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+# Azure Search indexes
+**Subsystem: Search 🔎**
+The search subsystem heavily depends on Azure Search for storing package metadata and performing package queries. Within
+a single Azure Search resource, there can be multiple indexes. An index is simply a collection of documents with a
+common schema. For the NuGet search subsystem, there are two indexes expected in each Azure Search resource:
+- [`search-XXX`](#search-index) - this is the "search" index which contains documents for *discovery* queries
+- [`hijack-XXX`](#hijack-index) - this is the "hijack" index which contains documents for *metadata lookup* queries
+## Search index
+The search index is designed to fulfill queries for package discovery. This is likely the scenario you would think about
+first when you imagine how package search would work. It's optimized for searching package metadata field by one or more
+keywords and has a scoring profile that returns the most relevant package first.
+This index has up to four documents per package ID. Each of the four ID-specific documents represents a different view
+of available package versions. There are two factors for filtering in and out package versions: whether or not to
+consider prerelease versions and whether or not to consider SemVer 2.0.0 versions.
+This may seem is a little strange at first, so it's best to consider an example. Consider a package
+[`BaseTestPackage.SearchFilters`](https://www.nuget.org/packages/BaseTestPackage.SearchFilters) that has four versions:
+- `1.1.0` - stable, SemVer 1.0.0
+- `1.2.0-beta`, prerelease, SemVer 1.0.0
+- `1.3.0+metadata`, stable, SemVer 2.0.0 (due to build metadata)
+- `1.4.0-delta.4`, prerelease, SemVer 2.0.0 (due to a dot in the prerelease label)
+As mentioned before there are up to four documents per package ID. In the case of the example package
+`BaseTestPackage.SearchFilters`, there will be four documents, each with a different set of versions included in the
+- Stable + SemVer 1.0.0: contains only `1.1.0` ([example query](https://azuresearch-usnc.nuget.org/query?q=packageid:BaseTestPackage.SearchFilters))
+- Stable/Prerelease + SemVer 1.0.0: contains `1.1.0` and `1.2.0-beta` ([example query](https://azuresearch-usnc.nuget.org/query?q=packageid:BaseTestPackage.SearchFilters&prerelease=true))
+- Stable + SemVer 2.0.0: contains `1.1.0` and `1.3.0+metadata` ([example query](https://azuresearch-usnc.nuget.org/query?q=packageid:BaseTestPackage.SearchFilters&semVerLevel=2.0.0))
+- Stable/Prerelease + SemVer 2.0.0: contains all versions ([example query](https://azuresearch-usnc.nuget.org/query?q=packageid:BaseTestPackage.SearchFilters&prerelease=true&semVerLevel=2.0.0))
+The four "flavors" of search documents per ID are referred to as **search filters**.
+The documents in the search index are identified (via the `key` property) by a unique string with the following format:
+{sanitized lowercase ID}-{base64 lowercase ID}-{search filter}
+The `sanitized lowercase ID` removes all characters from the package ID that are not acceptable for Azure Search
+document keys, like dots and non-ASCII word characters (like Chinese characters). This component of the document key is
+included for readability purposes only.
+The `base64 lowercase ID` is the base64 encoding of the package ID's bytes, encoded with UTF-8. This string is
+guaranteed to be a 1:1 mapping with the lowercase package ID and is included for uniqueness. The
+`HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode` API is used for base64 encoding.
+The `search filter` has one of four values:
+- `Default` - Stable + SemVer 1.0.0
+- `IncludePrerelease` - Stable/Prerelease + SemVer 1.0.0
+- `IncludeSemVer2` - Stable + SemVer 2.0.0
+- `IncludePrereleaseAndSemVer2` - Stable/Prerelease + SemVer 2.0.0
+For the package ID `BaseTestPackage.SearchFilters`, the Stable + 1.0.0 document key would be:
+Each document contains a variety of metadata fields originating from the latest version in the application version list
+as well as a field listing all versions. See the
+[`NuGet.Services.AzureSearch.SearchDocument.Full`](../src/NuGet.Services.AzureSearch/Models/SearchDocument.cs) class and
+its inherited members for a full list of the fields.
