GitHub Actions / Tests report
Jun 29, 2024 in 1s
58 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ reports/jest-junit.xml
58 tests were completed in 16s with 58 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ source\tasks\BuildInformation\BuildInformationV6\inputCommandBuilder.test.ts
✅ all regular fields supplied
✅ missing parameters
✅ missing package version
✅ source\tasks\BuildInformation\BuildInformationV6\overwriteMode.test.ts
✅ second run
✅ user provided
✅ source\tasks\CreateOctopusRelease\CreateOctopusReleaseV5\createRelease.test.ts
Create Release
✅ Create a minimum release
✅ Create a release and deployment
✅ source\tasks\CreateOctopusRelease\CreateOctopusReleaseV6\inputCommandBuilder.test.ts
✅ all regular fields supplied
✅ packages in additional fields
✅ release notes file
✅ specifying both release notes and release notes file causes error
✅ duplicate variable name, variables field takes precedence
✅ source\tasks\Deploy\DeployV5\deploy.test.ts
Deploy Release
✅ Create a minimum deployment
✅ Create a deployment
✅ source\tasks\Deploy\DeployV6\inputCommandBuilder.test.ts
✅ all regular fields supplied
✅ variables in additional fields
✅ missing space
✅ duplicate variable name, variables field takes precedence
✅ multiline environments
✅ source\tasks\DeployTenant\TenantedDeployV6\inputCommandBuilder.test.ts
✅ all regular fields supplied
✅ variables in additional fields
✅ missing space
✅ duplicate variable name, variables field takes precedence
✅ validate tenants and tags
✅ source\tasks\OctoCli\OctoCliV5\octoCli.test.ts
Promote Release
✅ Run a simple promote
✅ source\tasks\OctoInstaller\OctoInstallerV5\installer.test.ts
✅ Installs specific version
✅ Installs wildcard version
✅ Installs latest of latest
✅ source\tasks\OctoInstaller\OctoInstallerV5\octopusCLIVersionFetcher.test.ts
OctopusCLIVersionFetcher tests
✅ Gets latest
✅ Fixed returns fixed version
✅ When version no exists
✅ Get latest minor
✅ Get latest patch
✅ When version spec if invalid
✅ Get latest major
✅ Get latest not pre-release
✅ source\tasks\OctoInstaller\OctoInstallerV6\downloadEndpointRetriever.test.ts
✅ Installs specific version
✅ Installs wildcard version
✅ Installs latest of latest
✅ source\tasks\OctoInstaller\OctoInstallerV6\octopusCLIVersionResolver.test.ts
OctopusCLIVersionFetcher tests
✅ Gets latest
✅ Fixed returns fixed version
✅ When version no exists
✅ Get latest minor
✅ Get latest patch
✅ When version spec if invalid
✅ Get latest major
✅ Get latest not pre-release
✅ source\tasks\OctopusMetadata\OctopusMetadataV5\buildInformation.test.ts
Build Information
✅ Push build information
✅ source\tasks\Promote\PromoteV5\promote.test.ts
Promote Release
✅ Run a simple promote
✅ source\tasks\Push\PushV5\push.test.ts
✅ Pushes multiple packages with fixed paths
✅ Pushes multiple packages with wildcards
✅ source\tasks\RunRunbook\RunRunbookV6\inputCommandBuilder.test.ts
✅ all regular fields supplied
✅ source\tasks\Utils\command-line-args.test.ts
cli args
✅ simple args
✅ simple args with alias
✅ simple args with alias 2
✅ basic split on space
✅ split on space with quoted values
✅ split on space with quoted values