#User Guide
This guide is designed to be a guide for a user without any prior experience with the software to use for reference for how to utilize the features offerred by our software. It is designed in a workflow assuming a user has not ever used the software before. For easy reference, each section includes a title for the tutorial for that feature.
###Creating an account
Before a user can begin using any features of the site, they must have an existing account with the site itself. The initial page a user will be directed to will be the login page, which will have a button for starting the account creation process.
Clicking create account will take a user to this page:
In order to create an account, simply fill out all required fields and click "Create account". This will create a new user account assosciated with the given information provided. Account creation will only succeed if all required fields are provided with valid information.
All features following account creation wil assume a created account, otherwise, those features will be off limits.
###Logging in
After an account is created, a user may log in at the homepage. Filling out the required fields and pressing login will begin a check on the provided username and password, redirecting a user to the search page for searching for manifests.
Invalid login information will display an error message.
###Searching Manifests
Searching manifests begins with entering valid search terms in the provided search input field
After entering valid search data, pressing "Search" will initiate the search. Results from the search will be displayed in the manifest view, in the main area of the search page.
Clicking on Select will redirect to the manifest view page for that manifest.
###Editing Manifest
Going to a view page for a manifest begins with clicking "View" for a specific manifest. This will take you to a page with the data for that manifest. In order to edit the manifest data, simply change the fields desired and press "submit" and your changes will be saved.
###Uploading Dataset and Uploading a Manifest File/Creating Manifest
When a new manifest is desired to be uploaded, along with the dataset files assosciated, a user must click "Upload new dataset" on the manifest search page.
Creating a new manifest will redirect to the manifest creation page.
To upload the dataset files, click "Choose a file" under the add dataset/SNC files header
To upload an existing manifest file of the desired format, simply click "choose a file" under the upload Manifest.json header
If desired, the user has the ability to create a new manifest file, generated by the site, by clicking "Generate Manifest JSON"
This will open up a manifest form. Once all required fields have been filled with valid information, pressing "Create" at the bottom of the form will generate a manifest file to be uploaded.
Here is the expanded form:
Clicking "Submit" will (if all required files are supplied) upload your new dataset to the server.
#Download Manifest/Dataset files
To download files from a manifest, simply press "download dataset file" for the dataset file or "download manifest" for a manifest file download. This will allow you to download that file locally.
#Delete manifest
To remove a manifest, you must be the owner of that manifest (the user who uploaded it originally). If you are the owner, when you view the manifest, there will be a remove button. Clicking it will delete the manifest and relavant files from the system.