+Unlisted package versions do not appear in the search index at all.
+## Hijack index
+The hijack index is used by the gallery to fulfill specific metadata lookup operations. For example, if a
+customer is looking for metadata about all versions of the package ID `Newtonsoft.Json`, in certain cases the gallery
+will query the search service for this metadata and the search service will use the hijack index to fetch the
+This index has one document for every version of every package ID, whether it is unlisted or not. The search service
+uses this index to find all versions of a package via the `ignoreFilter=true` parameter including,
+- unlisted packages ([example query](https://azuresearch-usnc.nuget.org/search/query?q=packageid:BaseTestPackage.Unlisted&ignoreFilter=true))
+- multiple versions of a single ID ([example query](https://azuresearch-usnc.nuget.org/search/query?q=packageid:BaseTestPackage.SearchFilters&ignoreFilter=true&semVerLevel=2.0.0))
+The documents in the hijack index are identified (via the `key` property) by a unique string with the following format:
+{sanitized ID/version}-{base64 ID/version}
+The `sanitized ID/version` removes all characters from the `{lowercase package ID}/{lowercase, normalized version}`
+that are not acceptable for Azure Search document keys, like dots and non-ASCII word characters (like Chinese
+characters). This component of the document key is included for readability purposes only.
+The `base64 ID/version` is the base64 encoding of the previously mentioned concatenation of ID and version, encoded
+with UTF-8. This string is guaranteed to be a 1:1 mapping with the lowercase package ID and version and is included
+for uniqueness. The `HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode` API is used for base64 encoding.
+For the package ID `BaseTestPackage.SearchFilters` and version `1.3.0+metadata`, the document key would be:
+Each document contains a variety of metadata fields originating from the latest version in the application version list
+as well as a field listing all versions. See the
+[`NuGet.Services.AzureSearch.HijackDocument.Full`](../src/NuGet.Services.AzureSearch/Models/HijackDocument.cs) class and
+its inherited members for a full list of the fields.
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+# Search auxiliary files
+**Subsystem: Search 🔎**
+Aside from metadata stored in the [Azure Search indexes](Azure-Search-indexes.md), there is data stored in Azure Blob
+Storage for bookkeeping and performance reasons. These data files are called **auxiliary files**. The data files
+mentioned here are those explicitly managed by the search subsystem. Other data files exist (manually created,
+created by the statistics subsystem, etc.). Those will not be covered here but are mentioned in the job-specific
+documentation that uses them as input.
+Each search auxiliary file is copied to the individual region that a [search service](../src/NuGet.Services.SearchService/README.md)
+is deployed. For nuget.org, we run search in four regions, so there are four copies of each of these files.
+The search auxiliary files are:
+ - [`downloads/downloads.v2.json`](#download-count-data) - total download count for every package version
+ - [`owners/owners.v2.json` and change history](#package-ownership-data) - owners for every package ID
+ - [`verified-packages/verified-packages.v1.json`](#verified-packages-data) - package IDs that are verified
+ - [`popularity-transfers/popularity-transfers.v1.json`](#popularity-transfer-data) - popularity transfers between package IDs
+## Download count data
+The `downloads/downloads.v2.json` file has the total download count for all package versions. The total download count
+for a package ID as a whole can be calculated simply by adding all version download counts.
+The downloads data file looks like this:
+ "Newtonsoft.Json": {
+ "8.0.3": 10508321,
+ "9.0.1": 55801938
+ },
+ "NuGet.Versioning": {
+ "5.6.0-preview.3.6558": 988,
+ "5.6.0": 10224
+ }
+The package ID and version keys are not guaranteed to have the original (author-intended) casing and should be treated
+in a case insensitive manner. The version keys will always be normalized via [standard `NuGetVersion` normalization rules](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/concepts/package-versioning#normalized-version-numbers)
+(e.g. no build metadata will appear, no leading zeroes, etc.).
