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第 30 期 05/24 The Overflow #74: Behind the scenes at SpaceX


携程 Q1 财报:净利润环比增长近 80% 连续 3 个季度盈利

在全球旅游业饱受疫情冲击,国内疫情防控政策在年初收紧的背景下,今年一季度,携程的净营业收入为 41 亿元人民币,业绩波动明显好于市场预期,多家机构上调携程评级。在国内旅游市场加速回暖的同时,受海外本国住宿需求增长的影响,近几个月来, 国际站点的海外酒店预订也恢复到疫情前水平。


继抖音之后,又一家短视频巨头将触手延伸至了本地生活领域。 近日,有消息表明,快手正试图在北京、哈尔滨、成都、西安四城的同城页面新增本地生活入口,试图通过产品侧的改变加强用户感知。 事实上,这并不是快手第一次释放本地生活相关信号。

I/O 亲历:两年不见,谷歌的 AI 又把我们吓了一跳

在经历了一整年的新冠疫情之后,时隔两年谷歌 I/O 开发者大会终于和大家再度相逢。大会期间,硅星人也采访了谷歌 AI 技术和产品部门的负责人。今天,我们再来深入探讨一下,从这届 I/O 大会上我们看到谷歌在 AI 方面的更多重要突破和新动作。


最近,有爆料指出,华为 OpenHarmony 2.0 将于今日起逐步开源。


2021 年,数字化转型进一步推动了“低代码”行业的爆发。本文是 InfoQ 采访的创略科技研发副总监霍强(Danny)。



What's new for Android developers at Google I/O

Today, at Google I/O, we covered a few ways that we’re trying to help out, whether it be through Android 12 - one of the biggest design changes ever, Jetpack, Jetpack Compose, Android Studio, and Kotlin to help you build beautiful high quality apps. We’re also helping when it comes to extending your apps wherever your users go, like through wearables and larger-screened devices.


“可视化看中国” ( 正是由北京大学可视化与可视分析实验室开展的关于可视化科普的尝试,旨在通过可视化帮助大众全面了解中国历史文化、经济发展等方面。希望借助数据可视化帮助大众更加全面地理解中国。

The Overflow #74: Behind the scenes at SpaceX

Introducing WebContainers: Run Node.js natively in your browser

WebContainers allow you to create fullstack Node.js environments that boot in milliseconds and are immediately online & link shareable—in just one click.

五年陈的 Weex,聊聊它的过去现在和未来

Weex 2.0 直接复用了 Flutter Engine 的大部分代码,差别在于编程语言架构层次面向的开发标准。随着 Flutter 的热度不断提升,这一两年来社区里又不断出现新的跨平台方案。分久必合合久必分,现在这个“百花齐放”的场面,基本上暗示着技术要换代了。


微软5月19日周三宣布,从2022年6月15日起,将停止使用Internet Explorer浏览器。当日起,微软将删除个人版Win10中的IE浏览器,代替其提供服务的是Edge浏览器。


Lit #Web Components

Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components. At Lit's core is a boilerplate-killing component base class that provides reactive state, scoped styles, and a declarative template system that's tiny, fast and expressive.

Introducing Angular DevTools #Angular

We’re thrilled to announce Angular DevTools — a Chrome DevTools extension that you can use to inspect the structure of your applications and profile their performance.

Vuestic UI #Framework

Vue.js 3.0 UI Framework

React核心成员表示:JSX就是个错误 #React

近日,在一场关于 JSX 的讨论中,React 核心成员「Sebastian Markbåge」(Hooks作者)表示: 他更推崇 SwiftUI 语法,并认为 JSX 就是个错误。

Personally, I kind of consider JSX a bug now. I like the SwiftUI syntax (not the JetPack Compose/Kotlin one that looks similar but doesn't support hoisting to variables which is a deal breaker to me).



Why WebRTC|前世今生 #WebRTC

本系列内容将和大家一起来探讨,为什么 WebRTC 受到开发者及企业的青睐 ?未来 WebRTC 又将如何发展?以及声网Agora 是怎样基于 WebRTC 进行二次开发,又将如何支持 WebRTC NV 版本的?

aspect-ratio #CSS

aspect-ratio defines the ratio between the width and height of a box, but it is a weak declaration.

The new responsive: Web design in a component-driven world

The next era of responsive design is here, and you can already start to explore it yourself.

What’s new in Flutter 2.2 #Flutter

The Flutter 2.2 release focuses on polish and optimization, including iOS performance improvements, Android deferred components, updated service worker for Flutter web and more!

一文彻底搞懂 DvaJS 原理


Google’s Material You: New Design System for Android

Google recently launched its new design system (currently in beta testing) called Material You.



UI/UX Case Study-Blockchain Convention Landing Page Design

In this case study, I’m going to articulate my process of designing a landing page and mobile version of the same for a website. I will share my process, design decisions, and logic behind the decisions.





围绕「内修」相关的三个习惯谈谈心得,「外显」相关的三个习惯,实践有限,只是略有体会,待合适的时候再单独展开。关于成长,高效能人士的七个习惯 这本书给出了很多优秀的案例和操作指引,有助于我们走上职业化之路。从依赖期 -> 独立期 的这三个习惯,重在内修。

Improving Firefox stability on Linux

Roughly a year ago at Mozilla we started an effort to improve Firefox stability on Linux. This effort quickly became an example of good synergies between FOSS projects.



科技爱好者周刊(第 159 期):游戏开发者的年薪

