diff --git a/cmd/thanos/compact.go b/cmd/thanos/compact.go
index ad42099e91..6b74e19ee8 100644
--- a/cmd/thanos/compact.go
+++ b/cmd/thanos/compact.go
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ func runCompact(
api := blocksAPI.NewBlocksAPI(logger, conf.label, flagsMap, configFilesMap)
+ noCompactMarkerFilter := compact.NewGatherNoCompactionMarkFilter(logger, bkt)
var sy *compact.Syncer
// Make sure all compactor meta syncs are done through Syncer.SyncMeta for readability.
@@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ func runCompact(
block.NewConsistencyDelayMetaFilter(logger, conf.consistencyDelay, extprom.WrapRegistererWithPrefix("thanos_", reg)),
+ noCompactMarkerFilter,
}, []block.MetadataModifier{block.NewReplicaLabelRemover(logger, conf.dedupReplicaLabels)},
cf.UpdateOnChange(func(blocks []metadata.Meta, err error) {
@@ -286,7 +288,7 @@ func runCompact(
grouper := compact.NewDefaultGrouper(logger, bkt, conf.acceptMalformedIndex, enableVerticalCompaction, reg, blocksMarkedForDeletion, garbageCollectedBlocks)
blocksCleaner := compact.NewBlocksCleaner(logger, bkt, ignoreDeletionMarkFilter, deleteDelay, blocksCleaned, blockCleanupFailures)
- compactor, err := compact.NewBucketCompactor(logger, sy, grouper, compact.NewTSDBBasedPlanner(logger, levels), comp, compactDir, bkt, conf.compactionConcurrency)
+ compactor, err := compact.NewBucketCompactor(logger, sy, grouper, compact.NewPlanner(logger, levels, noCompactMarkerFilter), comp, compactDir, bkt, conf.compactionConcurrency)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "create bucket compactor")
diff --git a/pkg/block/fetcher.go b/pkg/block/fetcher.go
index 45cd47b626..129b827f8e 100644
--- a/pkg/block/fetcher.go
+++ b/pkg/block/fetcher.go
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ const (
// but don't have a replacement block yet.
markedForDeletionMeta = "marked-for-deletion"
+ // MarkedForNoCompactionMeta is label for blocks which are loaded but also marked for no compaction. This label is also counted in `loaded` label metric.
+ MarkedForNoCompactionMeta = "marked-for-no-compact"
// Modified label values.
replicaRemovedMeta = "replica-label-removed"
@@ -111,6 +114,7 @@ func newFetcherMetrics(reg prometheus.Registerer) *fetcherMetrics {
+ []string{MarkedForNoCompactionMeta},
m.modified = extprom.NewTxGaugeVec(
@@ -782,19 +786,20 @@ func (f *IgnoreDeletionMarkFilter) Filter(ctx context.Context, metas map[ulid.UL
f.deletionMarkMap = make(map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.DeletionMark)
for id := range metas {
- deletionMark, err := metadata.ReadDeletionMark(ctx, f.bkt, f.logger, id.String())
- if err == metadata.ErrorDeletionMarkNotFound {
- continue
- }
- if errors.Cause(err) == metadata.ErrorUnmarshalDeletionMark {
- level.Warn(f.logger).Log("msg", "found partial deletion-mark.json; if we will see it happening often for the same block, consider manually deleting deletion-mark.json from the object storage", "block", id, "err", err)
- continue
- }
- if err != nil {
+ m := &metadata.DeletionMark{}
+ if err := metadata.ReadMarker(ctx, f.logger, f.bkt, id.String(), m); err != nil {
+ if errors.Cause(err) == metadata.ErrorMarkerNotFound {
+ continue
+ }
+ if errors.Cause(err) == metadata.ErrorUnmarshalMarker {
+ level.Warn(f.logger).Log("msg", "found partial deletion-mark.json; if we will see it happening often for the same block, consider manually deleting deletion-mark.json from the object storage", "block", id, "err", err)
+ continue
+ }
return err
- f.deletionMarkMap[id] = deletionMark
- if time.Since(time.Unix(deletionMark.DeletionTime, 0)).Seconds() > f.delay.Seconds() {
+ f.deletionMarkMap[id] = m
+ if time.Since(time.Unix(m.DeletionTime, 0)).Seconds() > f.delay.Seconds() {
delete(metas, id)
diff --git a/pkg/block/metadata/deletionmark.go b/pkg/block/metadata/deletionmark.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f2a9f04ad..0000000000
--- a/pkg/block/metadata/deletionmark.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) The Thanos Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
-package metadata
-import (
- "context"
- "encoding/json"
- "io/ioutil"
- "path"
- "github.com/go-kit/kit/log"
- "github.com/oklog/ulid"
- "github.com/pkg/errors"
- "github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/objstore"
- "github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/runutil"
-const (
- // DeletionMarkFilename is the known json filename to store details about when block is marked for deletion.
