2.1.21 #597 - Rapid click on save button on "Add a folder" #599 - SQL:AUTO_INCREMENT id --> language #600 - preg_replace(): Unknown modifier '|' #598 - Extra fields in home page #602 - can't change user password by very heavy complexity #603 - password complexity check only in javascript #415 - Items are not show when in folder view. Can easy search and open. #578 - API generate new key #580 - Redirect to login page when accessing directly an item (if not logged) #576 - Mismatch email_body tags #607 - HMTL export erroneous download link #622 - Tooltip on left menu buttons #619 - CSV Import does not import passwords #617 - CSV Import doesn't handle passwords with quotes well #627 - Complete authentication bypass #626 - API vulnerable (improvement in progress) #633 - favicon correction #636 - MySQL on non-standard port #632 - Refactor order of index.php #629 - A password for admin account is required during installation #654 - Tab character breaks json format #652 - one-time view not working when interface is in French #658 - Rapid Click on Item Copy #657 - Rapid Click on Password Creation #656 - Can't Create Folder as User #643 - email charset in UTF-8 #641 - Add and save item -> double click on that icon won't work #671 - When password is generated, it is added in confirm field too #672 - Changing password makes account inaccessible #637 - Multi Domain LDAP #673 - Changed strategy for quick icon clipboard copy #639 - Design fix in admin page #681 - Fix for Folder and Users creation as Administrator #680 - Set custom expiry for one time view link #682 - Fix SMTP authentication which were used regardless of the settings - Fix a query used in the "lost password" management. - Fix the mysql error message when the session_expired page is accessed…
- New option permitting to send or not an email to User when admin changes his password
- Fix for image viewer when option files encryption is set
- Fix for password complexity level update
2.1.20 #492 - Default admin password not working #509 - Password complexity #493 - Unable to purge logs #503 - manual insertions in Items History log not working #494 - Logs > Administration JSON error #491 - Applying email address to user #441 - Attachments encryption #459 - Turn off strict mode #477-#452 - Fix for upgrade #459 - Turn off strict mode #472 - Error on line 582 index.php #474 - Set default to checked for secure passwords #497 - Moved GA QR code creation to administration #487 - Off-line mode, link make the page scroll up #533 #521 #528 - Installation issue #525 - Settings.php should not be commited #527 - Potential security bug #485 - CVS Import on V 2.1.19 quotes problems #544 - DataTables warning: JSON data from server could not be parsed #547 - User search #520 - API access #549 #550 - Server Time in footer #539 - New feature: Simplify Items Tree #547 - Search in Users page #401 - Folder role inheretance on new folder #552 - added MBstring check #554 - Search-Page "Jump to item"-Button not working correctly Fork from slimm609 - Encrypted Sessions and CSRFGuard enabled Issues with folder creation in "personal folder" #536 - one time view page for anonymous user #517 - New feature: Suggest items system New feature: Sub-folder inherits of parent folder
#413 - fix for PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '['
#447 - fix for PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare getBits()
#442 - problem edit folder
#399 - Export encrypted passwords (off-line mode)
#408 - Personal Salt Key changing doesn't work
#419 - Password complexity not refreshed
#418 - English translation improvement
#407 - "Restricted to" feature improvement
#402 - In item list, description is cut with
#393 - Password input and confirmation field location
#388 - Unable to move items between folders
#400 - Extra fields for Item
#414 - Maintenance mode during upgrade can be disabled
#389 - Language dropdown not working
#392 - Check of absolute path for SK.PHP
#385 - Email not sent ... check your configuration (to be checked)
#379 - CSV importing not working (to be checked)
#134 - Login After Session Expires
#429 - Changed user.psk field to allow NULLs
#428 : error: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string
#426/#430 : New option to disable information loading in Admin page
#142 - Google Authenticator implemented
- Dialogbox not closed when changing folder name
- Display Item details through Find page error
2.1.18 #315 - jstree style.css badly referenced #314 - Folder is not being deleted #320 - Enabling LDAP prevents local admin login #317 - server expected extensions are tested #318 - Upgrade process badly creates sk.php file #348 - Fix for undefined index "isAdministratedByRole" #350 - Fix for Lock and delete user actions don't refresh page #354 - Fix for removing folders #359 - Fix for initial user password change complexity check #371 - Fix for uploaded files corrupted #291 - Fix to support openLDAP / posix style LDAP #361 - Option to use login password as SALT key
- Fix - no possibility to update a Role
- Fix - editing users by clicking on the fields broken
- Fix - parse error in database errors log
- New - requested user password complexity shown when changing password
- New - option for deactivate client-server encryption (usage of SSL)
- New - in tree, new counters added (subfolders and items in subfolders numbers)
- New language added - Catalan
- New exchange encryption protocol. No key is visible. The channel is encrypted at start of session.
