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If you had a bunch of high performance classes, would you not place them in a nuget package?
This library contains essential classes I use in production.
Cloning and exploring this repository is the recommended way of learning how to use it.


Supports netcoreapp3.1 net6.0 net7.0

PM> Install-Package Nucs.Essentials


All performance-oriented classes have a benchmark at Nucs.Essentials.Benchmark project and usually unit-tested.



  • RollingWindow<T> a rolling window (list) of fixed size. When full, last one pops and new item is pushed to front, useful for statistics.
  • StructList<T> and StructQueue<T> are struct port of List<T>/Queue<T> with additional functionalities such as exposing internal fields and deconstructors, essentially allowing a very versatile use of them. Versioning to protect against multithreaded access has been removed.
  • Reusable queues for wrapping List<T> / Array / ReadOnlySpan<T> allowing reuse/resetting the queue without needing to create a new instance. Also exposes functionalities such as Peak and iteration.

Multithreading / Collections

  • Async / SingleProducerSingleConsumerQueue<T> a high performance lockless queue for single producer and single consumer with awaitable signal for available read faster than System.Threading.Channels by 81%.
  • Async / ManyProducerManyConsumerStack<T> a high performance lockless stack using linked-list for many producers and many consumers with awaitable signal for available read.
  • AsyncRoundRobinProducerConsumer<T> a lockless round-robin channel that accepts data from multiple producers and distributes it to multiple AsyncSingleProducerSingleConsumerQueue consumers. This pattern allows feeding <T> to multiple consumers without locking.
  • AsyncCountdownEvent a lockless countdown event that allows awaiting for a specific number of signals. awaiting completes once 0 is reached. Counter can be incremented and decremented. Serves like a SemaphoreSlim that awaits for reaching 0 signals remaining.
  • ConcurrentPriorityQueue<TKey, TValue> lock based priority queue based on generic key ordering priority by a IComparable\<TKey\>.
  • ConcurrentHashSet<T> bucket-based locking (multiple locks, depending on hash of the item, better than single-lock) with Dictionary-like buckets hashset for concurrent access.
  • ObservableConcurrentList a thread-safe observable list that notifies changes using INotifyCollectionChanged. Useful for concurrent WPF binding. Allows transactions using IDisposable BlockReentrancy() that on dispose will notify changes.

Reflection / Generators / Expressions

All expression related classes have an overload for Expression and a Delegate.

  • DictionaryToSwitchCaseGenerator creates a switch-case expression from a dictionary of TKey to TValue and a default value case. Essentially inlines a dictionary into a switch-case as a Func<TKey, TValue>.
  • PreloadedPropertyGetter generates a getter for all properties of a type and caches it for future use. Useful for reflection-heavy code.
  • StructToString generates a ToString method for a struct that returns a string. Used to avoid a mistake of using object.ToString that forces a cast from struct to object.
  • ToDictionaryGenerator generates a ToDictionary method for a target type <T> that returns a Dictionary<string, object> of all properties. Supports boxing of struct/primitive values via PooledStrongBox<T>. Useful for destructing an object into a dictionary.
  • DefaultValue<T> provides a method to create a default value of a <T>. As-well as a cached boxed value and T value.


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A .NET binding using pythonnet for skopt (scikit-optimize) - an optimization library with support to dynamic search spaces through generic binding.

Available Algorithms:

Source code can be, found here


  • Python 3.8+
    > pip install numpy pythonnet scikit-learn scikit-optimize scipy
  • .NET 7.0
    PM> Install-Package Nucs.Optimization

Getting Started

Declare a parameters class/record for the optimization search space.
Annotate it with IntegerSpace / RealSpace / CategoricalSpace attributes.
Non-annotated parameters will be implicitly included by default.

[Parameters(Inclusion = ParametersInclusion.ImplicitAndExplicit)] //include all annotated and non-annotated
public record Parameters {
    [IntegerSpace<int>(1, int.MaxValue, Prior = Prior.LogUniform, Base = 2, Transform = NumericalTransform.Normalize)]
    public int Seed; //range of 0 to int.MaxValue (including)

    [RealSpace<double>(0, Math.PI)]
    public double FloatSeed; //range of 0 to int.MaxValue (including)

    [CategoricalSpace<float>(1f, 2f, 3f)]
    public float NumericalCategories { get; set; } //one of 1f, 2f, 3f

    [CategoricalSpace<double>(1d, 10d, 100d, 1000d)]
    public double LogNumericalCategories { get; set; } //one of 1d, 10d, 100d, 1000d

    [CategoricalSpace<string>("A", "B", "C", Transform = CategoricalTransform.Identity)]
    public string Categories; //one of "A", "B", "C"

    [CategoricalSpace<bool>] //optional, will be included implicitly
    public bool UseMethod; //true or false

    [CategoricalSpace<SomeEnum>(SomeEnum.A, SomeEnum.B, SomeEnum.C)]
    public SomeEnum AnEnum; //one of the enum values ("A", "B", "C")

    /// string will be parsed to SomeEnum. Prior provides the priority of each possible value. 'B' will have 80% priority of being selected.
    [CategoricalSpace<SomeEnum>("A", "B", Prior = new double[] {0.2, 0.8})] 
    public SomeEnum AnEnumWithValues; //one of the enum values ("A", "B")

    public SomeEnum AllValuesOfEnum; //one of any of the values of the enum
    public bool Ignored; //will be ignored entirely

public enum SomeEnum { A, B, C }
//setup python runtime
Runtime.PythonDLL = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%APPDATA%\\..\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python38\\python38.dll");
using var py = Py.GIL(); //no GIL is being taken inside. has to be taken outside.

//declare a function to optimize
[Maximize] //or [Minimize]
double ScoreFunction(Parameters parameters) {
    return (parameters.Seed * parameters.NumericalCategories * (parameters.UseMethod ? 1 : -1) * Math.Sin(0.05+parameters.FloatSeed)) / 1000000;

//construct an optimizer
var opt = new PyBayesianOptimization<Parameters>(ScoreFunction);
var opt2 = new PyForestOptimization<Parameters>(ScoreFunction);
var opt3 = new PyRandomOptimization<Parameters>(ScoreFunction);
var opt4 = new PyGbrtOptimization<Parameters>(ScoreFunction);

//(optional) prepare callbacks
var callbacks = new PyOptCallback[] { new IterationCallback<Parameters>(maximize: true, (iteration, parameters, score) => {
    Console.WriteLine($"[{iteration}] Score: {score}, Parameters: {parameters}");

//run optimizer of choice (Search, SearchTop, SearchAll)
double Score;
Parameters Parameters;
(Score, Parameters) = opt.Search(n_calls: 100, n_random_starts: 10, verbose: false, callbacks: callbacks);
(Score, Parameters) = opt2.Search(n_calls: 100, n_random_starts: 10, verbose: false, callbacks: callbacks);
(Score, Parameters) = opt3.Search(n_calls: 100, verbose: false, callbacks: callbacks);
(Score, Parameters) = opt4.Search(n_calls: 100, n_random_starts: 10, verbose: false, callbacks: callbacks);