The easiest way to test this project is by running the standalone demo. Download the trained model from Github and put it into this directory.
Then run
from within this directory:
$ python --detection_inference_graph 2019-04-24_faster-rcnn_inception-resnet-v2.pb --input_image IMSLP454437-PMLP738602-Il_tempio_d_amore_Scene2-0002.jpg --output_result output_detections.json
This will create an annotated image, as well as a json-file with the output detections.
The second way to run inference is by firing up an inference server that exposes a REST API for easy consumption.
To do so, start the server script with hug -p=8080
(see also run_server.bat) or create and run a docker container with the following steps:
# Build the image with the latest model
$ docker build -t measure_detector .
# Run in container (change port to `XXXX:8080` if needed):
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 measure_detector
We offer two example Python 3 scripts. Make sure that you have all the requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
show a very basic Python script for a single image.
$ python IMSLP454435-PMLP738602-Il_tempio_d_amore_Sinfonia-0011.jpg
detects the measures in all images of a given folder and generates an MEI file for further processing.
is optional and generates images with bounding box overlays in a subfolder.
$ python --make-images IMSLP108695