+If a package ID or version does not exist in the data file, this only indicates that there is no download count data and
+does not imply that the package ID or version does not exist on the package source. It is possible for package IDs or
+versions that do not exist (perhaps due to deletion) to exist in the data file.
+The order of the IDs and versions in the file is undefined.
+This file has a "v2" in the file name because it is the second version of this data. The "v1" format is still produced
+by the statistics subsystem and has a less friendly data format.
+The class for reading and writing this file to Blob Storage is [`DownloadDataClient`](../src/NuGet.Services.AzureSearch/AuxiliaryFiles/DownloadDataClient.cs).
+## Package ownership data
+The `owners/owners.v2.json` file contains the owner information about all package IDs. Each time this file is updated,
+the set of package IDs that changed is written to a "change history" file with a path pattern like
+The class for reading and writing these files to Blob Storage is [`OwnerDataClient`](../src/NuGet.Services.AzureSearch/AuxiliaryFiles/OwnerDataClient.cs).
+### `owners/owners.v2.json`
+The owners data file looks like this:
+ "Newtonsoft.Json": [
+ "dotnetfoundation",
+ "jamesnk",
+ "newtonsoft"
+ ],
+ "NuGet.Versioning": [
+ "Microsoft",
+ "nuget"
+ ]
+The package ID key is not guaranteed to have the original (author-intended) casing and should be treated
+in a case insensitive manner. The owner values will have the same casing that is shown on NuGetGallery but should be
+treated in a case insensitive manner.
+If a package ID does not exist in the data file, this indicates that the package ID has no owners (a possible but
+relatively rare scenario for NuGetGallery). It is possible for a package ID with no versions to appear in this file.
+The order of the IDs and owner usernames in the file is case insensitive ascending lexicographical order.
+This file has a "v2" in the file name because it is the second version of this data. The "v1" format was deprecated when
+nuget.org moved from a Lucene-based search service to Azure Search. The "v1" format had a less friendly data format.
+### Change history
+The change history files do not contain owner usernames for GDPR reasons but mention all of the package IDs that had
+ownership changes since the last time that the `owners.v2.json` file was generated. If a package ID is not mentioned in
+a file, that means that there were no ownership changes in the time window. An ownership change is defined as one or
+more owners being added or removed from the set of owners for that package ID.
+Each change history data file has a file name with timestamp format `yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-FFFFFFF` (UTC) and a file
+extension of `.json`.
+The files look like this:
+ "Newtonsoft.Json",
+ "NuGet.Versioning"
+By processing the files in order of their timestamp file name, a rough log of ownership changes can be produced. These
+files are currently not read by any job and are produced for future investigative purposes.
+The package ID key is not guaranteed to have the original (author-intended) casing and should be treated
+in a case insensitive manner.
+The order of the package IDs in the file is undefined.
+## Verified packages data
+The `verified-packages/verified-packages.v1.json` data file contains all package IDs that are considered verified by the [prefix reservation feature](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/nuget-org/id-prefix-reservation). This essentially defines the verified checkmark icon in the search UIs.
+The data file looks like this:
+ "Newtonsoft.Json",
+ "NuGet.Versioning"
+If a package ID is in the file, then it is verified. The package ID is not guaranteed to have the original
+(author-intended) casing and should be treated in a case insensitive manner.
+The order of the package IDs is undefined.
+The class for reading and writing this file to Blob Storage is [`VerifiedPackagesDataClient`](../src/NuGet.Services.AzureSearch/AuxiliaryFiles/VerifiedPackagesDataClient.cs).
+## Popularity transfer data
+The `popularity-transfers/popularity-transfers.v1.json` data file has a mapping of all package IDs that have
+transferred their popularity to one or more other packages.