- DeletionMarkFilename = "deletion-mark.json"
- // DeletionMarkVersion1 is the version of deletion-mark file supported by Thanos.
- DeletionMarkVersion1 = 1
-// ErrorDeletionMarkNotFound is the error when deletion-mark.json file is not found.
-var ErrorDeletionMarkNotFound = errors.New("deletion-mark.json not found")
-// ErrorUnmarshalDeletionMark is the error when unmarshalling deletion-mark.json file.
-// This error can occur because deletion-mark.json has been partially uploaded to block storage
-// or the deletion-mark.json file is not a valid json file.
-var ErrorUnmarshalDeletionMark = errors.New("unmarshal deletion-mark.json")
-// DeletionMark stores block id and when block was marked for deletion.
-type DeletionMark struct {
- // ID of the tsdb block.
- ID ulid.ULID `json:"id"`
- // DeletionTime is a unix timestamp of when the block was marked to be deleted.
- DeletionTime int64 `json:"deletion_time"`
- // Version of the file.
- Version int `json:"version"`
-// ReadDeletionMark reads the given deletion mark file from
/deletion-mark.json in bucket.
-func ReadDeletionMark(ctx context.Context, bkt objstore.InstrumentedBucketReader, logger log.Logger, dir string) (*DeletionMark, error) {
- deletionMarkFile := path.Join(dir, DeletionMarkFilename)
- r, err := bkt.ReaderWithExpectedErrs(bkt.IsObjNotFoundErr).Get(ctx, deletionMarkFile)
- if err != nil {
- if bkt.IsObjNotFoundErr(err) {
- return nil, ErrorDeletionMarkNotFound
- }
- return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "get file: %s", deletionMarkFile)
- }
- defer runutil.CloseWithLogOnErr(logger, r, "close bkt deletion-mark reader")
- metaContent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "read file: %s", deletionMarkFile)
- }
- deletionMark := DeletionMark{}
- if err := json.Unmarshal(metaContent, &deletionMark); err != nil {
- return nil, errors.Wrapf(ErrorUnmarshalDeletionMark, "file: %s; err: %v", deletionMarkFile, err.Error())
- }
- if deletionMark.Version != DeletionMarkVersion1 {
- return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected deletion-mark file version %d", deletionMark.Version)
- }
- return &deletionMark, nil
diff --git a/pkg/block/metadata/deletionmark_test.go b/pkg/block/metadata/deletionmark_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 220c9dc171..0000000000
--- a/pkg/block/metadata/deletionmark_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) The Thanos Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
-package metadata
-import (
- "bytes"
- "context"
- "encoding/json"
- "io/ioutil"
- "os"
- "path"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/oklog/ulid"
- "github.com/pkg/errors"
- "go.uber.org/goleak"
- "github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/objstore"
- "github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/testutil"
-func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
- goleak.VerifyTestMain(m)
-func TestReadDeletionMark(t *testing.T) {
- ctx := context.Background()
- tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test-read-deletion-mark")
- testutil.Ok(t, err)
- defer func() { testutil.Ok(t, os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)) }()
- bkt := objstore.WithNoopInstr(objstore.NewInMemBucket())
- {
- blockWithoutDeletionMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(1), nil)
- _, err := ReadDeletionMark(ctx, bkt, nil, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithoutDeletionMark.String()))
- testutil.NotOk(t, err)
- testutil.Equals(t, ErrorDeletionMarkNotFound, err)
- }
- {
- blockWithPartialDeletionMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(2), nil)
- testutil.Ok(t, bkt.Upload(ctx, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithPartialDeletionMark.String(), DeletionMarkFilename), bytes.NewBufferString("not a valid deletion-mark.json")))
- _, err = ReadDeletionMark(ctx, bkt, nil, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithPartialDeletionMark.String()))
- testutil.NotOk(t, err)
- testutil.Equals(t, ErrorUnmarshalDeletionMark, errors.Cause(err))
- }
- {
- blockWithDifferentVersionDeletionMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(3), nil)
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- testutil.Ok(t, json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(&DeletionMark{
- ID: blockWithDifferentVersionDeletionMark,
- DeletionTime: time.Now().Unix(),
- Version: 2,
- }))
- testutil.Ok(t, bkt.Upload(ctx, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithDifferentVersionDeletionMark.String(), DeletionMarkFilename), &buf))
- _, err = ReadDeletionMark(ctx, bkt, nil, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithDifferentVersionDeletionMark.String()))
- testutil.NotOk(t, err)
- testutil.Equals(t, "unexpected deletion-mark file version 2", err.Error())
- }
- {
- blockWithValidDeletionMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(3), nil)
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- testutil.Ok(t, json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(&DeletionMark{
- ID: blockWithValidDeletionMark,
- DeletionTime: time.Now().Unix(),
- Version: 1,
- }))
- testutil.Ok(t, bkt.Upload(ctx, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithValidDeletionMark.String(), DeletionMarkFilename), &buf))
- _, err = ReadDeletionMark(ctx, bkt, nil, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithValidDeletionMark.String()))
- testutil.Ok(t, err)
- }
diff --git a/pkg/block/metadata/markers.go b/pkg/block/metadata/markers.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..075311192a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/block/metadata/markers.go
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// Copyright (c) The Thanos Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
+package metadata
+import (
+ "context"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "path"
+ "github.com/go-kit/kit/log"
+ "github.com/oklog/ulid"
+ "github.com/pkg/errors"
+ "github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/objstore"
+ "github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/runutil"
+const (
+ // DeletionMarkFilename is the known json filename for optional file storing details about when block is marked for deletion.
