema, providing better feedback to the developer.