- HTTPS connection can be activated (be carefull, you need a certificate)
- Change Users passwords encryption
- Corrected - once clicked on not authorized Item, any Item selection was no more possible. #283 - Rights on a folder created at root are set. #285 - New settings: Anyone can modify option can be activated by default #287 - newly created personal folders ar propergated to the group #289 - Personal folder name badly constructed #270 - Restricted items visible in Find results #298 - Protection against bad actions on personal folders #299 - User can be explicetly administrated by Managers of specific Roles #300 - Personal SK is encrypted in COOKIE #301 - Corrected query call error #302 - Under "Views" users can see items that exist in personal folders that have been accessed #307 - fclose() statement badly placed
- #245 - #248 - #249 - #265 - #266 - #267 - #268 - #273
- #277: Change personal saltkey error
- list of bugs corrected: #242 - #254 - #244 - #247 - #256 - #250 - #254 - #248 #243 - #252 - #232 - #240 - #260 - #259 - #262 - #251 - #236
- MySQL hashing => todo
- CSV importation
- list of bugs corrected: #238 - #235 - #239 - #203 - #201 - #233 - #226 - #236 #228 - #189 - #234 - #225 - #239 - #194 - #86
- Corrected bug for sending emails
- Different small corrections
- Code improvement for PSR compliance
- jQueryUI updated to v1.9
- Cleanup unused files
- #207: Managers can only see the Roles they are allowed to.
- #190, #192, #199, #202, #196, #204, #191, #214 corrected
- Correction: taking into account user "can create at root level" setting
- Added: saltkey is exported in a unique file that should be moved outside "www" server scope.
- Added: 2-factors authentication
- Added: new check when Role creation
- Added: new check for database query error
- Added: Item in edition will lock any other edition
- Added: New administrator View permitting to view "Users actually connected" and "Tokens taken for Items in edition"
- Added: User account contains now Name and Last Name fields
- #188
- #185 Started adjusting codebase to follow PSR 1 and PSR 2 based on ecaron work (thank you)
- #184 - bug correction
- #161 - #100 - #175
- #163 Personal saltkey duration based on cookie (under option)
- share item -> manage error when email not sent
- Improved/corrected export CSV and PDF
- Correction: During upgrade, languages table is wrong
- Personal Saltkey is stored in cookie (new admin setting)
- Emails settings are moved to admin settings page (no more in settings.php)
- Files folder is now a setting (to improve security)
- Exported PDF is encrypted (contributor: Jay2k1)
- #168 Add description field in PDF
- #174 User creation and modification log
- #126-#132-#130-#131-#139-#129-#141-#146
- Italian translation
- Find page - focus in search box (contributor: Jay2k1)
- SF 206
- #107-#95-#102-#103-#67-#32-#87-#71-#125-#120-#116-#111-#108-#104-#90- #85-#78-#48-#34-#67-#75-#82-#84
- bug correction cache table
- view Item details from the Find page
- CSV export -> started
- mail notification when selecting an item
- share Item by mail
- add email field in Item form
- automatic deletion of Item after X opening or after limit date
- Roles / Folders matrix: Roles passwords complexity shown
- SF 247 - 248 - 261 - 264 - 265 - 266 - 267
- 67: protect uploadify library => different file protection added
- protect Downloadfile.php
- SF228: reset personal saltkey (purge personal items)
- SF262: copy of item is in log
- old password in log was badly encoded
- item copy from search page corrected
- some rights checks added before action
- email send to new created user
- #59: settings.php email setting errors
- #67: Protected upload file
- added email notification for user requiering an access to a restricted item.
- 264: Feature Request: Password History
- #56: Temporary solution for keeping old ADMIN profile rights
- Corrections: SF237, SF240, SF243 , #29, #25, #32 , #36 , #37 , #39 , #40 SF257, SF259, SF239, #41, #40, #51
- Improvements: SF232 SF231: How to Restrict Admin from Viewing items #31: new setting option for dynamic list #27: new subfolders only associated to the same roles as the parent folder #33: folder management in items page Changing SALT key from admin pages
- upgrade improvement in case of upgrading from 1.x version.
- improved upgrade connection errors and automatic credentials import
- Corrections: #4, #7, 236
- 2 bugs correction
- Licence has changed to GNU AFFERO GPL 3.0
- 203 - password complexity on Roles
- 121 - Default language can be set + user language stored in DB
- Encrypt old passwords in LOG_ITEMS table
- started CRON activity for emails sending
- new option: send email to Admins when users get connected
- "Restricted to" field not viewable to everyone
- add an icon for hide/show passwords in clear text (toggle button)