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jynik edited this page Oct 24, 2014 · 6 revisions

This is a revolving list of tasks that we need to do. Priorities change constantly.

Table of Contents

Current Items


  • Figure out why linux has a bandwidth allocation issue after a ^c from a program
  • Discipline VCTCXO using 1pps from GPSDO
  • Discipline VCTCXO using 10MHz external reference
  • Parse NMEA messages from GPS in FPGA for timestamping
  • Add ability to 'reset on next 1pps' signal for TX/RX sample synchronization
  • Fix or remove FS USB descriptors.


  • Automatic IQ Calibration
  • Create and simulate HDL models
  • Create signal generator block for FPGA


  • Developing test and release cycle plans on the wiki. Needs to cover versioning & tagging schemes, branch usage, and tests required to pass before version release **at a minimum**. litghost as opened and issue and provided some initial ideas.
  • Create coding style & patch/pull request guidelines document
  • Create a BUGS/Getting Help document detailing information to gather and provide when posting issues to the forum or IRC
  • Embedded sweeping spectrum analyzer demo based upon fosphor
    • Pending on FPGA FFT block

Future Items

  • Si5338 MIMO/Expansion clock settings
  • Create impulse latency RTT mode for FPGA
  • TX -> RX Loopback mode in HDL
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