+ // If such file is present in block dir, it means the block is meant to be deleted after certain delay.
+ DeletionMarkFilename = "deletion-mark.json"
+ // NoCompactMarkFilename is the known json filename for optional file storing details about why block has to be excluded from compaction.
+ // If such file is present in block dir, it means the block has to excluded from compaction (both vertical and horizontal) or rewrite (e.g deletions).
+ NoCompactMarkFilename = "no-compact-mark.json"
+ // DeletionMarkVersion1 is the version of deletion-mark file supported by Thanos.
+ DeletionMarkVersion1 = 1
+ // NoCompactMarkVersion1 is the version of no-compact-mark file supported by Thanos.
+ NoCompactMarkVersion1 = 1
+var (
+ // ErrorMarkerNotFound is the error when marker file is not found.
+ ErrorMarkerNotFound = errors.New("marker not found")
+ // ErrorUnmarshalMarker is the error when unmarshalling marker JSON file.
+ // This error can occur because marker has been partially uploaded to block storage
+ // or the marker file is not a valid json file.
+ ErrorUnmarshalMarker = errors.New("unmarshal marker JSON")
+type Marker interface {
+ markerFilename() string
+// DeletionMark stores block id and when block was marked for deletion.
+type DeletionMark struct {
+ // ID of the tsdb block.
+ ID ulid.ULID `json:"id"`
+ // Version of the file.
+ Version int `json:"version"`
+ // DeletionTime is a unix timestamp of when the block was marked to be deleted.
+ DeletionTime int64 `json:"deletion_time"`
+func (m *DeletionMark) markerFilename() string { return DeletionMarkFilename }
+// NoCompactReason is a reason for a block to be excluded from compaction.
+type NoCompactReason string
+const (
+ // ManualNoCompactReason is a custom reason of excluding from compaction that should be added when no-compact mark is added for unknown/user specified reason.
+ ManualNoCompactReason NoCompactReason = "manual"
+ // IndexSizeExceedingNoCompactReason is a reason of index being too big (for example exceeding 64GB limit: https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/issues/1424)
+ // This reason can be ignored when vertical block sharding will be implemented.
+ IndexSizeExceedingNoCompactReason = "index-size-exceeding"
+// NoCompactMark marker stores reason of block being excluded from compaction if needed.
+type NoCompactMark struct {
+ // ID of the tsdb block.
+ ID ulid.ULID `json:"id"`
+ // Version of the file.
+ Version int `json:"version"`
+ Reason NoCompactReason `json:"reason"`
+ // Details is a human readable string giving details of reason.
+ Details string `json:"details"`
+func (n *NoCompactMark) markerFilename() string { return NoCompactMarkFilename }
+// ReadMarker reads the given mark file from /.json in bucket.
