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Releases: NullVoxPopuli/ember-resources

[email protected]

16 Mar 19:07
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[email protected] Pre-release

Patch Changes

  • #828 24b540e Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - ember-async-data@v1 is out, so since we're just now using it, that can be the minimum version.
    NOTE: ember-async-data's minimum ember-source is 4.8, so while things might work with earlier ember-source's it's not guaranteed.

  • #826 50ad1ba Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - When using RemoteData, isError should be true when the http status code is >= 400. Resolves #825".
    Previously, when you had a JSON response with 404 status code, isError would be false instead of true.

  • #830 0767c08 Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - Support TS 5.0

[email protected]

12 Mar 04:16
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[email protected] Pre-release

Minor Changes

  • #818 feeb2db Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - RemoteData now checks the response's Content-Type header to decide whether to convert to JSON or Text

[email protected]

11 Mar 13:47
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[email protected] Pre-release

Major Changes

  • #815 54e2b50 Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - The RemoteData resource now has the same state changes and semantics as trackedFunction.

    Breaking Changes:

    • isResolved is only true when the request succeeds. During migration, you may use isFinished for previous behavior.

[email protected]

10 Mar 01:16
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[email protected] Pre-release

Minor Changes

  • #797 18adb86 Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - Add link() and @link, importable from ember-resources/link.

    NOTE: for existing users of ember-resources, this addition has no impact on your bundle.

    Example property usage
    import { link } from 'ember-resources/link';
    class MyClass {  ... }
    export default class Demo extends Component {
      // This usage does now allow passing args to `MyClass`
      @link(MyClass) myInstance;
    Example inline usage
    import Component from "@glimmer/component";
    import { cached } from "@glimmer/tracking";
    import { link } from "ember-resources/link";
    export default class Demo extends Component {
      // To pass args to `MyClass`, you must use this form
      // NOTE though, that `instance` is linked to the `Demo`s lifecycle.
      //  So if @foo is changing frequently, memory pressure will increase rapidly
      //  until the `Demo` instance is destroyed.
      //  Resources are a better fit for this use case, as they won't add to memory pressure.
      get myFunction() {
        let instance = new MyClass(;
        return link(instance, this);

    This abstracts away the following boilerplate:

    import { getOwner, setOwner } from "@ember/owner";
    import { associateDestroyableChild } from "@ember/destroyable";
    class MyClass {
      /* ... */
    export default class Demo extends Component {
      get myInstance() {
        let instance = new MyClass();
        associateDestroyableChild(this, instance);
        let owner = getOwner(this);
        if (owner) {
          setOwner(instance, owner);
        return instance;

[email protected]

09 Mar 14:29
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Patch Changes

  • #808 34884c2 Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - trackedTask must return correct last value.

    Fixes the issue described at #793
    If the task was called multiple times and the last returned value was null or undefined,
    then trackedTask will return the previous value instead of the current one.

[email protected]

09 Mar 14:22
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[email protected] Pre-release

Major Changes

  • #785 66cee0e Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - The import path ember-resources/util/function-resource has been removed,
    as all the relevent exports have been available from ember-resources since v5.

Minor Changes

  • #794 8989bbb Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - New Utils: UpdateFrequency and FrameRate

    NOTE: for existing users of ember-resources, this addition has no impact on your bundle.


    Utility that uses requestAnimationFrame to report
    how many frames per second the current monitor is
    rendering at.

    The result is rounded to two decimal places.

    import { FramRate } from "ember-resources/util/fps";
    <template>{{ FrameRate }}</template>;

    Utility that will report the frequency of updates to tracked data.

    import { UpdateFrequency } from 'ember-resources/util/fps';
    export default class Demo extends Component {
      @tracked someProp;
      @use updateFrequency = UpdateFrequency(() => this.someProp);

    NOTE: the function passed to UpdateFrequency may not set tracked data.

Patch Changes

  • #806 00e8f2f Thanks @sergey-zhidkov! - trackedTask must return correct last value.

    Fixes the issue described at #793
    If the task was called multiple times and the last returned value was null or undefined,
    then trackedTask will return the previous value instead of the current one.

[email protected]

04 Mar 14:14
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[email protected] Pre-release

Major Changes

  • #715 e8155b2 Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - Drop support for TypeScript < 4.8 in order to support Glint.

  • #778 901ae9a Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - The map utility resource has changed its first type-argument for better inference.

    The utility already supported inference, so this change should not impact too many folks.

    When explicit type-arguments were specified,

    class Demo {
      // previously
      a = map<Element>(this, {
        data: () => [
          /* ... list of Element(s) ... */
        map: (element) => {
          /* some transform */
      // now
      a = map<Element[]>(this, {
        data: () => [
          /* ... list of Element(s) ... */
        map: (element) => {
          /* some transform */

    This is advantageous, because with @tsconfig/ember, the option noUncheckedIndexedAccess
    is enabled by default. This is a great strictness / quality option to have enabled,
    as arrays in javascript are mutable, and we can't guarantee that they don't change between

    However the map utility resource explicitly disallows the indicies to get out of sync
    with the source data.