+The data file looks like this:
+ "OldPackageA": [
+ "NewPackage1",
+ "NewPackage2"
+ ],
+ "OldPackageB": [
+ "NewPackage3"
+ ]
+For each key-value pair, the package ID key has its popularity transferred to the package ID values. The implementation
+of the popularity transfer is out of scope for the data file format. Package IDs that do not appear as a key in this
+file do not have their popularity transferred.
+The package ID keys and values are not guaranteed to have the original (author-intended) casing and should be treated
+in a case insensitive manner.
+The order of the package ID keys and values is case insensitive ascending lexicographical order.
+The class for reading and writing this file to Blob Storage is [`PopularityTransferDataClient`](../src/NuGet.Services.AzureSearch/AuxiliaryFiles/PopularityTransferDataClient.cs).
diff --git a/src/NuGet.Jobs.Db2AzureSearch/NuGet.Jobs.Db2AzureSearch.csproj b/src/NuGet.Jobs.Db2AzureSearch/NuGet.Jobs.Db2AzureSearch.csproj
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+TODO: https://github.com/NuGet/NuGetGallery/issues/8005
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+## Overview
+**Subsystem: Search 🔎**
+This project contains the search service, the microservice for searching NuGet packages. The search service is an
+ASP.NET MVC web application that communicates directly with an existing
+[Azure Search](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/search/) resource in Azure. It can be considered as an adapter
+between clients expecting a NuGet-owned protocol and Azure Search, which returns documents with their own Azure Search
+schema unrelated to NuGet.
+The primary purpose of the service is to provide metadata about packages most relevant to given customer search text.
+However the service has several endpoints meant for a variety of scenarios: both documented REST API contracts as well
+as implementation details for [NuGetGallery](https://github.com/NuGet/NuGetGallery) (a.k.a the gallery) search
+The officially documented endpoints on the search service are:
+- [`/query`](#query---v3-search-endpoint) - an implementation of the NuGet V3 API [Search resource](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/api/search-query-service-resource)
+- [`/autocomplete`](#autocomplete---v3-autocomplete-endpoint) - an implementation of the NuGet V3 API [Autocomplete resource](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/api/search-autocomplete-service-resource)
+Several other endpoints exist as implementation details (i.e. their API surface area is not guaranteed to be stable):
+- [`/search/query`](#searchquery---internal-v2-search-endpoint) - used by the NuGetGallery to fulfill package searches as well some V2 OData queries
+- [`/search/diag`](#searchdiag---diagnostic-information-for-monitoring) - used by monitoring for diagnostic information about a running instance of the service
+- [`/`](#---health-endpoint-for-load-balancers) - used by infrastructure (such as a load balancer) in front of the service to determine if it is healthy, i.e. a health probe
+The search service can be considered a read-only, egress service. The service expects the configured Azure Search
+resource to already be populated with package metadata. The responsibility of the service is to accept user queries,
+map the queries to Azure Search REST API calls, and map the resulting Azure Search documents to a JSON shape that the
+customer expects.
+The search text is the value passed to the `q` parameter on the `/query` and `/search/query` endpoints. This search
+text supports a [basic set of operations](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/consume-packages/finding-and-choosing-packages#search-syntax),
+loosely mimicking a small subset of Lucene syntax.
+No authentication is required for accessing any of the endpoints on the service. All endpoints support HTTP GET, receive
+any parameters via the query string, and return JSON.
+## Multiple service instances ✅
+This service is read-only. Therefore, as many instances of the service can be deployed as desired and there will be no
+concurrency issues. In fact, nuget.org deploys at least 2 instances of the service to 4 distinct Azure regions. Each
+region has its own search service and Azure Search resource (for BCDR reasons).
+The service itself is stateless, depending on external state that is persisted in the configured Azure Search resource.
+## Azure Search indexes
+For more information about the Azure Search indexes that the search service uses, see
+[Azure Search indexes](../../docs/Azure-Search-indexes.md). Both the search and hijack index are used.
+## Auxiliary files
+For more information about all files used by the search subsystem, see [search auxiliary files](../../docs/Search-auxiliary-files.md).