+func ReadMarker(ctx context.Context, logger log.Logger, bkt objstore.InstrumentedBucketReader, dir string, marker Marker) error {
+ markerFile := path.Join(dir, marker.markerFilename())
+ r, err := bkt.ReaderWithExpectedErrs(bkt.IsObjNotFoundErr).Get(ctx, markerFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ if bkt.IsObjNotFoundErr(err) {
+ return ErrorMarkerNotFound
+ }
+ return errors.Wrapf(err, "get file: %s", markerFile)
+ }
+ defer runutil.CloseWithLogOnErr(logger, r, "close bkt marker reader")
+ metaContent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return errors.Wrapf(err, "read file: %s", markerFile)
+ }
+ if err := json.Unmarshal(metaContent, marker); err != nil {
+ return errors.Wrapf(ErrorUnmarshalMarker, "file: %s; err: %v", markerFile, err.Error())
+ }
+ switch marker.markerFilename() {
+ case NoCompactMarkFilename:
+ if version := marker.(*NoCompactMark).Version; version != NoCompactMarkVersion1 {
+ return errors.Errorf("unexpected no-compact-mark file version %d, expected %d", version, NoCompactMarkVersion1)
+ }
+ case DeletionMarkFilename:
+ if version := marker.(*DeletionMark).Version; version != DeletionMarkVersion1 {
+ return errors.Errorf("unexpected deletion-mark file version %d, expected %d", version, DeletionMarkVersion1)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/pkg/block/metadata/markers_test.go b/pkg/block/metadata/markers_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d21fc576f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/block/metadata/markers_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// Copyright (c) The Thanos Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
+package metadata
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "context"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "os"
+ "path"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/go-kit/kit/log"
+ "github.com/oklog/ulid"
+ "github.com/pkg/errors"
+ "go.uber.org/goleak"
+ "github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/objstore"
+ "github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/testutil"
+func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
+ goleak.VerifyTestMain(m)
+func TestReadMarker(t *testing.T) {
+ ctx := context.Background()
+ tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test-read-mark")
+ testutil.Ok(t, err)
+ defer func() { testutil.Ok(t, os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)) }()
+ bkt := objstore.WithNoopInstr(objstore.NewInMemBucket())
+ t.Run(DeletionMarkFilename, func(t *testing.T) {
+ blockWithoutMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(1), nil)
+ d := DeletionMark{}
+ err := ReadMarker(ctx, log.NewNopLogger(), bkt, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithoutMark.String()), &d)
+ testutil.NotOk(t, err)
+ testutil.Equals(t, ErrorMarkerNotFound, err)
+ blockWithPartialMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(2), nil)
+ testutil.Ok(t, bkt.Upload(ctx, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithPartialMark.String(), DeletionMarkFilename), bytes.NewBufferString("not a valid deletion-mark.json")))
+ err = ReadMarker(ctx, log.NewNopLogger(), bkt, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithPartialMark.String()), &d)
+ testutil.NotOk(t, err)
+ testutil.Equals(t, ErrorUnmarshalMarker, errors.Cause(err))
+ blockWithDifferentVersionMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(3), nil)
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ testutil.Ok(t, json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(&DeletionMark{
+ ID: blockWithDifferentVersionMark,
+ DeletionTime: time.Now().Unix(),
+ Version: 2,
+ }))
+ testutil.Ok(t, bkt.Upload(ctx, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithDifferentVersionMark.String(), DeletionMarkFilename), &buf))
+ err = ReadMarker(ctx, log.NewNopLogger(), bkt, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithDifferentVersionMark.String()), &d)
+ testutil.NotOk(t, err)
+ testutil.Equals(t, "unexpected deletion-mark file version 2, expected 1", err.Error())
+ blockWithValidMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(3), nil)
+ buf.Reset()
+ expected := &DeletionMark{
+ ID: blockWithValidMark,
+ DeletionTime: time.Now().Unix(),
+ Version: 1,
+ }
+ testutil.Ok(t, json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(expected))
+ testutil.Ok(t, bkt.Upload(ctx, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithValidMark.String(), DeletionMarkFilename), &buf))
+ err = ReadMarker(ctx, log.NewNopLogger(), bkt, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithValidMark.String()), &d)
+ testutil.Ok(t, err)
+ testutil.Equals(t, *expected, d)
+ })
+ t.Run(NoCompactMarkFilename, func(t *testing.T) {
+ blockWithoutMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(1), nil)
+ n := NoCompactMark{}
+ err := ReadMarker(ctx, log.NewNopLogger(), bkt, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithoutMark.String()), &n)
+ testutil.NotOk(t, err)
+ testutil.Equals(t, ErrorMarkerNotFound, err)
+ blockWithPartialMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(2), nil)
+ testutil.Ok(t, bkt.Upload(ctx, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithPartialMark.String(), NoCompactMarkFilename), bytes.NewBufferString("not a valid no-compact-mark.json")))
+ err = ReadMarker(ctx, log.NewNopLogger(), bkt, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithPartialMark.String()), &n)
+ testutil.NotOk(t, err)
+ testutil.Equals(t, ErrorUnmarshalMarker, errors.Cause(err))
+ blockWithDifferentVersionMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(3), nil)
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ testutil.Ok(t, json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(&NoCompactMark{
+ ID: blockWithDifferentVersionMark,
+ Version: 2,
+ Reason: IndexSizeExceedingNoCompactReason,
+ Details: "yolo",
+ }))
+ testutil.Ok(t, bkt.Upload(ctx, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithDifferentVersionMark.String(), NoCompactMarkFilename), &buf))
+ err = ReadMarker(ctx, log.NewNopLogger(), bkt, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithDifferentVersionMark.String()), &n)
+ testutil.NotOk(t, err)
+ testutil.Equals(t, "unexpected no-compact-mark file version 2, expected 1", err.Error())
+ blockWithValidMark := ulid.MustNew(uint64(3), nil)
+ buf.Reset()
+ expected := &NoCompactMark{
+ ID: blockWithValidMark,
+ Version: 1,
+ Reason: IndexSizeExceedingNoCompactReason,
+ Details: "yolo",
+ }
+ testutil.Ok(t, json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(expected))
+ testutil.Ok(t, bkt.Upload(ctx, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithValidMark.String(), NoCompactMarkFilename), &buf))
+ err = ReadMarker(ctx, log.NewNopLogger(), bkt, path.Join(tmpDir, blockWithValidMark.String()), &n)
+ testutil.Ok(t, err)
+ testutil.Equals(t, *expected, n)
+ })
diff --git a/pkg/compact/compact.go b/pkg/compact/compact.go
index b3966c6196..4cce1cc8b0 100644
--- a/pkg/compact/compact.go
+++ b/pkg/compact/compact.go
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pkg/extprom"
@@ -984,3 +985,50 @@ func (c *BucketCompactor) Compact(ctx context.Context) (rerr error) {
level.Info(c.logger).Log("msg", "compaction iterations done")
return nil
+var _ block.MetadataFilter = &GatherNoCompactionMarkFilter{}
+// GatherNoCompactionMarkFilter is a block.Fetcher filter that passes all metas. While doing it, it gathers all no-compact-mark.json markers.