    But!, with noUncheckedIndexedAccess, you can only infer so much before TS goes the safe route,
    and makes the returned type X | undefined.

    For example, in these type-tests:

    import { map } from "ember-resources/util/map";
    import { expectType } from "ts-expect";
    const constArray = [1, 2, 3];
    b = map(this, {
      data: () => constArray,
      map: (element) => {
        return element;
    // index-access here is *safely* `| undefined`, due to `constArray` being mutable.
    expectType<number | undefined>(b[0]);
    expectType<number | undefined>(b.values()[0]);
    // but when we use a const as const array, we define a tuple,
    // and can correctly infer and return real values via index access
    const tupleArray = [1, 2, 3] as const;
    c = map(this, {
      data: () => tupleArray,
      map: (element) => {
        return element;
    // No `| undefined` here
  • #779 a471d9b Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - trackedFunction has a new API and thus a major version release is required.

    Work by @lolmaus

    tl;dr: the breaking changes:

    • no more manual initial value
    • isResolved is only true on success
    • isError has been renamed to isRejected
    • isLoading has been removed as it was redundant

    other changes:

    • trackedFunction is a wrapper around ember-async-data's TrackedAsyncData
    • behavior is otherwise the same

    NOTE: trackedFunction is an example utility of how to use auto-tracking with function invocation,
    and abstract away the various states involved with async behavior. Now that the heavy lifting is done by ember-async-data,
    trackedFunction is now more of an example of how to integrated existing tracked utilities in to resources.


    Previously, trackedFunction could take an initial value for its second argument.

    class Demo {
      foo = trackedFunction(this, "initial value", async () => {
        /* ... */

    This has been removed, as initial value can be better maintained and made more explicit
    in user-space. For example:

    class Demo {
      foo = trackedFunction(this, async () => {
        /* ... */
      get value() {
        return ?? "initial value";

    Or, in a template:

      initial displayed content

    Or, in gjs/strict mode:

    const withDefault = (value) => value ?? 'initial value';
    class Demo extends Component {
      foo = trackedFunction(this, async () => { /* ... */ });

    Previously, the isResolved property was true for succesful and error states

    Now, isResolved is only true when the function passed to trackedFunction has succesfully

    To have behavior similar to the old behavior, you may want to implement your own isFinished getter:

    class Demo {
      foo = trackedFunction(this, async () => {
        /* ... */
      get isFinished() {
        return ||;

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

[email protected]

21 Jan 22:34
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Patch Changes

  • #742 dd7234a Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - When using the resourceFactory (blueprint in Starbeam terms),
    there was an issue where a returned resource would not get torn down when the
    surrounding context of the resourceFactory would get torn down.

    For example, in this situation,
    which has been added as the second example on this blog post,

    const poll = resourceFactory((fn, interval) => {
      return resource(({ on }) => {
        let x = setInterval(fn, interval);
        on.cleanup(() => clearInterval(x));

    usage would be:

    {{poll someFn someSeconds}}

    So, when this was in an if statement, or in a component or route, or any content that could be torn down,
    the on.cleanup callback would not be called.

    This fix addresses the issue and the on.cleanup callback is now called.

    NOTE: this approach to using resources is equivelent to this 0-dependency solution to polling:

    import Component from "@glimmer/component";
    import Helper from "@ember/component/helper";
    import type RouterService from "@ember/routing/router-service";
    import { service } from "@ember/service";
    class Poll extends Helper {
      compute([fn, interval]: [(...args: unknown[]) => unknown, number]) {
        let x = setInterval(fn, interval);
        registerDestructor(this, () => clearInterval(x));
    export default class Demo extends Component {
      @service declare router: RouterService;
      poll = Poll;
      refreshData = () => this.router.refresh();
    {{this.poll this.refreshData 4000}}

[email protected]

14 Jan 17:45
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Patch Changes

  • #684 bd723d1 Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - Improve contribution resistance by removing semantic-release/commits and switching to
    Changesets for managing automatic release.

    The release automation and human intervention is just the right mix of both
    to make everything painless for all parties.

    This means:

    • contributors don't need to "adhere to the commit convention" - which was linted for and had no autofix
    • a preview PR will be created so folks can see what all is going in to a release
    • releases can be bundled, meaning not every commit going in to main needs to be releasable
      • this allows for simultaneous batches of breaking changes, and would have prevented some early churn in this package's history
    • and most importantly, changelogs are meant for humans (not machines), and Changeset allows for human-focused changelogs

    I'll be moving all of my addons to Changesets and away from semantic-release.

  • b137837 Thanks @NullVoxPopuli! - TypeScript 4.8 and 4.9 Support added

5.6.0 (2022-11-02)


  • trackedFunction: add a retry method (8244049)

5.5.0 (2022-10-27)


  • cell: add update method to Cell class (b0ce96c)

5.4.0 (2022-09-10)


  • owner is now available to function-based resources (410bbf4)


02 Nov 23:56
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5.6.0 (2022-11-02)


  • trackedFunction: add a retry method (8244049)