+A subset of the auxiliary files are used by the search service. The files used are:
+ - [`downloads/downloads.v2.json`](../../docs/Search-auxiliary-files.md#download-count-data) - for stitching the latest download count number, per ID and version
+ - [`verified-packages/verified-packages.v1.json`](../../docs/Search-auxiliary-files.md#verified-packages-data) - for the verified boolean
+ - [`popularity-transfers/popularity-transfers.v1.json`](../../docs/Search-auxiliary-files.md#popularity-transfer-data) - for monitoring
+## Endpoints
+All endpoints provided the service exist on the [`SearchController`](Controllers/SearchController.cs).
+### `/query` - V3 search endpoint
+This endpoint is used primarily by Visual Studio Package Manager UI. When user's click "Manage NuGet Packages" in
+Visual Studio and select the "Browse" tab, search will go directly against the search service. As of .NET 5.0, the
+.NET CLI queries the search service via the `dotnet tool search` command to search for packages with package type
+`DotnetTool`. On nuget.org, this endpoint is also heavily used by third party applications and scripts.
+As with all V3 resources, the specific URL that the client uses is discovered from the
+[service index](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/api/service-index). Additionally, this endpoint supports an
+optional `debug=true` parameter which shows the raw Azure Search document and other diagnostic information.
+The parameters and response body are documented in the NuGet V3 API
+[Search resource](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/api/search-query-service-resource) reference.
+This endpoint exclusively uses the [search index](../../docs/Azure-Search-indexes.md#search-index).
+### `/autocomplete` - V3 autocomplete endpoint
+This endpoint is used by the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio for package ID table completion for commands like
+`Install-Package`. Historically, this endpoint was used by the project.json editor in Visual Studio, however this
+scenario is now entirely deprecated.
+As with all V3 resources, the specific URL that the client uses is discovered from the
+[service index](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/api/service-index).
+The parameters and response body are documented in the NuGet V3 API
+[Autocomplete resource](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/api/search-autocomplete-service-resource) reference.
+Additionally, this endpoint supports an optional `debug=true` parameter which shows the raw Azure Search document and
+other diagnostic information.
+This endpoint exclusively uses the [search index](../../docs/Azure-Search-indexes.md#search-index) to enumerate both
+package IDs and package versions.
+### `/search/query` - internal V2 search endpoint
+This endpoint is used by NuGetGallery in several scenarios when the gallery is configured with an external search
+service. Therefore, the contract should be considered unstable by external clients and may change freely to match the
+requirements of NuGetGallery. We strongly urge external applications (even NuGet client) to avoid using this endpoint
+since it should be considered and implementation detail of NuGetGallery. External clients should use the document V3
+Search endpoint and discover the URL via the service index.
+When the NuGetGallery code "hijacks" an OData query to search service instead of going to the SQL database, this
+endpoint is used. Here is a non-exhaustive list of how NuGetGallery endpoints call into search service:
+- V2 API, search
+ - Gallery URL: `/api/v2/Search()?q=%27json%27`
+ - Search URL: `/search/query?q=json&skip=0&take=100&sortBy=relevance&luceneQuery=false`
+ - This is used for package search scenarios much like [V3 search](#query---v3-search-endpoint) when the client is using a V2
+ source URL pointing to NuGetGallery.
+- V2 API, get metadata of all versions of an ID
+ - Gallery URL: `/api/v2/FindPackagesById()?id=%27Newtonsoft.Json%27`
+ - Search URL: `/search/query?q=Id%3A%22Newtonsoft.Json%22&skip=0&take=100&sortBy=created-asc&prerelease=true&ignoreFilter=true`
+ - This is used for package restore scenarios much like the V3 endpoint to [enumerate package versions](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/api/package-base-address-resource#enumerate-package-versions)
+ but when the client is using ta V2 source URL pointing to NuGetGallery.