+// Not go routine safe.
+// TODO(bwplotka): Add unit test.
+type GatherNoCompactionMarkFilter struct {
+ logger log.Logger
+ bkt objstore.InstrumentedBucketReader
+ noCompactMarkedMap map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark
+// NewGatherNoCompactionMarkFilter creates GatherNoCompactionMarkFilter.
+func NewGatherNoCompactionMarkFilter(logger log.Logger, bkt objstore.InstrumentedBucketReader) *GatherNoCompactionMarkFilter {
+ return &GatherNoCompactionMarkFilter{
+ logger: logger,
+ bkt: bkt,
+ }
+// NoCompactMarkedBlocks returns block ids that were marked for no compaction.
+func (f *GatherNoCompactionMarkFilter) NoCompactMarkedBlocks() map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark {
+ return f.noCompactMarkedMap
+// Filter passes all metas, while gathering no compact markers.
+func (f *GatherNoCompactionMarkFilter) Filter(ctx context.Context, metas map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.Meta, synced *extprom.TxGaugeVec) error {
+ f.noCompactMarkedMap = make(map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark)
+ for id := range metas {
+ m := &metadata.NoCompactMark{}
+ // TODO(bwplotka): Hook up bucket cache here + reset API so we don't introduce API calls .
+ if err := metadata.ReadMarker(ctx, f.logger, f.bkt, id.String(), m); err != nil {
+ if errors.Cause(err) == metadata.ErrorMarkerNotFound {
+ continue
+ }
+ if errors.Cause(err) == metadata.ErrorUnmarshalMarker {
+ level.Warn(f.logger).Log("msg", "found partial no-compact-mark.json; if we will see it happening often for the same block, consider manually deleting no-compact-mark.json from the object storage", "block", id, "err", err)
+ continue
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ synced.WithLabelValues(block.MarkedForNoCompactionMeta).Inc()
+ f.noCompactMarkedMap[id] = m
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/pkg/compact/planner.go b/pkg/compact/planner.go
index 53fb628bbc..5d5c822874 100644
--- a/pkg/compact/planner.go
+++ b/pkg/compact/planner.go
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/oklog/ulid"
@@ -14,40 +15,67 @@ type tsdbBasedPlanner struct {
logger log.Logger
ranges []int64
+ noCompBlocksFunc func() map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark
var _ Planner = &tsdbBasedPlanner{}
-// NewTSDBBasedPlanner is planner with the same functionality as Prometheus' TSDB plus special handling of excluded blocks.
+// NewTSDBBasedPlanner is planner with the same functionality as Prometheus' TSDB.
// TODO(bwplotka): Consider upstreaming this to Prometheus.
-// It's the same functionality just without accessing filesystem, and special handling of excluded blocks.
+// It's the same functionality just without accessing filesystem.
func NewTSDBBasedPlanner(logger log.Logger, ranges []int64) *tsdbBasedPlanner {
- return &tsdbBasedPlanner{logger: logger, ranges: ranges}
+ return &tsdbBasedPlanner{
+ logger: logger,
+ ranges: ranges,
+ noCompBlocksFunc: func() map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark {
+ return make(map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark)
+ },
+ }
+// NewPlanner is a default Thanos planner with the same functionality as Prometheus' TSDB plus special handling of excluded blocks.
+// It's the same functionality just without accessing filesystem, and special handling of excluded blocks.
