Steam Manifest Request Code Provider (MRCP) is a lightweight bot that supplies Steam manifest request codes over a UDP socket using your Steam account
Download the binary for your OS in releases or build it manually (relevant for Linux since Native AOT adds dynamic dependencies on specific library versions), run it once with --setup
argument to interactively input credentials, then you may run it without any arguments (e.g as as service), it'll listen on specified port for UDP requests
Request (16 bytes):
- uint AppId
- uint DepotId
- ulong ManifestId
Response (8 bytes): ulong ManifestRequestCode
While TEK Steam Client can install arbitrary Steam apps, it is unable to get manifest request codes for apps not owned on the account it's logged on, and hence to download those apps. MCRP allows to proxy MCR requests to an account that owns the apps in question without leaking account credentials because it's running on a remote server
using System.Collections.Frozen;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using TEKSteamClient;
static readonly IPEndPoint ServerEndpoint = IPEndPoint.Parse("*Your server IP*:*MRCP Port*");
static ulong GetManifestRequestCode(uint appId, uint depotId, ulong manifestId)
using var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); //May make it a static singleton
Span<byte> buffer = stackalloc byte[16];
BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer[..4], appId);
BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer[4..8], depotId);
BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer[8..], manifestId);
socket.SendTo(buffer, ServerEndpoint);
return BitConverter.ToUInt64(buffer);
//The following code needs to be executed only once per app lifetime, you may put it in the beginning of Main method
CMClient.ManifestRequestCodeSourceOverrides = System.Collections.Frozen.FrozenDictionary.ToFrozenDictionary((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<uint, Func<uint, uint, ulong, ulong>>>)
new(/*A depot ID*/, GetManifestRequestCode),
new(/*Another depot ID*/, GetManifestRequestCode)
//Your code using TEK Steam Client goes here, it'll automatically send requests to MRCP when needed
MRCP is licensed under the MIT license.