+- V2 API, get metadata about a specific version
+ - Gallery URL: `/api/v2/Packages(Id='Newtonsoft.Json',Version='9.0.1')`
+ - Search URL: `/search/query?q=Id%3A%22Newtonsoft.Json%22+AND+Version%3A%229.0.1%22&skip=0&take=1&sortBy=created-asc&semVerLevel=2.0.0&prerelease=true&ignoreFilter=true`
+- Gallery UI, search
+ - Gallery URL: `/packages?q=json`
+ - Search URL: `/search/query?q=json&skip=0&take=20&sortBy=relevance&semVerLevel=2.0.0&prerelease=true&luceneQuery=false`
+This endpoint uses both the [search index](../../docs/Azure-Search-indexes.md#search-index) and the [hijack index](../../docs/Azure-Search-indexes.md#hijack-index),
+depending on the `ignoreFilter` parameter.
+#### Request parameters
+Name | Type | Notes
+------------ | ------- | -----
+q | string | The search terms used to filter packages
+skip | integer | The number of results to skip, for pagination
+take | integer | The number of results to return, for pagination
+prerelease | boolean | `true` or `false` determining whether to include prerelease packages
+semVerLevel | string | A SemVer 1.0.0 version string: `1.0.0` or `2.0.0`
+ignoreFilter | boolean | `true` to include unlisted packages and ignore the `prerelease` parameter
+countOnly | boolean | `true` to return only the total count and no metadata
+sortBy | string | Sort results using a specified ordering
+luceneQuery | bool | `true` to treat a `q` starting with `id:` like `packageid:` (yes, it's silly, see [#7366](https://github.com/NuGet/NuGetGallery/issues/7366))
+debug | bool | `true` to shows the raw Azure Search document and other diagnostic information
+If no `q` is provided, all packages should be returned, within the boundaries imposed by skip and take.
+The `skip` parameter defaults to 0. The maximum value is 10000.
+The `take` parameter should be an integer greater than zero. The default value is 20. The maximum value is 1000.
+If `prerelease` is not provided, prerelease packages are excluded.
+The `semVerLevel` query parameter is used to opt-in to
+[SemVer 2.0.0 packages](https://github.com/NuGet/Home/wiki/SemVer2-support-for-nuget.org-%28server-side%29#identifying-semver-v200-packages).
+If this query parameter is excluded, only packages with SemVer 1.0.0 compatible versions will be returned (with the
+[standard NuGet versioning](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/concepts/package-versioning) caveats, such as version strings with 4 integer pieces).
+If `semVerLevel=2.0.0` is provided, both SemVer 1.0.0 and SemVer 2.0.0 compatible packages will be returned. See the
+[SemVer 2.0.0 support for nuget.org](https://github.com/NuGet/Home/wiki/SemVer2-support-for-nuget.org-%28server-side%29)
+for more information.
+The `ignoreFilter` parameter is used to toggle between the search index and the hijack index. Standard package search
+or discovery scenarios by keyword will use `ignoreFilter=false`. Metadata look-up scenarios (mainly for NuGet restore)
+will use `ignoreFilter=true` which allows the metadata of non-latest and unlisted packages to be seen. The `semVerLevel`
+parameter still applies when `ignoreFilter=true` (i.e. not all filters are ignored).
+The `sortBy` parameter supports the following options:
+- `relevance` - sort by relevance, most relevant at the top
+- `lastEdited` - sort by last edited timestamp, descending chronological order
+- `published` - sort by published timestamp, descending chronological order
+- `title-asc` - sort by title, ascending case-insensitive lexicographical order
+- `title-desc` - sort by title, descending case-insensitive lexicographical order
+- `created-asc` - sort by created timestamp, ascending chronological order
+- `created-desc` - sort by created timestamp, descending chronological order
+The `relevance` value is used by default or if the provided value is not supported.
+For `title-asc` and `title-desc`, a package's ID is used if the package has no explicit title value. Given that package
+`title` is no longer prominently shown in NuGet experiences, this sorting order is only maintained for legacy reasons.