+func NewPlanner(logger log.Logger, ranges []int64, noCompBlocks *GatherNoCompactionMarkFilter) *tsdbBasedPlanner {
+ return &tsdbBasedPlanner{logger: logger, ranges: ranges, noCompBlocksFunc: noCompBlocks.NoCompactMarkedBlocks}
+// TODO(bwplotka): Consider smarter algorithm, this prefers smaller iterative compactions vs big single one: https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/issues/3405
func (p *tsdbBasedPlanner) Plan(_ context.Context, metasByMinTime []*metadata.Meta) ([]*metadata.Meta, error) {
- res := selectOverlappingMetas(metasByMinTime)
+ noCompactMarked := p.noCompBlocksFunc()
+ notExcludedMetasByMinTime := make([]*metadata.Meta, 0, len(metasByMinTime))
+ for _, meta := range metasByMinTime {
+ if _, excluded := noCompactMarked[meta.ULID]; excluded {
+ continue
+ }
+ notExcludedMetasByMinTime = append(notExcludedMetasByMinTime, meta)
+ }
+ res := selectOverlappingMetas(notExcludedMetasByMinTime)
if len(res) > 0 {
return res, nil
// No overlapping blocks, do compaction the usual way.
- // We do not include a recently created block with max(minTime), so the block which was just created from WAL.
- // This gives users a window of a full block size to piece-wise backup new data without having to care about data overlap.
+ // We do not include a recently producted block with max(minTime), so the block which was just uploaded to bucket.
+ // This gives users a window of a full block size maintenance if needed.
+ if _, excluded := noCompactMarked[metasByMinTime[len(metasByMinTime)-1].ULID]; !excluded {
+ notExcludedMetasByMinTime = notExcludedMetasByMinTime[:len(notExcludedMetasByMinTime)-1]
+ }
metasByMinTime = metasByMinTime[:len(metasByMinTime)-1]
- res = append(res, selectMetas(p.ranges, metasByMinTime)...)
+ res = append(res, selectMetas(p.ranges, noCompactMarked, metasByMinTime)...)
if len(res) > 0 {
return res, nil
// Compact any blocks with big enough time range that have >5% tombstones.
- for i := len(metasByMinTime) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
- meta := metasByMinTime[i]
+ for i := len(notExcludedMetasByMinTime) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ meta := notExcludedMetasByMinTime[i]
if meta.MaxTime-meta.MinTime < p.ranges[len(p.ranges)/2] {
if float64(meta.Stats.NumTombstones)/float64(meta.Stats.NumSeries+1) > 0.05 {
- return []*metadata.Meta{metasByMinTime[i]}, nil
+ return []*metadata.Meta{notExcludedMetasByMinTime[i]}, nil
@@ -56,11 +84,11 @@ func (p *tsdbBasedPlanner) Plan(_ context.Context, metasByMinTime []*metadata.Me
// selectMetas returns the dir metas that should be compacted into a single new block.
// If only a single block range is configured, the result is always nil.
-func selectMetas(ranges []int64, metasByMinTime []*metadata.Meta) []*metadata.Meta {
+// Copied and adjusted from https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/blob/3d8826a3d42566684283a9b7f7e812e412c24407/tsdb/compact.go#L229.
+func selectMetas(ranges []int64, noCompactMarked map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark, metasByMinTime []*metadata.Meta) []*metadata.Meta {
if len(ranges) < 2 || len(metasByMinTime) < 1 {
return nil
highTime := metasByMinTime[len(metasByMinTime)-1].MinTime
for _, iv := range ranges[1:] {
@@ -68,7 +96,6 @@ func selectMetas(ranges []int64, metasByMinTime []*metadata.Meta) []*metadata.Me
if len(parts) == 0 {
for _, p := range parts {
// Do not select the range if it has a block whose compaction failed.
@@ -78,14 +105,35 @@ func selectMetas(ranges []int64, metasByMinTime []*metadata.Meta) []*metadata.Me
+ if len(p) < 2 {
+ continue
+ }
mint := p[0].MinTime
maxt := p[len(p)-1].MaxTime
- // Pick the range of blocks if it spans the full range (potentially with gaps)
- // or is before the most recent block.
- // This ensures we don't compact blocks prematurely when another one of the same
- // size still fits in the range.
- if (maxt-mint == iv || maxt <= highTime) && len(p) > 1 {
- return p
+ // Pick the range of blocks if it spans the full range (potentially with gaps) or is before the most recent block.
+ // This ensures we don't compact blocks prematurely when another one of the same size still would fits in the range
+ // after upload.
+ if maxt-mint != iv && maxt > highTime {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Check if any of resulted blocks are excluded. Exclude them in a way that does not introduce gaps to the system
+ // as well as preserve the ranges that would be used if they were not excluded.
+ // This is meant as short-term workaround to create ability for marking some blocks to not be touched for compaction.
