forked from OpenElis_v3.1_r2013_02_21 branch in svn
Requirements to build OpeneLIS
version <= "1.7"ant
version <= "1.9.1"ruby
version <= "2.2" andgem install compass
To build OpenElis run
ant dist
Creates OpenELIS Warant setupDB test test-only dist
Creates clinlims database in postgres, runs tests, and then creates OpenELIS War./scripts/
Create OpenELIS War and deploys it to your vagrant's tomcat./scripts/
Runs Liquibase migration script in your vagrant
Transifex is a web based translation platform where one can do the translations and can be pulled into the codebase. Link to setup the Transifex Client
tx pull -a
downloads the property files
For more information please refer this link
- Transaction and Hibernate session management
- Pagination handled via HttpSession
- Code duplication in various places (need examples here)
- ResultValidationPaging, ResultsPaging and AnalyzerResultsPaging. Same copy-pasted code with very minor difference.
The order should contain the panel along with the tests. Hence making panel more than convenience tool for selecting multiple tests.
AtomFeed based integration with OpenMRS and OpenERP
REST endpoint for Patient, LabResults
Added functionality to validate test results by a particular accession number. Also you can see items to be validated across all test sections.
- Added ant buld
- Shortcircuited all calls to Session.clear