+#### Response
+The response is different than the V3 Search response but shares many of the same fields. The fields have slightly
+different names (PascalCase instead of camelCase) and are arranged differently. Some of the main differences are:
+- `/search/query` has the following fields that `/query` does not have:
+ - `Owners` - not present when querying the hijack index
+ - `Version` - the verbatim/original version found in the .nuspec
+ - `Copyright`
+ - `Language`
+ - `ReleaseNotes`
+ - `IsLatest` and `IsLatestStable` - respects the the `semVerLevel` parameter, only interesting when `ignoreFilter=true`
+ - `Listed` - only interesting when `ignoreFilter=true`
+ - `Created` - created timestamp
+ - `Published` - published timestamp
+ - `LastEdited` - last edited timestamp
+ - `FlattenedDependencies` - the package dependencies structured data but as a flat string using a custom encoding
+ - `MinClientVersion`
+ - `Hash` - base64 encoded
+ - `HashAlgorithm`
+ - `PackageFileSize`
+ - `RequiresLicenseAcceptance`
+- `/query` has the following fields that `/search/query` does not have:
+ - `packageTypes` - array of package type objects
+ - `versions` - full list of versions for that package ID
+The `LastUpdated` property has the same value as `Published` for legacy reasons.
+The `Dependencies` and `SupportedFrameworks` fields are always empty arrays because NuGetGallery does not used these
+values but expects the properties to be present.
+#### Sample response
+ "totalHits": 1,
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "PackageRegistration": {
+ "Id": "BaseTestPackage.Unlisted",
+ "DownloadCount": 93,
+ "Verified": false,
+ "Owners": [],
+ "PopularityTransfers": []
+ },
+ "Version": "1.1.0",
+ "NormalizedVersion": "1.1.0",
+ "Title": "BaseTestPackage.Unlisted",
+ "Description": "A package for testing unlisted status.",
+ "Summary": "",
+ "Authors": "jver",
+ "Tags": "",
+ "IsLatestStable": false,
+ "IsLatest": false,
+ "Listed": false,
+ "Created": "2019-07-22T15:48:32.107+00:00",
+ "Published": "1900-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
+ "LastUpdated": "1900-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
+ "LastEdited": "2019-07-22T15:52:43.053+00:00",
+ "DownloadCount": 93,
+ "FlattenedDependencies": "",
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "SupportedFrameworks": [],
+ "Hash": "kRvVPTmvFRa+EaKmYJhitnHbZLexclm3fLtKJGwigbExRlrmOCtYH+zXfGSeuxCE980x3aSgqwM9V5PaNlnFRw==",
+ "HashAlgorithm": "SHA512",
+ "PackageFileSize": 9988,
+ "RequiresLicenseAcceptance": false
+ }
+ ]
+### `/search/diag` - diagnostic information for monitoring
+This endpoint is used to show diagnostic information. This enables the following monitoring scenarios:
+- recent secret reload from KeyVault, via the `Server.LastServiceRefreshTime` property
+- latest catalog data is in the search index, via the `SearchIndex.LastCommitTimestamp` property
+- latest catalog data is in the hijack index, via the `HijackIndex.LastCommitTimestamp` property
+- recent auxiliary file reload, via the `AuxiliaryFiles.Loaded` property
+The other properties are just helpful for live site investigations.
+The contract of the response body is unstable and can change freely over time given the internal monitoring systems
+react to the changes appropriately. External client software should not use this endpoint.
+An HTTP `200 OK` is returned if the minimum dependencies are available for the search service. If there is a problem,
+HTTP `500 Internal Server Error` is returned.
+### `/` - health endpoint for load balancers
+The endpoint internally fetches the same data as `/search/diag` but only returns a simple success boolean.
+An HTTP `200 OK` is returned if the minimum dependencies are available for the search service. If there is a problem,
+HTTP `500 Internal Server Error` is returned.