+ lastExcluded := 0
+ for i, id := range p {
+ if _, excluded := noCompactMarked[id.ULID]; !excluded {
+ continue
+ }
+ if len(p[lastExcluded:i]) > 1 {
+ return p[lastExcluded:i]
+ }
+ lastExcluded = i + 1
+ }
+ if len(p[lastExcluded:]) > 1 {
+ return p[lastExcluded:]
@@ -95,6 +143,7 @@ func selectMetas(ranges []int64, metasByMinTime []*metadata.Meta) []*metadata.Me
// selectOverlappingMetas returns all dirs with overlapping time ranges.
// It expects sorted input by mint and returns the overlapping dirs in the same order as received.
+// Copied and adjusted from https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/blob/3d8826a3d42566684283a9b7f7e812e412c24407/tsdb/compact.go#L268.
func selectOverlappingMetas(metasByMinTime []*metadata.Meta) []*metadata.Meta {
if len(metasByMinTime) < 2 {
return nil
@@ -123,6 +172,7 @@ func selectOverlappingMetas(metasByMinTime []*metadata.Meta) []*metadata.Meta {
// For example, if we have blocks [0-10, 10-20, 50-60, 90-100] and the split range tr is 30
// it returns [0-10, 10-20], [50-60], [90-100].
+// Copied and adjusted from: https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/blob/3d8826a3d42566684283a9b7f7e812e412c24407/tsdb/compact.go#L294.
func splitByRange(metasByMinTime []*metadata.Meta, tr int64) [][]*metadata.Meta {
var splitDirs [][]*metadata.Meta
@@ -138,6 +188,7 @@ func splitByRange(metasByMinTime []*metadata.Meta, tr int64) [][]*metadata.Meta
} else {
t0 = tr * ((m.MinTime - tr + 1) / tr)
// Skip blocks that don't fall into the range. This can happen via mis-alignment or
// by being the multiple of the intended range.
if m.MaxTime > t0+tr {
@@ -145,7 +196,7 @@ func splitByRange(metasByMinTime []*metadata.Meta, tr int64) [][]*metadata.Meta
- // Add all dirs to the current group that are within [t0, t0+tr].
+ // Add all metas to the current group that are within [t0, t0+tr].
for ; i < len(metasByMinTime); i++ {
// Either the block falls into the next range or doesn't fit at all (checked above).
if metasByMinTime[i].MaxTime > t0+tr {
diff --git a/pkg/compact/planner_test.go b/pkg/compact/planner_test.go
index b8748b9029..be8d072909 100644
--- a/pkg/compact/planner_test.go
+++ b/pkg/compact/planner_test.go
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ func TestPlanners_Plan_Compatibility(t *testing.T) {
expected []*metadata.Meta
- name: "Outside Range",
+ name: "Outside range",
metas: []*metadata.Meta{
{BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(1, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 20}},
@@ -108,6 +108,21 @@ func TestPlanners_Plan_Compatibility(t *testing.T) {
{BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(3, nil), MinTime: 40, MaxTime: 60}},
+ {
+ name: "There are blocks to fill the entire 2nd parent range.",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(6, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 60}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(7, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 120}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(8, nil), MinTime: 120, MaxTime: 180}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(9, nil), MinTime: 180, MaxTime: 200}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(10, nil), MinTime: 200, MaxTime: 220}},
+ },
+ expected: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(6, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 60}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(7, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 120}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(8, nil), MinTime: 120, MaxTime: 180}},
+ },
+ },
name: `Block for the next parent range appeared with gap with size 20. Nothing will happen in the first one
anymore but we ignore fresh one still, so no compaction`,
@@ -146,7 +161,21 @@ func TestPlanners_Plan_Compatibility(t *testing.T) {
{BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(3, nil), MinTime: 40, MaxTime: 60}},
- {name: "We have 20, 60, 20, 60, 240 range blocks. We can compact 20 + 60 + 60",
+ {
+ name: "There are blocks to fill the entire 2nd parent range, but there is a gap",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(6, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 60}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(8, nil), MinTime: 120, MaxTime: 180}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(9, nil), MinTime: 180, MaxTime: 200}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(10, nil), MinTime: 200, MaxTime: 220}},
+ },
+ expected: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(6, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 60}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(8, nil), MinTime: 120, MaxTime: 180}},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "We have 20, 60, 20, 60, 240 range blocks. We can compact 20 + 60 + 60",
metas: []*metadata.Meta{
{BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
{BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(4, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 120}},
@@ -408,3 +437,195 @@ func TestRangeWithFailedCompactionWontGetSelected(t *testing.T) {
+func TestTSDBBasedPlanners_PlanWithNoCompactMarkers(t *testing.T) {
+ ranges := []int64{
+ 20,
+ 60,
+ 180,
+ 540,
+ 1620,
+ }
+ g := &GatherNoCompactionMarkFilter{}
+ tsdbBasedPlanner := NewPlanner(log.NewNopLogger(), ranges, g)
+ for _, c := range []struct {
+ name string
+ metas []*metadata.Meta
+ noCompactMarks map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark
+ expected []*metadata.Meta
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "Outside range and excluded",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(1, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 20}},
+ },
+ noCompactMarks: map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark{
+ ulid.MustNew(1, nil): {},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Blocks to fill the entire parent, but with first one excluded.",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(1, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 20}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(3, nil), MinTime: 40, MaxTime: 60}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(4, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 80}},
+ },
+ noCompactMarks: map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark{
+ ulid.MustNew(1, nil): {},
+ },
+ expected: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(3, nil), MinTime: 40, MaxTime: 60}},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Blocks to fill the entire parent, but with second one excluded.",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(1, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 20}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(3, nil), MinTime: 40, MaxTime: 60}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(4, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 80}},
+ },
+ noCompactMarks: map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark{
+ ulid.MustNew(2, nil): {},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Blocks to fill the entire parent, but with last one excluded.",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(1, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 20}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(3, nil), MinTime: 40, MaxTime: 60}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(4, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 80}},
+ },
+ noCompactMarks: map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark{
+ ulid.MustNew(4, nil): {},
+ },
+ expected: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(1, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 20}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(3, nil), MinTime: 40, MaxTime: 60}},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Blocks to fill the entire parent, but with last one fist excluded.",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(1, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 20}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(3, nil), MinTime: 40, MaxTime: 60}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(4, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 80}},
+ },
+ noCompactMarks: map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark{
+ ulid.MustNew(1, nil): {},
+ ulid.MustNew(4, nil): {},
+ },
+ expected: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(3, nil), MinTime: 40, MaxTime: 60}},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Blocks to fill the entire parent, but with all of them excluded.",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(1, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 20}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(3, nil), MinTime: 40, MaxTime: 60}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(4, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 80}},
+ },
+ noCompactMarks: map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark{
+ ulid.MustNew(1, nil): {},
+ ulid.MustNew(2, nil): {},
+ ulid.MustNew(3, nil): {},
+ ulid.MustNew(4, nil): {},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: `Block for the next parent range appeared, and we have a gap with size 20 between second and third block.
+ Second block is excluded.`,
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(1, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 20}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(4, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 80}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(5, nil), MinTime: 80, MaxTime: 100}},
+ },
+ noCompactMarks: map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark{
+ ulid.MustNew(2, nil): {},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "We have 20, 60, 20, 60, 240 range blocks. We could compact 20 + 60 + 60, but sixth 6th is excluded",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(4, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 120}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(5, nil), MinTime: 960, MaxTime: 980}}, // Fresh one.
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(6, nil), MinTime: 120, MaxTime: 180}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(7, nil), MinTime: 720, MaxTime: 960}},
+ },
+ noCompactMarks: map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark{
+ ulid.MustNew(6, nil): {},
+ },
+ expected: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(4, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 120}},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "We have 20, 60, 20, 60, 240 range blocks. We could compact 20 + 60 + 60, but 4th is excluded",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 20, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(4, nil), MinTime: 60, MaxTime: 120}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(5, nil), MinTime: 960, MaxTime: 980}}, // Fresh one.
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(6, nil), MinTime: 120, MaxTime: 180}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(7, nil), MinTime: 720, MaxTime: 960}},
+ },
+ noCompactMarks: map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark{
+ ulid.MustNew(4, nil): {},
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Do not select large blocks that have many tombstones when fresh appears but are excluded",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(1, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 540, Stats: tsdb.BlockStats{
+ NumSeries: 10,
+ NumTombstones: 3,
+ }}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 540, MaxTime: 560}},
+ },
+ noCompactMarks: map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark{
+ ulid.MustNew(1, nil): {},
+ },
+ },
+ // |--------------|
+ // |----------------|
+ // |--------------|
+ {
+ name: "Overlapping blocks 1, but one is excluded",
+ metas: []*metadata.Meta{
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(1, nil), MinTime: 0, MaxTime: 20}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(2, nil), MinTime: 19, MaxTime: 40}},
+ {BlockMeta: tsdb.BlockMeta{Version: 1, ULID: ulid.MustNew(3, nil), MinTime: 40, MaxTime: 60}},
+ },
+ noCompactMarks: map[ulid.ULID]*metadata.NoCompactMark{
+ ulid.MustNew(1, nil): {},
+ },
+ },
+ } {
+ t.Run(c.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ metasByMinTime := make([]*metadata.Meta, len(c.metas))
+ for i := range metasByMinTime {
+ metasByMinTime[i] = c.metas[i]
+ }
+ sort.Slice(metasByMinTime, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return metasByMinTime[i].MinTime < metasByMinTime[j].MinTime
+ })
+ g.noCompactMarkedMap = c.noCompactMarks
+ plan, err := tsdbBasedPlanner.Plan(context.Background(), metasByMinTime)
+ testutil.Ok(t, err)
+ testutil.Equals(t, c.expected, plan)
+ })
+ }