+## Running the service
+Uses one of the following approaches to modify the `Settings/local.json` file with configuration
+values. Once this configuration files has the settings you'd like, you can launch the service in Visual Studio using
+F5. This will start the service in IIS Express and open your web browser to the running service.
+### Using personal Azure resources
+To use you own resources, you need to initialize the indexes in an Azure Search resource and the auxiliary files in
+Azure Blob Storage. The easiest way to do this is using the [Db2AzureSearch tool](../NuGet.Jobs.Db2AzureSearch/README.md).
+This tool populates the search and hijack indexes in the configured Azure Search resource and initialize the initial
+auxiliary data files. After the tool finished, simply configure the Search Service to point to the same Azure Search and
+Blob Storage container.
+You don't necessarily need to run Catalog2AzureSearch or Auxiliary2AzureSearch since these two jobs keep the indexes and
+auxiliary files up to data after Db2AzureSearch has already initialized the data. For testing, you can typically get by
+with static data that isn't staying up to data all the time.
+The `PLACEHOLDER` values need to match whatever you used when running Db2AzureSearch, except for `SearchServiceApiKey`
+which can be a read-only (query) key instead of the admin key used by Db2AzureSearch.
+The `ApplicationInsights_InstrumentationKey` setting is optional and can be removed.
+You can use different values for `FlatContainerBaseUrl`, `FlatContainerContainerName`, `SemVer1RegistrationsBaseUrl`,
+and `SemVer2RegistrationsBaseUrl` but the impact is low. These settings are just used for building URLs returned in the
+service responses and are not called into at runtime.
+ "ApplicationInsights_InstrumentationKey": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "SearchService": {
+ "AllIconsInFlatContainer": true,
+ "FlatContainerBaseUrl": "https://apidev.nugettest.org/",
+ "FlatContainerContainerName": "v3-flatcontainer",
+ "HijackIndexName": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "SearchIndexName": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "SearchServiceApiKey": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "SearchServiceName": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "SemVer1RegistrationsBaseUrl": "https://apidev.nugettest.org/v3/registration5-semver1/",
+ "SemVer2RegistrationsBaseUrl": "https://apidev.nugettest.org/v3/registration5-gz-semver2/",
+ "StorageConnectionString": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "StorageContainer": "PLACEHOLDER"
+ }
+### Using DEV resources
+The easiest way to run the job if you are on the nuget.org server team is to use the DEV environment resources. This can
+be done by pointing configuration to a DEV Azure Search region and installing the certificate used to authenticate as
+our client AAD app registration into your `CurrentUser` certificate store. You can look up the `PLACEHOLDER` values in
+the internal deployment/configuration repository. The `XXX` is the current index number used in DEV.
+The `ApplicationInsights_InstrumentationKey` setting is optional and can be removed.
+ "ApplicationInsights_InstrumentationKey": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "KeyVault_ClientId": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "KeyVault_CertificateThumbprint": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "KeyVault_ValidateCertificate": true,
+ "KeyVault_StoreName": "My",
+ "KeyVault_StoreLocation": "CurrentUser",
+ "KeyVault_VaultName": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "SearchService": {
+ "AllIconsInFlatContainer": true,
+ "FlatContainerBaseUrl": "https://apidev.nugettest.org/",
+ "FlatContainerContainerName": "v3-flatcontainer",
+ "HijackIndexName": "hijack-XXX",
+ "SearchIndexName": "search-XXX",
+ "SearchServiceApiKey": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "SearchServiceName": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "SemVer1RegistrationsBaseUrl": "https://apidev.nugettest.org/v3/registration5-semver1/",
+ "SemVer2RegistrationsBaseUrl": "https://apidev.nugettest.org/v3/registration5-gz-semver2/",
+ "StorageConnectionString": "PLACEHOLDER",
+ "StorageContainer": "v3-azuresearch-XXX"
+ }
+## Prerequisites
+- **Azure Search**. The search and hijack indexes must already be initialized in the Azure Search resource.
+- **Azure Blob Storage**. Several auxiliary files are read from Blob Storage and reloaded periodically.